School of Social Science

School of Social Science


Crafting knowledge through innovation


Social science is a major category of academic discipline thats concerned with society and its various dynamics.

It not only studies the relationship among individuals but also leads to insights regarding communications approaches and functional strategies to improve the societal mechanism.


Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies and Research (CISRS)

CoursesYearsSemesterEligibility CriteriaMarks Required
BA (Political Science)48Passed/Appeared in 10 + 2 (Stream: Any Stream)50%
BA (Sociology)48Passed/Appeared in 10 + 2 (Stream: Any Stream)50%
MA (Political Science)24Passed/Appeared B.A. (Hons.) in Political Science50%
MA (Sociology)24Passed/Appeared B.A. (Hons.) in Sociology50%
Professor (Dr.) Surajit C Mukhopadhyay

Dean - School of Social Sciences

Ph.D. from Leicester University, UK.


Professor (Dr.) Surajit C Mukhopadhyay is currently the Dean of the School of Social Sciences, at Sister Nivedita University. He has held senior positions in several universities and research institutions in the faculty as well as in administration and has been a member of the apex social science body in India – the Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR). A consultant for several national and international bodies including the government of Switzerland and the Netherlands, he has been actively engaged in field research while serving as a Fellow at the Centre for Studies in the Social Sciences, Calcutta, and has supervised Ph.D. dissertations as well as projects of international interns of UNICEF.

Professor Mukhopadhyay was trained at St. Xavier's College, Calcutta, from where he obtained his undergraduate degree. He did his Master’s and M. Phil at JNU, New Delhi, and was awarded a Ph.D. by Leicester University in the UK, where he was a Commonwealth Staff Scholar. Professor Mukhopadhyay also studied at the University of Oslo in Norway on a NORAD scholarship and has two post-doctoral awards from Paris and New York. He specializes in political Sociology and has published extensively in national and international journals as well as contributed chapters in books on Sociology and Political Sociology. Currently, he is engaged in a book project that he is co-editing with a colleague to be published by Routledge, London.

Founding faculty of the Department of Sociology at the University of Burdwan, West Bengal, Professor Mukhopadhyay has presented papers and lectures in the UK, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Nepal, Russian Federation, France, Costa Rica, South Africa, and Indonesia apart from universities and research institutions in India.

Dr. Kankana Debnath

Assistant Professor & HOD - Political Science

Doctorate and M.Phil. degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and Masters and Bachelors form Jadavpur University


Dr. Kankana Debnath, pursued her Doctorate and M.Phil. degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and her Masters and Bachelors form Jadavpur University, Kolkata. The title of her doctorate thesis is “Role of Regional Organizations in Tackling Climate Change in South Pacific Island Countries, 1997 to 2016”. Her area of expertise is Indo-Pacific Studies and Climate Change. She aspires to work on climate change issues which is a very dynamic issue at present. She has spent a month and a half at University of Hawaii, Manoa and East West Centre, Hawaii, USA researching on climate change effects on South Pacific Islands as part of her doctoral research. She has published papers on various topics and subtopics of the above-mentioned discourses. She has presented papers in both national and international conferences and has fulfilled coordination and management roles in several academic programmes, seminars and conferences held in her alma maters. Being a Korean culture enthusiast she has been a Global Honourary Reporter for, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Republic of Korea from 2022 to 2024.

Prof. Sanchari Chakraborty

Assistant Professor - Political Science

Pursuing Ph.D from the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, M.Phil. from Jadavpur University


Prior to joining the department of Political Science at Sister Nivedita University in the Autumn of 2021, I had been engaged in various teaching assignments at the undergraduate level in the University of Calcutta and West Bengal State University. In the course of these assignments, I taught papers on political theory, international relations and Indian politics and society. Starting in 2022, I am pursuing a Ph.D from the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, where I am researching the ways in which the twin forces of hunger and scarcity shaped West Bengals post-colonial landscape. I have completed my postgraduate degree in political science from Presidency University, Kolkata and thereafter, I went on to Jadavpur University to pursue my M.Phil. My M.Phil. research investigated the Election Commission of India, its interface with the judiciary and civil society in India and the shaping of the ‘postcolonial voter’ in India. Earlier, my masters level research explored the links between the modern state India, education and citizenship construction. In broad terms, my areas of research interest include: political theory, Indian government and politics, global politics and public policy. I have qualified UGC-NET for the position of Assistant Professor in July 2019.

Soumya Saha

Assistant Professor - Political Science

Pursuing PhD from WBNUJS, Kolkata.


Soumya Saha is currently pursuing his PhD at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS), Kolkata. Prior to joining Sister Nivedita University, he has gathered the experience of teaching Political Science papers as a Guest Lecturer in the Department of Law, University of Calcutta, and as a Junior Research Fellow in WBNUJS, Kolkata. He is the founder of the social media academic platform, eSpartacus, which focuses on organizing and conducting academic interviews of scholars, writers and administrators, on issues concerning politics and society. He has also worked as a Research Investigator in the Research Project on “Discoursing the Homeless Elderly: Tropes, Desires and Containment” sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). His research interests include Citizenship Law, Indian Politics and Political Theory, on which he has presented and written papers, book reviews and book chapters.

Sharmin Chowdhury

Visiting Faculty - Political Science

pursuing PhD on the applicability of International Humanitarian Law to Non- International Armed Conflicts from Diamond Harbour Womens University


Sharmin Chowdhury, a Visiting Faculty in the Department of Political Science has completed her M.Phil in Political Science from Jadavpur University on the topic 'Atrocity crimes and the Responsibility to Protect.' She is currently pursuing PhD on the applicability of International Humanitarian Law to Non- International Armed Conflicts from Diamond Harbour Women's University. An erudite scholar of International Relations, her areas of research includes Atrocity crimes, International Criminal Law and Refugee crisis. She has worked as RUSA Project Assistant in Jadavpur University on the "Issues in Global South: Eastern Perspectives", and has actively participated in National and International Seminars and conferences on her interest areas.


Head of Department - Sociology

Completed MA and MPhil in Sociology from Jadavpur University. Cleared UGC NET in 2011. Submitted PHD


Graduated from St. Xavier’s College Kolkata, with Sociology Honors. Completed MA and MPhil in Sociology from Jadavpur University. Cleared UGC NET in 2011. Submitted PHD Thesis on Tattoo: An Inquiry in its Different Dimension at the Department of Sociology, Jadavpur University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Bipul Kumar Bhadra. Before joining Sister Nivedita University, was engaged as State Aided College Teacher, Category – I at Jogamaya Devi College under Calcutta University. I was also engaged as a Visiting Faculty in the Department of Sociology, Rabindra Bharati University and Jadavpur University. Also taught at a Visiting Faculty at West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences. Research Interest is Sociology of Science Technology and Society, Sociology of Crime and Deviance and Sociology of Gender. Life member Indian Sociological Society. Coordinated the Women Entrepreneurship Development Program, Sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, in 2018 at Jogamaya Devi College. Presented papers at various National and International Conferences.

Dr. Nabamita De

Assistant Professor - Sociology

B.A, Sociology Honors (Presidency college, Calcutta University) M.A, M.Phil., PhD (Jadavpur University), B.Ed. (wbuttepa)


I have an experience of more than 12 years, prior joining here, I was the head of the Sociology department of ADAMAS UNIVERSITY. I taught as visiting faculty in JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY and KALYANI UNIVERSITY. I even taught in BANGABASHI COLLEGE as guest faculty. I received prestigious WESTBENGAL STATE FELLOWSHIP for research. My research interest is on Sociology of Religion and Sociology of Health. Conducted various National and International seminars and webinars. Presented papers at various National and International Conferences. Published in different UGC CARE listed and good publication house. Guided two PhD scholars. 


Dr. Priyanka Dutta

Assistant Professor - Sociology

PhD in Sociology with ICSSR doctoral fellowship from the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore.


Dr. Priyanka Dutta has an academic background in Sociology with a focus on gender, labour and development studies. An alumna of the South Point High School, Priyanka has pursued her graduation in Sociology (Hons.) from the Lady Brabourne College, under the University of Calcutta and Post Graduation in Sociology from Calcutta University. She pursued her M.Phil from the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (IDSK) and completed her PhD in Sociology with ICSSR doctoral fellowship from the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore. Her thesis has been endowed with the prestigious M.N. Srinivas Memorial Award for the best PhD thesis in Sociology. A qualitative sociologist by training, she has more than a decade of research and teaching experience in various states across India working at reputed academic institutions and development organizations like St. Xavier’s University Kolkata, Rabindra Bharati University, Basanti Devi College, Department of Law, Calcutta University, Centre for Budget and Policy Studies (CBPS-Bangalore), IFMR, CUTS International, IDSK etc. She has also presented her research work in various seminars and conferences both in India and abroad. Priyanka has also completed a Diploma in Social Work and also has to her credit a four-year diploma in Japanese Language.

Dr. Rikhia Ghoshal

Assistant Professor - Sociology

PhD in Sociology as a UGC NET-JRF scholar in 2021 from Jadavpur University.


Dr. Rikhia Ghoshal, prior to joining the Department of Sociology at Sister Nivedita University was working as the Head of the Department of Arts and Assistant Professor in Sociology at Dr. N.S.A.M First Grade College (NITTE Education Trust), Bengaluru where she has conducted a variety of academic programmes such as conferences and Faculty Development Programmes on a national level. She has completed her PhD in Sociology as a UGC NET-JRF scholar in 2021 from Jadavpur University. The title of her thesis is Changing Forms of Discipline and Punishment: A Study of Schools in Kolkata. She has completed her MA in Sociology from Jadavpur University and BA in Sociology Honours from St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata as the topper of her batch. She has also completed a one-year Diploma in Applied Sociology from Jadavpur University. She has more than eight years of teaching experience in her career in academics. Her interests lie in areas such as Gender, Childhood and Education to name a few. She has many publications in her name and has also been a reviewer for the Middle East Journal of Management, Inderscience Publishers in 2023.


Visiting Faculty - Sociology

Masters Degree in Sociology from Calcutta University


Ms. Sanchita Gangopadhyay pursed her graduation degree in Sociology Honours from Jogamaya Devi College, University of Calcutta. She successfully completed her Masters Degree in Sociology from Calcutta University, securing a first class second position from her department. Ms. Gangopadhyay is a recipient of 2017 The Radhakamal Mukherjee Young Social Scientist Award. .She is currently working as a part- time faculty at Sister Nivedita University and as a guest-faculty at The Heritage College, Kolkata. She has an experience of working as a Head of the Department of Sociology at Loreto College and has served as a guest-lecturer at Asutosh College, Kolkata. She also has an experience of working as a field assistant on a National Project titled ‘Promoting Micro Solar Dome Technology in Tribal Pockets of India with Different Agro-Climatic Condition & Varied Type of Housing’ conducted by NB Institute of Rural Technology under the supervision of Prof. S.P Gonchaudhury & Prof. (Dr.) Bula Bhadra in 2017 & 2018. Her areas of interest are Sociology Childhood & Youth and Sociology of Crime and Deviance.

Currently there is no Notice
CoursesFee During Admission (Including 1st Semester Fee / 1st installment for annual scheme)Fee 2nd semester / 2nd installment onwardsProgram Fees Total
BA (Political Science)6575026750253000
BA (Sociology)6575026750253000
MA (Political Science)6750028500153000
MA (Sociology)6750028500153000


SNU SchoolDepartmentCourseCurriculum Structure & Syllabus
School of Social SciencePolitical Science BA (Political Science)Click To View
School of Social ScienceSociologyBA (Sociology)Click To View
School of Social SciencePolitical Science MA (Political Science)Click To View
School of Social ScienceSociologyMA (Sociology)Click To View
SNU SchoolDepartmentCourseTime Table
SNU SchoolDepartmentCourseOBE Framework

School of Social Science


A major in Sociology provides an ideal background to pursue a range of careers:

Ø  Business careers (management, marketing and advertising, personnel and human relations);

Ø  Criminal justice careers (law enforcement, courts, corrections; juvenile justice);

Ø  Social service careers (social work; counselling, administration, drug rehabilitation; health administration); family services; disability services);

Ø  Careers in social policy, politics and law (attorney, legal investigator, legal assistant, policy advocate, policy analysis, urban planning, philanthropy; public administration, polling, social research);

Ø  Educational careers (college professor; college administrator; university student services; social science teacher; school administrator.)

School of Social Science

Political Science

  • Academicia,Research work;
  • Content writing,Journalism;
  • Civil Services;
  • Lawyers, Human Rights Activists;
  • Policy Analysts; Diplomats,Defence strategists etc.