Schools and Courses

Prof. (Dr.) Aftabuz Zaman

Dean - School of Agricultural Sciences



PROF (DR) A ZAMAN is an internationally renowned scientist specialization with agricultural water management having spectacular career of 39 years. His lifetime and original research contribution in the field of irrigation water management, rainfed agriculture, cropping system, watershed management, dry land agriculture and bio-diversity conservation, to name a few, globally appreciated leading to outstanding teachers in farm universities in India and abroad. A large number original concepts, strategies, techniques a tools those developed which have contributed enormously to agricultural science and benefitted the global society. He served as Irrigation Agronomist and formerly Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Director of Research, Head, Department of Agronomy in Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya [SAU], West Bengal, India. He is a former Chief Scientist in AICRP on Water Management (ICAR) and former Associate Director of Research, Regional Research Station, Old Alluvial Zone (Presently UBKV, Pundibari).

Research Areas: Water Resource and Irrigation Management

         Projects Completed: Project funded by Government of India, ICAR,

Ministry of Water Resources completed

        Projects ongoing: IFFCO and NABARD

         PG Scholars: 50

         PhD Scholars: 8

Prof. (Dr.) Aftabuz Zaman
Faculty Profile
Dr. Biswapati Sinha

Unit Head, HOD and TIC - School of Agricultural Sciences

Ph. D. in Agronomy


Research Expertise:

  • Research expertise on Establishment & build up of conservation agriculture management practices, farmer-crop-environment relations, especially Conservatin Agriculture i.e. resource conservation techniques including use of leaf colour chart, surface residue, weed management practices and Natural Resource Management.
  • Provided knowledge to the farmer about weather forecasting and climate change and learning in constraint of environments.
  • Socio-economic environmental inequality of the poor farmer.


Dr. Biswapati Sinha
Faculty Profile
Dr. Arindam Ghosh

Teacher in Charge (Academic) & Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

Graduation in 2014, M.Sc in 2016, PhD in Agricultural Extension in 2020 from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya.


He has graduated from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia in the year 2014 and completed his M.Sc. (Ag.) and Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension with research experiences on “People’s perception on Waste Management and Its scope for usage in Agriculture” and “Social ecology of waste recycling: The approach, process and impact” in 2016 & 2021 respectively. He has 19 research papers published in peer-review journals with national and international reputes along with 2 books and 10 popular articles. He attended more than 8 international and national conferences and seminars, trainings in his subject area. He got University Merit Scholarship, University Research Scholarship and Young Researcher Award 2021 by Institute of Scholars and recognized as Reviewer of the Journal “International Journal of Management and Social Studies”. He was associated with DAESI programme as a course facilitator at Ashoke Nagar Krishi Vigyan Kendra, North 24 parganas and was Livelihood Expert of CFP project at PRADAN and also have more than one year of Teaching experience at SNU. He has associated with different International Journals as a Reviewer.

Dr. Arindam Ghosh
Faculty Profile
Dr. Shalini Sinha

Teacher in Charge (Examination) & Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

B.Sc (Ag) Hons in 2013; M.Sc (Ag) & Ph.D in Agricultural Economics 2015 & 2019


I aspire to work ingeniously for the enhancement and betterment of education. I am looking forward to utilizing my skills and abilities in the field of teaching and research that will enhance the knowledge of the students as well as It will offer me professional growth while being resourceful and innovative.

I have worked as an Assistant Professor in College of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab from 10.07.2019 to 19.11.2019.

I have also served as a Guest Faculty in renowned universities like Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (Extended campus), Burdwan Sadar, Burdwan,Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, U.P. and Brainware University, Barasat, Kolkata.

I was a Recipient of University Research Scholarship (URS) at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, West Bengal for Ph.D. degree.

Research Experiences

“Socio–Economic Analysis of Impact of Organized Retailing on the Unorganized Sector in West-Bengal”- M.Sc

“Impact of Modern Organized Retailing on Livelihood of Stakeholders of Traditional Retailing – An Economic Study in Kolkata”- Ph.D.

Research Papers

Published 8 research papers, several popular articles in reputed peer reviewed national and international journals, 2 book chapters and a book by published international book publishers.

Dr. Shalini Sinha
Faculty Profile

Teacher in Charge (Training and Placement) & Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

Ph.D. in Soil Science from B.C.K.V


Priyanka Ghatak, completed her doctoral research (Ph.D.) from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (BCKV) on the topic “Impact of Long-term fertilization on soil physical properties” with University Research Scholarship (URS). She did her masters M.Sc (Ag) from BCKV in 2017 on the topic “Studies on Drip Irrigation and Nitrogen Management in Sweet Corn”. She has qualified ASRB-ICAR(NET) in 2017. She has completed B.Sc (Ag) from Uttar Banga Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (UBKV) in 2015.                            She bagged the best poster award on 7th annual convention of SFE on “Agrochemicals for upkeeping environment “organized by B.C.K.V. on 27th Aug, 2020. She is a member of “Indian Society of Soil Science (ISSS). She has more than 3.5 years of teaching experience including at the Centurion University of Technology & Management, Odisha and Seacom Skills University, Birbhum. She has more than 10 research papers, short articles published in national and internationally peer reviewed reputed journals; more than 2 book chapters and patent publication.

Skills and expertise: Soil Science, Soil Physics, Nutrient Analysis, Composting

Faculty Profile
Dr. Sanchari Roy

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

B.Sc. (Ag) Hons. from BCKV in2011, M.Sc (Ag) from BCKV 2013, phD in Plant Pathology from BCKV 2017, NET qualified in the year 2017


Research Achievements

Two years of laboratory and field work on a project entitled with “Morphology and Biochemical Variation of Some Alternaria species Infected on Different Vegetable Crops” during M.Sc.

Three years of research work including field & laboratory work on a project entitled with “Characterization of Different Foliage Infecting Fungal Pathogens of Cowpea under West Bengal condition” during Ph.D.

Research publications

I) First Report of Corynespora cassicola (Berk & M.A. Curtis) C.T. Wei) causing

leaf Spot on Cowpea (Vigna ungiculata.L). Sanchari Roy, Vikas Kumar Ravat

and Amitava Basu. J Mycol Plant Pathol. 45(3): 314.

II) Cultural, morphological and biochemical variations of Alternaria sp causing

diseases on different vegetables. Sanchari Roy and Srikanta Das. J. Mycopathol

Res. 54(1): 29-34.

III) Rice: A new host of Choanephora cucurbitarum in West Bengal Vikas K. Ravat,

Sanchari Roy and Amitava Basu. Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 23(1): 158-199.

IV) Roy, S., Chakraborty, S. and Basu, A. 2017. In vitro Evaluation for Antagonistic

Potential of Some Bio Control Isolates against Important Foliar Fungal

Pathogens of Cowpea. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 6(9): 2998-3011.

V) Seasonal incidence of foliar diseases of cowpea and their eco-friendly

management through shifting of planting time. Sanchari Roy and Amitava

Basu. ISSN:2338-1345- 9(1): 45-57. Available in online

Dr. Sanchari Roy
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

B.Sc. in Horticulture, 2012and and in Pomology and Postharvest Technology, 2014 from UBKV, Ph.D in Fruits and Orchard Management, 2018 form BCKV.


  • I have done Research on “Postharvest Treatments on Storage Life of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) in Himalayan Terai Region of West Bengal” for dissertation of M.Sc. (Hort.) in Pomology and Post-harvest Technology. (2012-2014).
  • I have done Research on “Characterization and Evaluation of hybrids and polyembryonic varieties of Mango under West BengalCondition” for thesis of Ph.D in Fruits and orchard management. (2014-2017).
  • I Worked in National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) project. (2018-2019).
  • I have Given the farmers training in NSDC project. (2018).
  • I Worked in APSSDC project on medicinal and aromatic plants for 10th and 12th class students. (2018).
  • I was Co-guide of M.Sc horticulture Students for the guidance regarding M.Sc thesis. (2018-2019).
  • I have 1 year 10 months Teaching experience in Centurion University of Technology & Management, Odisha. (2017-2019).
  • I have 1year 11 months Teaching experience in School of Agriculture and Allied science, The Neotia University, West Bengal. (2019-2021).


Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

Graduation from VBU in 2012 and M.Sc. (Ag.) in Agricultural Economics from BCKV in 2014 and Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from BCKV in 2019.


Research on “An Economic Study of Growing Rapeseed and Mustard in Burdwan District of West Bengal” for dissertation of M.Sc. (Agriculture) in Agricultural Economics. (2012-2014).

Research on “Socio-Economic Study of Household Livelihood Security in Unorganised Sectors of Bankura District of West Bengal” for thesis of Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics. (2014-2019).

Research is focused on evaluating household livelihood with respect to economic, food, habitat, health, education, social and environmental securities of workers of unorganised sectors such as cultivation of agriculture, agri-business, fish-breeding, handloom and terracotta enterprise, calculation of consumer unit, calorie, protein, fat intake on the basis of nutrition chart based on Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and cost of cultivation of different crops.

Published book “Study of Rapeseed-Mustard in Burdwan District of West Bengal, India” from Lambert Publishing Academy (LAP).

Published 7 research papers in different reputed National and International journals and 12 popular articles.

Presented 6 abstracts in several National and International Conferences, Seminar and Symposium.

Enjoying University Research Scholarship during Ph.D. in B.CK.V, from 2014 to

2017. Enjoying Second position in presentation of Scientific article in the

International Seminar, ACRIL organized by CWSS, BCKV.

Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

B.Sc. (Ag) Hons in 2013; M.Sc. (Ag) & Ph D in Genetics and Plant Breeding in 2015 & 2021 respectively


Gold medalist during M.Sc. INSPIRE fellow during Ph. D.

Research experiences

“Identification of superior alleles for two phosphate deficient tolerance genes in rice” in M.Sc.

“Identification of new alleles and markers for the genes influencing major yield attributing parameters in rice” in Ph.D.

JRF on “Development of abiotic stress tolerant rice for West Bengal condition with special emphasis on drought and P deficiency” at (2015-2016), funded by BRNS-BARC.

Research Papers

Das, D., Sen, P., Purkayastha, S., Saha, A. K., Roy, A., Rai, P., Sen, S., Saha, S., Senapati, B. K., Biswas, T., & Bhattacharyya, S. (2021). A perfect PCR based co-dominant marker for low grain-arsenic accumulation genotyping in rice. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 212, 111960. (First two authors share equal contributions, Impact Factor: 6.2, NAAS: 10.87).

Sen, P., Purkayastha, S., Das, D., Goswami, J., Sen, S., Rai, P., Biswas, T., & Bhattacharyya, S. (2021). Yield-enhancing SPIKE allele from the aus-subtype indica rice and its allele specific codominant marker. Journal of Genetics, 100, 36. (Impact Factor: 1.16, NAAS: 6.99).

Chatterjee, A., Chattopadhyay, T., Maji, A., Sen, P., & Ali, M. N. (2020). A review on conventional and molecular breeding approaches for exploring mechanisms underlying heat stress tolerance in wheat. Journal of Crop and Weed, 16(2), 24-35. (NAAS: 5.28)

Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

Ph. D. in Agricultural Biotechnology (BCKV)


Research experience:

• Evaluation of growth performance of Trichoderma viride on different culture media and its population count from carrier based culture and subsequently its packaging for distribution (under learning through organizational attachment programme during M.Sc.).

• Mites and insects on medicinal plants, assessment of biopesticides and effect of mite feeding on active ingredients (dissertation for M.Sc. in Agricultural Biotechnology; 2013-2015).

• Accelerated microcloning and in vitro elicitation of pharmacologically active ingredients in Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk” (Ph.D. in Agricultural Biotechnology; 2015-2020).


Commercial experience:

• Research Officer at Debgiri Agro Products Pvt. Ltd., managing the tissue culture plant’s mass production, seed production, pure line selection, and seed quality assessment (2019-2021).


Publications (Research and review articles- 13, Book chapters- 4):

Best three are as follows-

• Salma U, Kundu S, Ali MN, Mandal N (2018) Elicitor mediated enhancement of wedelolactone in cell suspension culture of Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 134:409–421 (Impact factor: 2.711; NAAS: 8.20).

• Salma U, Kundu S, Hazra AK, Ali MN, Mandal N (2018) Augmentation of wedelolactone through in vitro tetraploid induction in Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 133:289–298 (Impact factor: 2.711; NAAS: 8.20).

• Kundu S, Salma U, Ali MN, Hazra AK, Mandal N (2018) Development of transgenic hairy roots and augmentation of secondary metabolites by precursor feeding in Sphagneticola calendulacea (L.) Pruski. Industrial Crops & Products 121:206–215 (Impact factor: 5.645; NAAS: 10.24).

Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

Ph.D. in Agronomy from B.C.K.V


Dr. Ananya Ghosh obtained the degree of B.Sc. (Ag.) Hons. in 2014; M.Sc. (Ag.) in 2016 & Ph.D. in Agronomy in 2021 with research title on “Studies on growth and productivity of Rice hybrids under SRI and conventional transplanting” and “Effect of Zinc and Iron on growth, productivity and grain quality of Relay Grass Pea (Lathyrus sativus) in New Alluvial zone of West Bengal”, respectively. Published 12 research papers, in peer-review journals of national and international reputes along with 2 book chapters and 15 Popular Articles. Qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET), ICAR in Agronomy in 2022. Worked as a Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in IFAD-ICARDA project entitled “Enhancing food and nutritional security and improved livelihood through intensification of Rice fallow system with pulse crop in South-Asia (Bangladesh, India and Nepal)”. Attended more than 10 international and national conferences and seminars in the subject area. Received “Young Scientist Award” in “International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine” in 2022.

Faculty Profile
Dr. Aniket Baishya

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

B.Tech (2013) from B.C.K.V. and M.Tech (2018) from I.I.T. Kharagpur. Submitted PhD thesis in 2022.


Dr. Aniket Baishya, qualified both GATE (2016) and NET (2019), has received his B.Tech degree (2013) in Agricultural Engineering from B.C.K.V. and M.Tech (2018) in Land and Water Resources Engineering from I.I.T. Kharagpur. Having more than three years experience of working as a Senior Research Fellow in Centre of Advanced Agricultural Sciences and Technology (CAAST) on Conservation Agriculture (CA) (funded by ICAR-NAHEP and World Bank). PhD thesis focused on improving water use efficiency through
micro-irrigation in different crops, tomato and cabbage in particular, under different conservation agriculture regimes. Having area of expertise includes irrigation, crop modelling, conservation agriculture, agricultural water management, remote sensing and GIS. Submitted PhD thesis in 2022 and awaiting for the award with the doctoral degree.

Published Research Papers: 4; Book Chapter: 1; Attended International and national conference: 3 and Workshop: 4


Dr. Aniket Baishya
Faculty Profile
Dr. Augustina Saha

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

Ph. D (Agronomy)


Dr. Augustina Saha, Ph. D (Agronomy), 2017, NET qualified (2017 & 2021) has worked on research titles “Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Spp.) Varieties and its Residual Effect on Mung Bean (Vigna Radiata L.) Under Terai Region of West Bengal” and "Land Configuration and Nutrient Management for Increased Productivity of Organic Guar Gum in Rainfed Condition". She has an experience of more than four years of working as a Senior Research Fellow under the project “National Innovations for Climate Resilient Agriculture” under Cooch Behar Krishi Vigyan Kendra and Senior Technical Officer (Weed Science) at Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Regional Plant Quarantine Station, Kolkata. Dr. Saha has published a number of research papers in peer-reviewed national and international Journals and Conferences. She also had an experience of working as a Resource Person (Lecturer) on Diploma course in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI), Cooch Behar Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Pundibari, Funded by SAMETI, Narendrapur Ramkrishna Mission. She has achieved the best oral presentation award at the National Conference on “Bioresources Management for Sustenance of Ecosystem and Livelihood” organised by Coochbehar Association for Cultivation of Agricultural Sciences, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, 2015.
Dr. Augustina Saha
Faculty Profile
Dr. Jayita Hore

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences



I aspire to work ingeniously for the enhancement and betterment of education. I seek to utilize my skills and abilities in the teaching and research field that will enhance the knowledge of the students. As well as it will offer me professional growth while being resourceful and innovative. And be a contributor among my peers and to society at large. I was a Recipient of University Research Scholarship (URS) in the department of Agricultural Entomology at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, West Bengal for Ph.D. degree. I have worked as an Assistant Professor in School of Agriculture in Swami Vivekananda University. My Ph.D. research work was on “Biodiversity study of insect fauna associated with banana and development of biointensive module for management of pseudostem weevil, Odoiporus longicollis.”

Research Papers: Published 7 research papers, several popular articles in reputed journals and magazines respectively, 2 book chapters and a book by published renowned publishers.

Dr. Jayita Hore
Faculty Profile

Dean - School of Engineering

PhD in Engineering


DR. Sanku Bose is currently the Group Chief Executive Officer of Techno India Group. Past, Dr. Bose served as President and Global CEO of JK Technosoft (JKT), a holding company of the 140+ year old prestigious US$5Bn+ JK Group, led by the Singhanias. Accomplished, visionary, resourceful and goal-oriented professional with over twenty-eight years of management and technology consulting experience with Big 4 consulting firms and leading organizations globally. Strong transformational leadership ability, with proven expertise in leading business transformation programs for Fortune 500 clients and building and directing highly effective teams. Unique strategist, with a career track record of transforming organizations and supporting critical business operations within diverse industries. Global background, with demonstrated success in delivering multi-million dollar global business transformation programs across 40+ countries.
Sanku is a visionary leader who has the pulse of the business community and the future direction of the companies and more importantly, how to achieve results, in a global diverse environment with myriad issues in a complex value chain. Coupled with that, he has a strong technical acumen as to how to transform every day companies to the fast-growing companies of the future, leveraging the right technology and following the right path to the ideal future state. Also, running a global multi-skilled organization needs a leader with right soft skills, hard resolve and eye for anticipating problems and finding innovative ways to tackle issues, constantly.

Faculty Profile
Prof. Bhabani P. Sinha

Emeritus Professor - computer science & engineering


Bhabani P. Sinha joined the faculty of Electronics Unit of the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta in 1976, where he became a Professor in 1987. He served as the Head of the Advanced Computing and Microelectronics Unit during 1993-2010. He was the Dean of Studies of ISI during 2010-12. He was an Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Chair Professor in IIT Kharagpur during 2000. He was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow of Germany. He received many awards and honours in recognition of his excellent academic performance and outstanding research contributions, the most notable of which include: i) M.K. Singal Memorial award from the Indian Science Congress Association in 2012 (handed over by the Hon’ble Prime Minister), for his significant and lifetime contributions to the development of science and technology, ii) Homi Bhaba award of the University Grants Commission, India (1998) for his outstanding contributions to applied sciences, iii) Ram Lal Wadha Medal from the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India for outstanding original contribution in the field of electronics and telecommunication engineering during the last ten years (2012), iv) Faculty Excellence award of Clemson University, USA (2002), and v) Eminent Engineer award from the Institute of Engineers, India (2008). Prof. Sinha is a Fellow of the IEEE, USA and also a fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Sciences, India, Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering and West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology. His research interests include computer architecture, algorithms, parallel and distributed computing, mobile communication, and wireless networks.

Prof. Bhabani P. Sinha
Faculty Profile
Prof. Atal Chaudhuri

Emeritus Professor - computer science & engineering

PhD (Engg.)


Prof. Atal Chaudhuri born in 1957 in the month of September in Kolkata, passed Higher Secondary Examination in the year 1975 with State rank in Science Stream in the State of West Bengal. Accordingly, he was awarded the National Scholar Certificate and Proficiency Scholarship for outstanding performance in the school leaving examination. Next, he joined Jadavpur University and received the degree of Bachelor of Electronics and Telecommunication in the year 1980 with Distinction Marks. In the same year he joined Post Graduate Course but in between he served DCM Data Products as Field Engineer.
He received his Master of Electronics and Telecommunication Degree with Computer Science specialization in the year 1982 ranking 1st in the said specialization. Next he joined Webel Computers Ltd. as R&D Engineer and worked for one year and finally came back to Jadavpur University for his keen interest in research and academics.
Next he joined Jadavpur University as Project Engineer and received UNIDO fellowship in the year 1984 for visit to West German and USA for studying the state of art automation appropriate for Indian context. After returning he joined Jadavpur University as lecturer in the year 1985. Shortly he was promoted to the post of Associate. Professor in the year 1989. He also received his PhD (Engg.) degree in the same year for his thesis “An Approach Towards the Analysis and Design of Network Protocols using Petri Net Models”. Finally he was promoted to the post of Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering of Jadavpur University in the year 1997. He has completed more than 35 years of Teaching at University level. He also served as Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (2006-2008), which is a rotational assignment. He served as Vice Chancellor for Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, Sambalpur, Odisha State funded unitary Technology University (apprx. 70 years old). He was also deputed to the post of Dean, faculty of Engineering & Technology, Jadavpur University.
He has over 140 publications at both National and International level. Till date sixteen scholars have been awarded PhD degree under his guidance.
His field of interest is Mobile ad-hoc network, Information security, Fault Tolerant Architecture, Decimal Architecture, Vedic Mathematics, Reversible Logic, Green Computing, etc. He has a copyright on software developed for Automated Braille Printer and designed Computerized Braille Press for Blind Boy’s Academy, Narendrapur Ramakrishna Mission, West Bengal. He served as an active member of the Technical Committee for conducting and counseling State Level Joint Entrance Examination for admission to Engineering and Medical Courses. He served as an Expert (currently as Chairman) for AICTE, NAAC, UGC, and NBA teams for accreditation and assessment of various institutions across the country for the last 30 years.
Prof. Atal Chaudhuri
Faculty Profile
Dr. Debasis Mazumdar

Senior Professor - computer science & engineering


Dr. Debasis Mazumdar Joined Sister Nivedita University on Feb. 2023 as the Senior Professor of the Department of Computer Science after his superannuation from CDAC Kolkata as the Director of the center. Prof. Debasis Mazumdar is an active researcher in the area of Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and cognitive science. He has significant contributions in the area of bio-plausible algorithms and information geometry with applications in computer vision. During his 30 years of professional career, he published 8 scientific papers in journals and 20 papers in international conferences of high impact factor. He is also co-author of a book chapter entitled Facial Expressions: A Cross-Cultural Study, published through Advances in Emotion Recognition, John Wiley & Sons Publication. In his working years at the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Govt. of. India he received the prestigious Director General R&D Awards twice for his significant contributions to technology development. Besides he is endowed with 4 national and one US patent and was editor of two proceedings of international conferences (PERMIN) published through Springer and ACM. He also received a UNDP fellowship and worked as a visiting scientist at the University of Bremen, FRG, being awarded with Japan Science and Technology fellowship (JST) he worked as a visiting scientist at NICT Japan and Kyoto University Japan. He also visited Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, University of Florida and Steven Institute of Technology, USA, Queen’s University, Belfast, U.K. He served as the Director of CDAC Kolkata. Government of India. Currently, his research interest is Information Geometry Neurocomputing.
Information Geometry Neurocomputing.

Dr. Debasis Mazumdar
Faculty Profile

Associate Professor and HOD - computer science & engineering

PhD in Engineering (Calcutta University)


Dr. Anirban Mitra received his Bachelor of Science (Honors) degree in Computer Science in 2005. He completed his Master of Science in Computer Science (2007) and Master of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering (2009) from the University of Calcutta, India. In 2021, he was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) for his research in Medical Image Processing, with his thesis titled “Glaucoma Analysis & Detection from Retinal Images.” Currently, Dr. Mitra serves as the Professor and Head of the Department of Computer Science, Sister Nivedita University. From 2009 to 2021, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the Academy of Technology. His research interests include Medical Image Processing, Geometric Algebra, Cryptography, and IoT. He has published numerous conference and journal papers under IEEE, ELSEVIER, SPRINGER, and other reputed proceedings in the fields of Image Processing, Video Processing, and Clifford Algebra. Additionally, he holds multiple patent designs. Under his supervision, the project "A Secured Child Care System Using RFID in IoT" (Project ID: DUG2017031), funded by IEI (2017–2018), was successfully completed. Dr. Mitra has played a pivotal role in organizing prestigious academic conferences and workshops. He served as the Convener of the IEEE Third International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control, and Information Technology (C3IT-2015), Joint Convener of FOSET 2023, Web Chair of COMSYS 2023, and Publicity Chair of COMSYS 2023. 

He has received several prestigious accolades, including: 

  • Dynamic Educator of the Year 2022, awarded by Nikhil Bharat Shiksha Parisad
  • Mentor for Smart India Hackathon 2018, awarded by AICTE
  • Expert for Smart India Hackathon 2022, awarded by AICTE.


Additionally, he has conducted a UGC-sponsored workshop on syllabus drafting for the "Web Designing and Development" course at Derozio Memorial College under the Community College Scheme. In recognition of his academic contributions, he was nominated as a Distinguished Visiting Professor at SVCIT, China, for the Autumn session of 2024-2025.

Faculty Profile
Dr. Saikat Maity

Professor - computer science & engineering

B.Tech., CCNA, M.Tech., Ph.D(CS Engineering), Strategic Leadership, London School of Business Administration


Dr. Saikat Maity is associated with Sister Nivedita University, New town now and was formerly associated with TransStadia Education and Research Foundation Ahmedabad, Gujarat as Program Director. Associated as a Professor and Head of the Computer Science and Engineering Department of JIS University with a total of 24 years of work experience. He has obtained B.TECH in Computer Science and Engineering from Kalyani University and done M.TECH in Computer Science and Engineering from Calcutta University. He pursued Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Howrah. His main area of experience has been best practices in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He is working primarily in the domain of networking and multimedia Soft computing and Image Processing technologies. His managerial forte is to act as a Coordinator of AICTE and UGC and NBA accreditation and Brand Ambassador of IIC and Incubation Centre establishment for self-financed Universities along with Industry Academia program initiation. He is also designated as Tech Head of maintaining PARAM SHAVAK, A Supercomputer from CDAC to work with Onama, CHReME and Ganglia. He is also a board member of the Academic Council, JIS University. Dr. Maity is in charge of Digital Learning through Web Medium through Myperfectice and Zoom along with Cisco Webex and Audio Visual Head. He is also CCNA professional and also Fellow IE, Senior Member IEEE, Senior Member IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society, Life Member of ISTE, CSI, ICS, Member ACM. Dr. Maity has successfully done the collaborative work with University of Jaen, SPAIN NCSSS, INDIA CDAC, Bangalore, INDIA Roman-American University, ROMANIA NDLI Club, IIT KGP, INDIA Inflibnet, Gandhinagar, UGC, INDIA IIC, MHRD, INDIA KAPILA, MHRD, INDIA AICTE, INDIA UGC, INDIA and Protiviti, INDIA. He has bagged special mentions like IIC Advanced Brand Ambassador, MHRD, INDIA FEP by Infosys, INFY TQ by Infosys LFH by HCL Limited. He is also an Honorary Adjunct Senior Research Scientist NeuroLabs International under Dana Brain Health Institute, Iran Former Visiting Professor, at Roman American University, Bucharest Honorary Adjunct Scientist and Fellow of SIRG, Egypt Research Collaborator, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore. He has 40+ research papers in reputed journals and 5 book chapters along with 10 patents in hand.

Dr. Saikat Maity
Faculty Profile
Dr. Rana Majumdar

Professor - computer science & engineering

MCA, M. Tech, Ph.D. (CSE)


Dr. Rana Majumdar is a Professor at Sister Nivedita University, Techno India Group, Kolkata. He has authored numerous research publications indexed by SCI, ESCI, SCIE, SCOPUS, and SCIamgo at various national and international levels. His published textbooks, "Accessing WLAN", "Data Structure", and "Cyber security" are available online at HSRA Publications, along with a few edited book chapters. Additionally, he serves as an editor for conference proceedings. Dr. Majumdar has been credited with fourteen patents and one copyright and is actively involved with professional associations such as IET, IAENG, SREQAM, and ISTE. He has been nominated by Marques Who's Who, IET (U.K.), InSc, and Forex for his contribution to the field of education.

Dr. Majumdar's research areas include digital image and video processing, computer vision, software reliability engineering, and data analytics. He has chaired/co-chaired approximately 30 international conferences in India and abroad and has edited four book volumes as a co-editor. Currently, two of his authored books are in press. Since 2018, he has been serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the IJEAST International Journal and is also on the editorial board of journals under Inder Science, Springer, Bentham, ScholarOne, etc. Publishers.

Four of Dr. Majumdar's conference papers have received the "Best Paper Award" in International Conferences Confluence 2011, ICRITO 2017, MIDAS2020, and AIST 2021. He is a Senior Member of SREQAM and has served in the IET Student Chapter as a Coordinator and Chair of the IET Young Professional Affinity Group for the Year 2016-17. In addition, he has been nominated by InSc. for the Academic Excellence Award for the academic year 2020-21.

Dr. Majumdar has received the "Shiksha Samman 2022" certificate of appreciation from Nikhil Bharat Shiksha Parisad 2022, the "Education Enthusiast 2022" certificate of appreciation from All India Eminent Council of Engineering Management & Technology 2022, and the "Best Researcher of the Year 2022" award from NSBP NITI AAYOG Govt. of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Govt. of India. He has also been awarded the "Eminent Educator 2024" certificate of appreciation from NBSP and the "Most Promising Researcher 2024" from NBSP in association with Institute of Engineers (India), IEI Kolkata 12th May 2024.

Dr. Rana Majumdar
Faculty Profile
Dr. Soumi Dutta

Associate Professor - computer science & engineering

Ph.D(CST), IIEST, Shibpur. B.Tech(IT) and M.Tech(CSE) securing 1st position (Gold medallist), from MAKAUT.


Dr. Soumi Dutta is Associate Professor at Sister Nivedita University (SNU) at New Town, Kolkata, India. She has completed her Ph.D(CST), IIEST, Shibpur. She received her B.Tech(IT) and M.Tech(CSE) securing 1st position (Gold medallist), from MAKAUT. She is certified as Publons Academy Peer Reviewer, 2020 and Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator, 2020. Her research interests are Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Online Social Media Analysis and Image Processing. She has published more than 40 conference and journal papers in Springer, IEEE, IGI Global, Taylor & Francis etc. She has 25 Book  and Book Chapters in Taylor & Francis Group and IGI Global. She is peer reviewer and TPC member in different international journals. She is an active member of several technical functional bodies such as ACM, IEEE, IFERP, MACUL, SDIWC, Internet Society, ICSES, ASR, AIDASCO, USERN, IRAN, IAENG. She has published 8 patents and 1 copyright. Dr. Soumi Dutta has delivered 37 Keynote talks in Different International Conferences. She has been awarded with Rashtriya Shiksha Ratna Award, InSc Research Education Excellence Award, International Teacher Award 2020-21 by the Ministry of MSME, Government of India.

Dr. Soumi Dutta
Faculty Profile
Dr. Abhishek Bhattacharya

Associate Professor - computer science & engineering

Ph.D (CSE), BIT, Mesra


Dr. Abhishek Bhattacharya is Associate Professor at Sister Nivedita University, India. He has completed his Ph.D (CSE), BIT, Mesra. He is certified as Publons Academy Peer Reviewer, 2020. His research interests are Data Mining, Cyber security and Mobile Computing. He has published 55 conference and journal papers in Springer, IEEE, IGI Global, Taylor & Francis etc. He has 3 Book Chapters in Taylor & Francis Group EAI. He is a peer reviewer and TPC member in different international journals. He was the editor in IEMIS 2020, IEMIS 2018, IEMIS 2022, ICIDA 2022, ICIDA 2023, CIIR 2023 and special issues in IJWLTT. He is the member of several technical functional bodies such as IEEE, IFERP, MACUL, SDIWC, Internet Society, ICSES, ASR, AIDASCO, USERN, IRAN, IAENG. He has published 3 patents and  15 books.

Dr. Abhishek Bhattacharya
Faculty Profile
Dr. Souvik Pal

Associate Professor - computer science & engineering

B. Tech., M. Tech., Ph. D


Dr. Souvik Pal is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Sister Nivedita University (Techno India Group), Kolkata, India. Prior to that, he was associated with Global Institute of Management and Technology; Brainware University, Kolkata; JIS College of Engineering, Nadia; Elitte College of Engineering, Kolkata; and Nalanda Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India. Dr. Pal received his MTech, and PhD degrees in the field of Computer Science and Engineering from KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. He has more than a decade of academic experience. He is author or co-editor of more than 22 books from reputed publishers, including Elsevier, Springer, CRC Press, and Wiley, and he holds three patents. He is serving as a Series Editor for “Advances in Learning Analytics for Intelligent Cloud-IoT Systems”, published by Scrivener-Wiley Publishing (Scopus-indexed); “Internet of Things: Data-Centric Intelligent Computing, Informatics, and Communication”, published CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA; “Conference Proceedings Series on Intelligent Systems, Data Engineering, and Optimization”, published CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA; Dr. Pal has published a number of research papers in Scopus / SCI/SCIE Journals and conferences. He is the organizing chair of RICE 2019, Vietnam; RICE 2020 Vietnam; ICICIT 2019, Tunisia. He has been invited as a keynote speaker at ICICCT 2019, Turkey, and ICTIDS 2019, 2021 Malaysia. He has also served as Proceedings Editor of ICICCT 2019, 2020; ICMMCS 2020, 2021; ICWSNUCA 2021, India. His professional activities include roles as Associate Editor, Guest Editor, and Editorial Board member for more than 100+ international journals and conferences of high repute and impact. His research area includes cloud computing, big data, internet of things, wireless sensor network, and data analytics. He is a member of many professional organizations, including MIEEE; MCSI; MCSTA/ACM, USA; MIAENG, Hong Kong; MIRED, USA; MACEEE, New Delhi; MIACSIT, Singapore; and MAASCIT, USA.

Dr. Souvik Pal
Faculty Profile
Dr Swarup Kr Ghosh

Associate Professor - computer science & engineering

Ph.D, M.Tech


Dr. Swarup Kr Ghosh is presently working as an Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. He received the Ph.D. from MAKAUT in the year 2023. Dr. Ghosh also received Master of Technology from the University of Calcutta. His teaching experience comprises 10 years and 11 years in research. He has published more than 37 research articles in various reputed journals (SCI/SCIE/ESCI) and conference proceedings. He is also a reviewer of some reputed journals like IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE Access, Artificial Intelligence Review—Springer, Multimedia Tools and Applications—Springer, IET system biology, IET image processing, The Computer journal- Oxford Academic. His research interests include Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Medical Imaging, Machine Learning, Data Science and Soft Computing. He was previously associated as Assistant professor in some prestigious institutes like National Power training Institute (ER) Durgapur. He was also research assistant in Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata.

Dr Swarup Kr Ghosh
Faculty Profile
Dr. Parthasarathi De

Associate Professor - computer science & engineering

PhD degree in Engineering from the National Institute of Technology Agartala


Dr. Parthasarathi De is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Sister Nivedita University (Techno India Group) in Kolkata, India. Previously, he held the position of Associate Professor at Narula Institute of Technology and Assistant Professor in the Department of CSE at National Institute of Technology Agartala. Dr. De obtained his PhD degree in Engineering from the National Institute of Technology Agartala. With over 15 years of academic experience and 5 years of industry experience, he has established himself as a seasoned professional in his field. Dr. De has an impressive portfolio of more than 25 publications in renowned journals such as SCI/SCOPUS and various reputed journals. His research expertise lies in the areas of Image Processing and Computer Vision.

Dr. Parthasarathi De
Faculty Profile
Dr. Indranil Sarkar

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

PhD in Information Technology


Dr. Indranil Sarkar is presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. He also served as assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Christian College of Engineering & Technology, Bhilai, Chhatisgarh. He has earned a Ph.D degree from National Institute of Technology, Raipur, India in 2022. He has also received his B.Tech and M.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, formerly known as West Bengal University of Technology, in 2013 and 2015, respectively. He has multiple SCI and Scopus publications in reputed journals and conferences.

His research interests include Wireless Communications and Networking, Fog Computing, Edge Computing, Machine learning and Deep learning.

Dr. Indranil Sarkar
Faculty Profile
Dr. Soma Datta

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

B. Sc., B. Tech., M. Tech., Ph. D.


Dr. Soma Datta is presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. She has completed her MTech (CSE), M.Sc. (CSE) B.Sc.(Hons. – CSE) from University of Calcutta. She has worked as a System Analyst for more than five years in Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. She has nine years of research experience and one year of teaching experience. She has also received Visvesvaraya Ph.D. fellowship sponsored by DST ; Government of India. She published more than 20 papers in reputed journals and conferences. She presented papers in different prestigious international conferences. She has also reviewed many reputed journal papers in her domain. Her research interests are Biomedical image analysis, Document image analysis and Pattern Recognition.

Dr. Soma Datta
Faculty Profile
Dr. Ankita Dhar

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

Ph.D. in CS from West Bengal State University, M.Sc. (Gold Medalist) in CS, B.Sc. in CS from East Calcutta Girls’ College


Dr. Ankita Dhar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Sister Nivedita University (Techno India Group), Kolkata, India. Prior to that, she was associated with Brainware University, Kolkata. Ankita Dhar has completed B.Sc. in Computer Science from East Calcutta Girls’ College; M.Sc. (Gold Medalist) in Computer Science and PhD in Computer Science from West Bengal State University respectively. She has presented/published around 40 plus research papers in reputed journals and conferences. Her research interest includes Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Audio Signal Processing and Machine Intelligence.

Dr. Ankita Dhar
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

M.Tech (CSE), PhD (Pursuing) in Engineering


Mousumi Bhattacharyya is presently working as an Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. She is pursuing Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Sister Nivedita University. She received the Master of Technology in Computer Technology from Jadavpur University in 2009. She has 18 years of teaching experience. She is a member of CSI chapter, in Kolkata. Her research area is sentiment analysis, deep learning and machine learning.

Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

M.Tech (IT), PhD in Engineering


Dr. Asmita Roy did her M.Sc in Computer Science from St. Xaviers College, Kolkata. She received a M.Tech degree in Information Technology from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology. She is a Silver medalist from the University. She was awarded the Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP) (a Govt. of India project assisted by the World Bank) scholarship for carrying out her PhD. work from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal. She served the University as a Research Assistant in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering for 3 years. She completed her PhD from the same University.

She was previously associated as Assistant Professor in some of the University affiliated colleges. She has an adequate experience in teaching students of different disciplines. She has a rich research portfolio with over 20 published articles in international journals and conferences of leading publishing houses like Elsevier, IEEE, Springer and ACM with impact factor as high as 5.570. During her tenure as Research Assistant, she was associated with Network Security project under Information Security Education and Awareness (ISEA) Phase – II, a MeitY funded project. Her research interests are Cloud Computing, Cognitive radio and Mobile network optimization.

Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

M. Tech. (IT), PhD in Engineering


Dr. Sadip Midya has done his M.Tech in Information Technology from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal (Formerly WBUT). He has also received a M.Sc degree in Computer Science from St.Xaviers College, Kolkata. He was appointed as a Research Assistant from 2017 to 2021, under the Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP) (a Govt. of India project assisted by the World Bank) at Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, where he registered for completing his Phd Degree in Computer Science and Engineering. He has been awarded the PhD degree from the University. His research areas include Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, Internet of Vehicles and Vehicular Clouds.

Dr. Midya has taught for 3 years in a Calcutta University affiliated college as Guest Lecturer in the Computer Science Department. He developed a keen interest towards research during his M.Tech days where he authored as many as 6 international conference papers and 1 national conference paper in the final year of his M.Tech degree. He was also awarded a minor project grant from TEQIP for continuing his research on “Efficient Handoff management in Vehicular Adhoc Networks”. He has worked on Nature Inspired Algorithms and their applications in the domain of Internet of Vehicles and Vehicular Clouds. He has authored over 20 publications in several international journals and conferences.

Faculty Profile
Aritra Ghosh

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

pursuing his PhD in Computer Science from Florida Atlantic University, USA, Master of Science from Texas A&M University-Kingsville, USA in 2015.


Aritra Ghosh joined Sister Nivedita University in January 2024 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. He completed his B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering under MAKAUT. After that, he completed his Master of Science from Texas A&M University-Kingsville, USA in 2015. He has more than a decade of research experience as a research scholar in various Computer Science domains. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD in Computer Science from Florida Atlantic University, USA. He is the author or co-editor of more than 13 journals/conferences from reputed publishers, including MDPI Information, Springer Nature, and IEEE proceedings. He has 2 book chapters in his credit. He has attended several workshops conducted by the National Science Foundation (NSF), USA, AICTE, Microsoft, IBM, and the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur under the NPTEL program. He was a member of the editorial board/ review committee including the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), IASIR Journal, ICSOFT’19, and IEEE SouthEastCon’19. His research interests are data analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning, human-computer interaction, computational modeling and big data, and web development.

Research Profile

LinkedIn Profile

Aritra Ghosh
Faculty Profile
Basudev Saha

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

M.Tech (IT)


Basudev Saha received his B.Sc in Computer Science fromUniversity of North Bengal, Siliguri, India. He did his MCA and M.Tech in InformationTechnology from University of Calcutta, India. His researchinterests include Microfluidic System, Digital Microfluidic-Biochips, Machine Learning and DeepLearning.

Basudev Saha
Faculty Profile
Subhra Halder

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering



Subhra Halder is an Assistant Professor at Sister Nivedita University. She received her B.Tech and M.Tech degrees in Computer Science and Engineering. She has 6 years of industrial experience and 2 years of academic experience.

Subhra Halder
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering



Dr. Alamgir Sardar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science Engineering (School of Engineering) at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India. He has completed 5-year Integrated Master of Science in Computer Science in 2013 from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Aliah University, Kolkata. He has been awarded PhD degree in March 2024 from the same university. He has also received the Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF) by UGC for his PhD tenure. He has qualified UGC-NET 6 times and GATE. He has published 9 research papers (8 SCI and 1 Scopus indexed) in reputed journals. He also presented 2 conference papers, one of which has been published as Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Moreover, he has published 1 US patent. His research interests include Biometrics, Biometric template security, Machine learning, and Deep Learning.

Faculty Profile
Debasmita Bhoumik

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

Pursuing a PhD from Indian Statistical Institute, M.Tech. and B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Calcutta


Debasmita Bhoumik pursuing a PhD from Indian Statistical Institute focusing on using machine learning to improve quantum error correction, and efficient orchestration of quantum circuits for improvement of hardware throughput. During PhD, she worked as a research intern at IBM Quantum, IBM India Research Lab, where was her focus was on training LLM models to automate and speed up quantum solutions. She received the Gold Medal for her B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Bethune College, and henceforth pursued B.Tech and M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Calcutta. She has served as a visiting faculty at Asutosh College, affiliated to Calcutta University, for 2 years. Her research interests are in machine learning, artificial intelligence, quantum computing. She had presented her research in more than 20 international SCI/Scopus indexed journals and conferences. She was also a reviewer of many prestigious international conferences and member of organizations like IEEE and APS

Debasmita Bhoumik
Faculty Profile
Sourajit Maity

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

Pursuing a doctoral degree at Jadavpur University, M.Tech in computer science from Jadavpur University and B.Tech from Makaut University.


Sourajit Maity is pursuing a doctoral degree at Jadavpur University, where he is researching how to better identify and classify vehicles using computer vision and deep learning techniques. In addition, he works on medical image analysis and categorization of diseases including lung, oral, and skin cancer. His areas of interest in research are deep learning, computer vision, IOT, medical image analysis, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. He had presented his research in more than 12 international SCI/Scopus indexed journals and conferences. In addition, he served as a reviewer for several esteemed international conferences and was a part of Springer and Elsevier. Additionally, he organizes competitions based on waste management, categorization, and meteorological information under unfavorable conditions. He graduated with a B.Tech from Makaut University and an M.Tech in computer science from Jadavpur University.

Sourajit Maity
Faculty Profile
Aritra Sinha

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

Pursuing a Ph.D. at NIT Mizoram, focusing on antenna optimization, M.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from MAKAUT.


Aritra Sinha is an assistant professor in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at Sister Nivedita University. His academic journey started with a Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. He continued his studies by earning a B.Tech and M.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from MAKAUT, specializing in Mobile Communication and Network Technology.
Currently, Aritra is pursuing a Ph.D. at NIT Mizoram, focusing on antenna optimization. His research integrates Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning to enhance antenna design.
Aritra's passion for computer science stems from its potential to transform communication technology. He brings this combined expertise and enthusiasm to Sister Nivedita University, where he aspires to inspire and guide the next generation of engineers.

Aritra Sinha
Faculty Profile
Kritanta Saha

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

Pursuing PhD at the Indian Statistical Institute, M.Tech. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Calcutta.


Kritanta Saha is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Sister Nivedita University in Kolkata. He is also pursuing a PhD at the Indian Statistical Institute, focusing on Machine Learning Approaches in VLSI Physical Design Automation for Next Generation ICs. He has been awarded the TCS Research Scholar Program Scholarship (Cycle 15) from July 2019 to June 2023. He received his M.Tech. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Calcutta. Additionally, he holds an M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College and a B.Sc. honours degree in Computer Science from West Bengal State University. He qualified UGC NET for Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Applications in 2018 and cleared the GATE Examination in Computer Science and Information Technology in 2015.

Kritanta Saha
Faculty Profile
Biswaroop Maiti

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering


Research Focus: Theoretical Computer Science, in particular Algorithms in various multidisciplinary contexts. Published in Approx/Random, FOCS. Past corporate experience as SAP Consultant at IBM.
Biswaroop Maiti
Faculty Profile
Arkaprava Das

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

M.Tech in CSE from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology


I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Sister Nivedita University. My academic journey began with a B.Tech in Information Technology from Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College, followed by an M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology. My research focuses on bioinformatics, particularly in the areas of disease prediction, cancer detection, and predicting protein-protein interactions using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). Beyond my research, I have a strong background in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Bioinformatics, having conducted multiple workshops in these areas. In addition to my academic pursuits, I am also a skilled MERN stack developer and Android app developer, which allows me to bridge the gap between theoretical research and practical application. I am dedicated to contributing to advancements in both academic and industry.
Arkaprava Das
Faculty Profile
Pritam Goswami

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

B.Sc. in Mathematics from Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (2015) and M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics from the University of Calcutta (2017)


Pritam Goswami, currently an assistant professor at the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sister Nivedita University, holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics from Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (2015) and an M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics with a focus on cryptography as a special paper from the University of Calcutta (2017). He joined Tata Consultancy Services as a Backend Java Developer for the period january, 2018-October, 2018. After clearing the CSIR-UGC NET in Mathematics, he began his Ph.D. at Jadavpur University in 2019. His research area is distributed algorithms for mobile agents and swarm robot algorithms which is an interdisciplinary subject between mathematics and computer science. He has published on International Journals of SCIE index and Several International national conferences as SSS, SAND, ICDCN, ICARA, ICDCIT etc. He has visited UCA ( University of Clermont Auvergene) at Clermont-Ferrand, France and delivered a talk there. He has also presented one of his paper at IIT Kanpur at the department of CSE.

Research Interest: Distributed Graph algorithms, Computational Geometry, DIstributed Algorithms for mobile agents. You can find about his research works in the following links.


Google Scholar:


His personal Webpage is

Pritam Goswami
Faculty Profile
Dr. Sayani Mondal

Assistant Professor - computer science & engineering

Ph. D.


Dr. Sayani Mondal holds a B.Tech degree in Computer Science from West Bengal University of Technology, an M.Tech from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, and a Ph.D. from IIT Kharagpur, completed in 2022. Along with approximately nine years of teaching experience, she has gained knowledge and explored the fields of Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Her research also explores the potential of emerging technologies like Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) to enhance user experiences. Dr. Mondal has authored articles published in conferences and journals, reflecting her contribution to technological advancement.

Dr. Sayani Mondal
Faculty Profile
Susmita Sen

Technical Assistant - computer science & engineering

M.Sc (CS)


Ms. Susmita Sen is presently working as a Technical Assistant in the Department Of Computer Science at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. She has completed the Master of Science in Computer and Information Science from University of Calcutta in 2019. She also received the graduation in Computer Science from Acharya Prafulla Chandra College in 2017. Her Teaching experience Comprises above 4 years and 08 months.

Professional Profile: LinkedIn

Susmita Sen
Faculty Profile
Anjan Sar

Technical Assistant - computer science & engineering

B.SC, Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application, DOEACE O Level


Anjan Sar Technical Assistant, Department of Computer Science. Anjan Sar is a dedicated Technical Assistant in the Department of Computer Science at Sister nevedita University , where he has been contributing since 2022. With a background in Computer Science & engineering, Anjan Sar a vital role in supporting both faculty and students through his expertise in laboratory management, equipment maintenance, and technical instruction. Anjan holds a Bachelor of Science from Burdwan University and Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application from Alagappa University .His Fifteen years hands-on experience with advanced engineering tools and software, coupled with his commitment to fostering a practical learning environment, ensures that students receive the highest quality technical support. Beyond his technical skills, Anjan is known for his problem-solving abilities, meticulous attention to detail, and enthusiasm for keeping up with the latest advancements in engineering technology. He is passionate about enhancing the educational experience and is always ready to assist with complex projects and innovative research initiatives.

Anjan Sar
Faculty Profile
Pourabi Sengupta

Technical Assistant - computer science & engineering



Pourabi Sengupta
Faculty Profile
Kaushik Dey

Technical Assistant - computer science & engineering



I am Kaushik Dey.I have graduated from Siliguri Institute of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering. I have joined SNU as Technical Assistant on 21st August,2021

Kaushik Dey
Faculty Profile
Biswajit Saha

Technical Assistant - computer science & engineering

B.Tech In CSE


I am currently working as a Technical Assistant in the Department Of Computer Science at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. I have completed B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Calcutta in the year 2019. I have also completed B.Sc (Hons) in Computer Science from University of Calcutta in the year 2016.I have 3 years of experience as a System Engineer at TCS and also have 1 years of experience as a Technical Assistant at SNU.

Biswajit Saha
Faculty Profile
Debrup Mitra

Technical Assistant - computer science & engineering

Masters of Computer Applications (MCA)


My name is Debrup Mitra. I’m 24 years old , currently working as a technical assistant at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata.

Debrup Mitra
Faculty Profile
Mrinmay Deb

Technical Assistant - computer science & engineering



Mrinmay Deb is a distinguished IT professional with over 12 years of experience in both academia and industry. He holds a Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) and a Master of Computer Applications (MCA). Mrinmay has a robust background that bridges theoretical knowledge and practical application, making significant contributions to technological advancements and academic research. His extensive expertise and commitment to excellence have made him a respected figure in the tech community.

Mrinmay Deb
Faculty Profile
Dr. Pratik Bhattacharjee

Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Applications

PhD (CSE), M.Tech (CSE), MSc (Physics), MCA


Dr. Pratik Bhattacharjee received his MSc in Physics from Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan and his MCA from Visveswaraiah Technological University in Karnataka. He was the university topper during his MTech in CSE from MAKAUT (in-House). He has done Ph.D (Tech) in CSE from MAKAUT(in-house). His area of research is in the domain of IoT based healthcare and smart healthcare support. He spent a year working as an associate software engineer at Wipro in Bangalore. He has worked as a full-time assistant professor for more than 20 years at AICTE-approved degree engineering institutions like BITM (Santiniketan), DIATM (Durgapur), AOT (Adisaptagram), and Brainware University(Barasat). He previously held the position as Head of the Department(IT) at the Academy of Technology (AOT), Hooghly. He is a Wipro Mission 10x and Dale Carnegie certified faculty member of engineering education. He has multiple SCI and Scopus publications in journals and conferences from Springer, Elsevier, and the IEEE. He is the paper setter, moderator, and external examiner for Visva Bharati, IGNOU, and MAKAUT. As the first innovator, he is the holder of three international patents. He is an IETE fellow(FIETE) and a senior member of IEEE(SMIEEE).

Dr. Pratik Bhattacharjee
Faculty Profile
Soma Hazra

Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Applications

M.E. (CSE), PhD (CSE) pursuing


Soma Hazra has joined Sister Nivedita University in September, 2022 as Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science and Application. She completed her B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering under WBUT. After that, she completed her Master of Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 2013. She has also qualified UGC-NET and WBSET examinations. She has more than 7 years of teaching experience as assistant professor in various engineering colleges. Currently she is pursuing her PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from University of Calcutta. She has published several papers in reputed international journals and conferences. In addition, she has presented her papers in different prestigious conferences. She has also reviewed various research papers in her domain. Her research interests are Cryptography, Information Security, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

Soma Hazra
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Applications

B.E., M.Tech., pursuing a Ph.D. in Multimedia Forensics from N.I.T. Raipur


Arkaprava Bhaduri Mandal is an academician and researcher in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Technology from Nagpur University, where he gained a solid foundation in the fundamental concepts of computer science. Driven by his passion for advancing his knowledge and expertise, he pursued a Master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering from BPUT, Orissa, further honing his skills in the field.

With an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of computer science, Arkaprava is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Multimedia Forensics from N.I.T. Raipur. His doctoral research focuses on the application of multimedia analysis techniques for forensic investigations, aiming to develop innovative methodologies to extract and analyze digital evidence from various multimedia sources.
Throughout his academic journey, he has published several research papers in reputed international journals and conferences.

Arkaprava's professional experience spans over a decade, encompassing both teaching and research roles. He has been actively involved in disseminating knowledge and shaping the minds of aspiring computer science and engineering students.

Faculty Profile
Prabuddha Chatterjee

Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Applications



Prabuddha Chatterjee
Faculty Profile
Sangeeta Banik

Assistant Registrar & Assistant Professor Computer Science & Applications



Sangeeta Banik
Faculty Profile
Prof. Rajib Ghosh

Assistant Controller of Examination & Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Applications.



Prof. Rajib Ghosh
Faculty Profile
Prof. Amit K. Aditya

Professor -- Electronics & Communication Engineering

Ph.D from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in Electronics and Electrical Communication in the year of 2000


Graduated from Jadavpur University in electronics and telecommunication engineering in the year 1983.

Completed M.Tech and Ph.D from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in Electronics and Electrical Communication in the year 1990 and 2000 respectively. His main subject interest is VLSI and semiconductor devices.

He has more than 40 Years of teaching and research experience.  He worked at NIT, Silchar for 15 years and headed the department of Electronics and Computer Science. He served as Principal and Director of different colleges for last 20 years.

He has guided two research scholars who obtained their Ph.D from Jadavpur University and NIT, Durgapur

He is a Fellow  of Institute of Engineers (India), Life member of ISTE and member of IEEE.

Prof. Amit K. Aditya
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Electronics & Communication Engineering

M.Tech in Radio Physics and Electronics, M.Sc in Electronic Science., B.Sc in Electronics Hons.


Completed M.Tech in Radio Physics and Electronics from institute of Radio Physics and Electronics from University of Calcutta. Have more than 7 years of experience of teaching and lab supervision. Worked on projects involving electronic device and sensors.

Faculty Profile
Dr. Shuvajit Roy

Assistant Professor - Electronics & Communication Engineering

PhD IIT Kharagpur 2024, M.Tech in Photonics and Nanoelectronics from Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, CU, 2018 (First class)


Dr. Shuvajit Roy obtained his M.Tech degree in Photonics and Nanoelectronics from the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, Calcutta University, in 2018 (First class). He joined IIT Kharagpur at the Department of E & EC as a full-time PhD Scholar in 2019. His research interests include integrated nanophotonics, tunable metasurfaces using 2D materials, novel optical phenomena on metasurfaces, etc. He submitted his PhD thesis in 2023 and successfully defended it with an Excellent grade in 2024. His research has been published in top-tier journals like IEEE Sensors, ACS Applied Nanomaterials, Optics Communications, etc. His research has also been selected for presentation at premier international conferences in photonics, like CLEO 23 and FIO 22. He is also serving as the reviewer of the Elsevier (Optical Materials, Optics Communications) and MDPI group of journals. He joined the ECE department at SNU as an Assistant Professor in Aug 2023.

Dr. Shuvajit Roy
Faculty Profile
Dr. Sayantani Sen

Assistant Professor - Electronics & Communication Engineering

Ph.D. degree in Nanoscienceand Nanotechnology from the University of Calcutta


She completed her Ph.D. degree in Nanoscienceand Nanotechnology from the University of Calcutta, working on the development of AlGaN-based light-emitting diodes, and her research group experimentally demonstrated the first UV-LEDs in the country. Prior to that, Dr. Sen obtained her M. Tech. and B. Tech. degrees from the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, and her B. Sc. Degree in Physics from Scottish Church College, University of

Calcutta. She held a first class in B. Sc., and was the university topper in B. Tech. She was a CSIR fellow and she has also worked on a number of research projects funded by the Government of India. Her research interests include nanoelectronics and semiconductor optoelectronic devices. She has published her work in several peer-reviewed journals and has presented her research in various conferences both in India and abroad.

Dr. Sayantani Sen
Faculty Profile
Dr Sweta Rani

Assistant Professor - Electronics & Communication Engineering

Ph.D from Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad.


Dr. Sweta Rani is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. She completed her Ph.D from Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, reflecting her advanced expertise and commitment to academic excellence. Her research interests include nanotechnology, nano-photonics and quantum dots. Her extensive portfolio includes numerous research papers published in reputable journals such as IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology and Journal of Applied Physics. She has also presented research papers at esteemed conferences, showcasing her expertise and dedication to scholarly pursuits. She has pursued M. Tech from IIT(ISM), Dhanbad where she also worked on projects based on quantum dot devices. Beyond the academic realm, Dr. Rani brings a valuable perspective to her role, having garnered practical experience of working as System Engineer in Tata Consultancy Services. She is also a member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), OSA

Dr Sweta Rani
Faculty Profile
Mr. Sudipta Paul

Assistant Professor - Electronics & Communication Engineering

Pursuing his PhD, M.Tech and B.Tech degree in ECE from West Bengal University of Technology(WBUT)


He has more than 8 years of teaching experience as an assistant professor in various engineering colleges. Additionally he has more than 8 years of industry experiences in software and telecom field. He has received his M.Tech and B.Tech degree in ECE from West Bengal University of Technology(WBUT). Currently he is pursuing his PhD degree from the Institute of Radio physics and Electronics (University of Calcutta). His research interest areas are Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Sensor. He published several papers in reputed journals and conferences. He also has published several patents.

Mr. Sudipta Paul
Faculty Profile
Dr. Himeli Chakrabarti

Assistant Professor - Electronics & Communication Engineering

Ph. D.


Dr. Himeli Chakrabarti is working as an Assistant Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering department in Sister Nivedita University (Techno India Group), Kolkata. Prior to that she was associated with Regent Education and Research Foundation Group of Institutions, Barrackpore, and Swami Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Kolkata. She has a teaching experience of more than 15 years in technical education sector. She has completed B Tech degree from WBUT, MTech from BESU, Shibpur and PhD from Mizoram Central University in 2006, 2009 and 2022. She has 8 publications in National and International peer reviewed journals and conferences (Journals 6, Conferences 2). Her research interest is “Electronics Device Modeling at Nano Scale ”.

Dr. Himeli Chakrabarti
Faculty Profile
Shatadipa Debnath

Technical Assistant - Electronics & Communication Engineering

Dip. Engineering in Electronics & Telecommunication in 2009 from Birla Institute of Technology


I am Shatadipa Debnath presently working as a Technical Assistant in the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. I have an experience of 6 years in this profile. I have completed Dip. Engineering in Electronics & Telecommunication in 2009 from Birla Institute of Technology. I have previous work experience as a Hardware Engineer in Computer Hardware industry; and completed an additional Diploma in Computer Hardware Maintenance from Govt. recognised organisation.

Shatadipa Debnath
Faculty Profile


PhD in Engineering (IIT Delhi)


He completed his PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. His area of research is the Dynamics of Rigid/Flexible Robots and Multibody Systems. He has expertise in Multibody dynamics with rigid and flexible systems, Robotics, and Finite element analysis.
He has received his M. Tech in Machine Design, and BE in Mechanical Engineering from Basaveshwar Engineering College Bagalkot, Karnataka affiliated to Visveswaraiah Technological University (VTU), Belgaum and Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Government Polytechnic Bijapur, Karnataka.
During PhD he was also visited University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tang University (UMJU) Joint institute Shanghai, China in student exchange programme.

Faculty Profile

Director: Digital Media,Techno India Group; Dean - School of Media Communications Fine Arts & Design


  •  May 2018- Dean (School of Media Communications Fine Arts & Design)
  •  Heading the Digital Wing of Sister Nivedita University
  •  Sept 2015- May 5th, 2018: Head of the Department- Amity University, Kolkata
  •  Dec 2005- Jan 2014: Associate Producer Aajtak, New Delhi
  •  Nov 1985’- Present: Actor/Director Rangakarmee, Kolkata
  •  Granted the Ford Fellowship for 2009 in Theatre Arts
  •  Sept 2019– Oct 2019: Was appointed as one of the International leader for the International Leadership Program by the US Consulate, was on an IVLP Program to US on ‘Media Literacy through Education

Faculty Profile

Advisor - School of Media Communications Fine Arts & Design


Founder Editor, Global Media Journal, India Edition

Formerly, Mentor Karnavati Univerity, United world School of Liberal Arts & Mass Communications, Gujarat

Formerly, Professor/Director NSHM Institute of Media and Design (NIMD), Kolkata

Formerly, Professor/Director Manipal Institute of Communication Karnataka, India.

Formerly, Resident Editor, Financial Express, Kolkata

Buroshiva Dasgupta has been a practicing journalist for over 25 years in the media in various capacities. He worked in major Indian newspaper groups like The Statesman, The Times of India (The Economic Times), The Indian Express (The Financial Express)
While still a practicing journalist, he has engaged himself in teaching media as a visiting faculty member to universities of Calcutta, Jadavpur and Visva Bharati in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal for more than fifteen years.
He has been a Visiting Professor and the Course Coordinator of Development Communication at IDSK, Calcutta University. He has taught Development Communication at IIMC, Dhenkanal, Orissa. He has been a Member of, Board of Media Studies of Burdwan and North Bengal Universities. He has conducted several of UGC’s orientation courses on research methodology and on media issues for college & university teachers. He taught at Asmara University, East Africa, and was the Professor/Director of Manipal Institute of Communication, Karnataka. He has also been the Professor/Director of NSHM Institute of Media & Design of West Bengal University of Technology till January 2017. He mentored USLM of Karnavati University, Gujarat and he was Professor, Brainware University Kolkata.
He did his research work on New Media and New Poetics: the changing interface and was awarded Ph.D. from the University of Calcutta. He is a Ph.D. guide at Utkal and Sister Nivedita Universities. He has written several books and both research and journalistic articles. His latest work is a book chapter on ‘India’s Media Education –In Need of a Total Overhaul’ in Journalism and Journalism Education in Developing Countries, published by Nuremberg & Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
Buroshiva is the founding editor of the Indian Edition of the refereed media online magazine Global Media Journal that is published from more than 12 countries of the world.

Faculty Profile
Abhi Mahapatra

Professor of Practice - Mass Communication and Journalism


Abhi is a seasoned professional, skilled in crafting and executing strategic communication initiatives. He has a vast experience in Public Affairs, Public Relations, Public Policy, Marketing Communications, Events and Experiential, Sustainability, CSR, Social / Digital and Internal Communications along with multiple national companies and brands like: (Ford, Nissan, Amazon, Edelman, Hill & Knowlton) across Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa and India. 


Abhi Mahapatra
Faculty Profile
Santosh Kumar Koppisetti

Professor of Practice - Mass Communication and Journalism


Santosh Kumar Koppisetti, has joined the Journalism and Mass Communication department of Sister Nivedita University, as a Professor of Practice.

He is an accomplished Communication specialist, Photographer and Writer with over two decades of dynamic experience leading groundbreaking campaigns for an impressive roster of high-profile brands across diverse sectors including Insurance, FMCG, Entertainment, Retail, and Cellular Providers.

His extensive background encompasses crafting compelling narratives and visually stunning concepts that resonate with target audiences and drive brand success.

He has worked for top advertising agencies like LOWE, Bates 141 and Mudra and handled brands like Idea Cellular, Tata AIG, AIG, Times of India, Radio City, Big Bazaar, Zee TV, RPG group, BKT Tyres, VEKA amongst others.

He is an avid traveller and likes writing blogs as a hobby.

Santosh Kumar Koppisetti
Faculty Profile



Prof. Majumdar’s domain area lies in Electronic Media with specialisation in Television Journalism. He has an industry experience of 18 years and academic experience of 5 years at Amity University, NSHM, Sister Nivedita University (Ongoing) and also 15 years as visiting / guest faculty member.

Faculty Profile
Arindam Basu

Senior Faculty - Mass Communication and Journalism

Masters from University of Calcutta in Journalism and Mass Communication


A topper in Masters from University of Calcutta in Journalism and Mass Communication, he is an English Honours graduate from St Xavier’s College. A recipient of the Santosh Kr Ghosh Memorial Award, he has worked for over 15 years in media in various houses including United News of India, NewsX and Sports Illustrated. In 2010 he started his boutique PR Agency Carpe Diem Communique Pvt. Ltd. In 2020 he began focusing completely into academics, though he had been a visiting lecturer at University of Calcutta, Women’s College among other institutions for over a decade.

He is now a Senior Faculty in the Journalism and Mass Com Dept. here at Sister Nivedita University. Reporting, editing, advertising and public relations are his core papers.

He is a published author with three books to his name—a personal memoir on Calcutta named Millennium Memories, a collection of short stories named Everything You Never Expected and an academic book The Reporter which he co-authored with Sujoy Dhar. He has also been featured in a sports anthology—The Best of Indian Sports Writing.

Arindam Basu
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Mass Communication and Journalism

Pursuing PhD from St Xavier’s University, Kolkata


1ST Class fourth in Masters from Rabindra Bharati University in Mass Communication and Videography. She is a Political Science Graduate from Bethune College. She is now Pursuing her Doctoral degree from St Xavier’s University, Kolkata.

She has worked over 14 years in Audio Visual Journalism in various Channels including Etv, Kolkata TV, News Time and News 18. She was the Deputy Chief Copy Editor in News 18 for 4 years. In 2018 she began focusing into Media Education. She was the Visiting Faculty at Roopkala Kendra in Audio Visual Journalism. She is the training program organizing member and the member of the Magazine team of Indian Science news Associations.

She is now the Assistant Professor and Head in the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism. She is the core member of the Examination conduct Committee and former Examination Coordinator of the Department.

Her Domain is Audio Visual Journalism, Film-Script Writing and Cultural Studies.

Faculty Profile
Satyajit Samanta

Assistant Professor - Mass Communication and Journalism


Prof. Samanta’s domain area lies in Advertising, Event Management, Graphic Designing, Film Making, Photography, Cinematography & Editing with specialization in Advertising, PR, Events & Graphic Designing. He has an industry experience of 5 years as a Creative Director & Media Manager in MTV Roadies X2, Kiff, Fifa U-17 World Cup, AIFF - Hero I-League, BPC India Pvt. Ltd.& Feature Films. His academic experience includes 1 year as Guest Lecturer at the Institute Of Management Study & 2 years (ongoing) as a Faculty at Sister Nivedita University

Satyajit Samanta
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Mass Communication and Journalism


Prof. Sharma’s domain area lies in Audio & Video Production, A/V Integration, Live Setup & Support, Guest Relations, and PCR. He has experience of 4 years in Community Radio Broadcasting and 1 year in the Broadcast Television Industry, He has worked as a Technical Executive and Client Servicing Expert and holds an academic experience of 2 Years

Faculty Profile
Joydeep Mukherjee

Assistant Professor - Mass Communication and Journalism


Prof. Mukherjee’s domain area lies in Advertising and Public Relations with a specialization in Marketing, Research, Brand Management, AD/PR. He has an industry experience of 11 years with KANTAR IMRB and GfK Mode in Client Servicing, Business Consulting, NBD, Thought leadership, and team management with the academic experience of 1 year (ongoing) as an assistant professor at Sister Nivedita University, Guest faculty in ISBM, SIMC (Market Research).

Joydeep Mukherjee
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Mass Communication and Journalism


Prof. Das is a dynamic professional with experience of 15+ years in Industry and academics from the field of Animation and VFX. He has worked as a Supervisor for "Creative Things Animation Studio'', Creative Head for "Bluesquirrel Studio'' Team Leader at Kagiso Interactive, South Africa, and Senior Faculty "Arena Animation".

Faculty Profile
Suman Chakraborty

Assistant Professor - Mass Communication and Journalism


Suman Chakraborty, Lecturer at Sister Nivedita University, is dedicated to high-quality education and student growth through teaching, mentoring, and research. He also has extensive experience as a Web Animator, Designer, Sr Designer, Visualiser, Packaging Designer, Creative Product Visualiser, 3D Stage Designer, and Design Consultant, at companies like L’OREAL, Nivea, Marico, Vodafone, Realme, Colgate, Aircel, ITC, Lotus Herbals, Pilgrim. Suman's expertise and dedication drive the university's educational goals and student success.

Suman Chakraborty
Faculty Profile
Suman Chakraborty

Visiting Faculty - Mass Communication and Journalism


Prof. Chakraborty’s domain area lies in Writing, Editing, and Publishing with specialization in Critical and Editorial Writing, Literature and Visual Arts, New Media. He has industry experience as the Founder & Executive Editor, Roman Books (Kolkata & London) and Founder and Director, Compass Institute (Kolkata) with an academic experience as Former Visiting Lecturer, De Montfort University, UK, Former Visiting Lecturer, University of Derby, UK (Partly British Council Funded Indo-UK Collaboration), Masters from the University of Glasgow, UK and Guest Faculty at Sister Nivedita University for 2 years (ongoing).

Suman Chakraborty
Faculty Profile
Atashi Bhattacharya

Visiting Faculty - Mass Communication and Journalism


Prof. Bhattacharya has domain area in Mass Communication, Media Laws and Ethics and Anchoring with specialization in Film Studies, Communication Theories & Cultural Studies. She has industry experience of 1 year as an English Presenter at All India Radio (Kolkata) with an academic experience of 9 years as a SACT at Surendranath College for Women (ongoing) & 2 years as a Guest Faculty at Sister Nivedita University (ongoing).

Atashi Bhattacharya
Faculty Profile
Bhaswar Bhattarcharya

Technical Instructor - Mass Communication and Journalism


Bhaswar Bhattarcharya started his career as a junior animator in 2003 after completing a comprehensive course on Traditional 2D Animation and Film Making from Padmalaya Telefilms Ltd., Hyderabad. he has worked there for two years on foreign projects like Potatoes and Dragons, The Mystic Prince, and was selected to work with Mr. Ishu Patel during his brief visit to India (2004).

For the next eleven years, he has worked in leading roles in Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production, in 2D and 3D projects, as team leader, animation director, post-production supervisor, episode director, and creative director.

He has also been into academics twice, 2006-08 in Patna, teaching 2D animation in a Color Chips franchisee; 2014-16 in Kolkata (NSHM) teaching graphic design, animation and multimedia to UG and PG students.

Bhaswar Bhattarcharya
Faculty Profile
Souvik Sur

Academic Instructor - Mass Communication and Journalism

Graduate in Media Sciences


Souvik Sur, a 2020 graduate in Media Sciences (Audio-Visual & Broadcasting), secured the top rank in his college and later earned a Master's Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from Manipal University.

As a freelancer, he worked with the Central and State Governments on metro railway projects in Kolkata, Delhi, and Bangalore, along with marine drone photography for Odisha and West Bengal. He also collaborated with Kolkata’s production houses as a videographer, editor, photographer, and drone operator. He has the official drone operating license from the Aviation Department of India.

In 2021, he joined IIHM as a videographer and editor for digital marketing. After that, from 2022, he has been mentoring students at Sister Nivedita University, guiding them toward their goals.

Souvik Sur
Faculty Profile
Susmita Das

Academic Instructor - Mass Communication and Journalism


Prof. Susmita Das’s area lies in advertising, Graphic Designing. I have an industry experience of 2 years. I have 2 years of academic experience as a faculty at Sister Nivedita University.

Susmita Das
Faculty Profile
Subhadeep Karmakar

Academic Instructor - Mass Communication and Journalism


Subhadeep has more than 15 years of experience in teaching 3d modelling and animation in the top animation institutes in Kolkata.

He is a highly seasoned professional, skilled in making realistic as well as stylized 3d models, textures.

He has helped students to participate and win various animation competitions.

Subhadeep Karmakar
Faculty Profile
Kishore Dey

Camera Person Faculty - Mass Communication and Journalism


Kishore Dey is a highly experienced faculty member in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at the School of Media Communication and Designs, bringing over 25 years of expertise as a camera person. His extensive career includes notable contributions to Zee Bangla's Dadagiri and Didi No.1, freelance assignments covering dignitaries like the Prime Minister and Home Minister of India, and significant roles in Bengali feature films and ad-film productions for Tata Steel and Tata Moters etc. Currently, he continues to contribute his wealth of experience and creativity as a valued member of Khoj Khabar.

Kishore Dey
Faculty Profile
Jonaki Pandit

Academic Counsellor - Mass Communication and Journalism


Jonaki Pandit is an Academic Counsellor at Sister Nivedita University, dedicated to guiding students on their academic journeys. Her role involves providing personalized support and advice to help students navigate their educational paths, overcome challenges, and achieve their academic goals. With a deep understanding of the university's programs and resources, Jonaki ensures that students receive the necessary guidance to make informed decisions about their studies and future careers. Her commitment to student success makes her an invaluable resource for the university community.

Jonaki Pandit
Faculty Profile
Rishi Sahu

Web Developer (TIG) - Mass Communication and Journalism


Rishi Sahu started his journey back in 2017 as a Technical Consultant. He started working in the IT and Digital Marketing sector for organizations like Raymond's, Max Fashion, Nap Story, Swami Vivekananda Secondary & Sr. Secondary Open Education, Rashtriya Yuva Vocational Training Saksharata Mission to name a few.

After a few years into the IT sector, he switched his career towards BPA (Business Process Automation) and joined CBIZ, where he provided services to companies like Reliance Retail, Reliance Jio, TATA, ITC, CenturyPly, and Pantaloons.

Recently Rishi joined Techno India Group where he is working for all the sub-segments of the group, mentioning education, healthcare, media and hospitality. Furthermore, he is now shaping the next generation as a Technical Instructor at Sister Nivedita University.

Rishi Sahu
Faculty Profile
(Dr) Sanjay Sen Gupta

Associate Professor & Head - Fine Arts and Design

Masters in Painting from GCAC Kolkata (2002), and PhD (2014) in Fine Arts (Visual Arts) from the University of Calcutta.


A practicing artist, researcher, writer, and educator based in Kolkata. Masters in Painting from GCAC Kolkata (2002), and PhD (2014) in Fine Arts (Visual Arts) from the University of Calcutta. Has been teaching various aspects of Drawing, Painting, Design and Composition since 2002. Has brought to light the oldest wooden idol ever found in West Bengal and arranged for its safe custody to the State Archaeological Museum (2010). Coordinated an Erasmus+ Faculty Exchange Program with Art Consortium, Spain (2017-8). Edited a Special Issue of The Chitrolekha Journal on Art and Design (2018). Won NTICVA Small Study and Research Grant India (2018-2019). Presented research papers on various aspects of Bengal Art in national and international seminars and conferences; and has published in various reputed journals. Invited as guest speaker and resource person by University of Calcutta, The Asiatic Society, Lalit Kala Akademi Regional Centre, Government College of Art and Craft, Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture etc. Exhibited artworks in solo and group-shows in Kolkata, Delhi, and Mumbai. Now working as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Centre for Indological Studies & Research, RKMIC Kolkata. A Member of the Editorial Board of The Chitrolekha Journal on Art and Design; and an Advisory Board Member of Ahana. Visited Bangladesh and Spain on different academic and research assignments.

(Dr) Sanjay Sen Gupta
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - History of Art, Fine Arts and Design

Bachelors and Masters in History of Art from Visva-Bharati University, PhD on Curatorial Possibilities in Contemporary Art from VB.


An art-historian, curator, critic, writer and educator based in Kolkata and Santiniketan. Bachelors (2012) and Masters (2014) in History of Art from Kala Bhavana, Visva-Bharati University, she completed her PhD on Curatorial Possibilities in Contemporary Art from VB. She curated several shows of modern and contemporary art in Kolkata and Delhi – showcasing both senior artists and young practitioners – in association with various significant galleries. She delivers frequent lectures on History of Art and Curatorial Possibilities in national and international platforms. She also coordinates Art Appreciation Courses, Seminars, Workshops, and thus creates opportunities for art-practitioners, viewers and enthusiasts. As a Curator, she has worked with CIMA Art Gallery, Maya Art Space and Emami Chisel Gallery in Kolkata. She was a Guest Faculty at Amity University Kolkata, and Government College of Art & Craft Kolkata, and has also been the Director of ArtsAcre Foundation. As a prolific writer and critic, she has published many essays and reviews in various national and international journals and art magazines. She was the Associate Editor of ArtEast Magazine (2015-), and the Editor of the journal Art Fact (2018-). She has authored a monograph on Hirendranath Dutta published by Rajya Charukala Parshad, Information and Culture Department, Government of West Bengal, and a book named DO I MIND.

Faculty Profile
Barata Sarkar

Assistant Professor - Design History and Fashion (Fine Arts and Design)

Masters in Retail Management from Sikkim Manipal University (2015) and in Art History from Kala Bhavana, Visva Bharati University (2021)


A practicing designer, researcher, and educator based in Kolkata. Masters in Retail Management from Sikkim Manipal University (2015) and in Art History from Kala Bhavana, Visva Bharati University (2021), with UGC-NET (2021). Added qualifications in Apparel

Manufacturing (2005), Dyeing & Printing, Textile Designing (2006), and Needle Craft & Knitting (2015). Has taught various aspects of Fashion CAD, History of Fashion, Design Idea, Craft Documentation, Entrepreneurship Development, Traditional Textiles etc at ATDC Kolkata (2008-19). Has worked as an Assessor for AEPC Kolkata (2011-3), and presently is an Empanelled Designer under DCH (since 2020) and an Assessor (Handicraft) for Samarth project – both under the Ministry of Textile, Government of India. As a freelance Fashion Designer at Kothari Hosiery Pvt. Ltd., she has also worked as a Guest Faculty for INIFT, Rajarhat. Her MFA Dissertation thesis on Colonial and Post-Independence Craft and Design Trajectory of India with Special Focus on Santiniketan has paved the way of her research inclination.

Barata Sarkar
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Painting, Fine Arts and Design

Pursuing Ph.D. at Kala Bhavana, Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan Masters of Fine Arts from Faculty of Fine Arts, MSU, Baroda, Gujarat


A practicing artist and educator based in Kolkata. Bachelors (2011) in Painting from Government College of Art and Craft Kolkata (CU) and subsequent Masters with Gold Medal (2013) from MS University Baroda, she is continuing her PhD on Gender Representation and Marginalization in Colonial and Post-colonial Indian Subcontinent at Kala Bhavana, Visa-Bharati University, Santiniketan. She received Nasreen Mohamedi Award (2012), Pollock Krasner Foundation Grant (2016) and Elizabeth Greenshield Foundation Award (2018). She has held solo exhibitions -- ‘Flavour Chart’ at Gallery Maskara (2013), ‘Some-body, Any-body, No-Body’ at Sakshi Gallery Mumbai (2018), and one in Kolkata. Her works have also been exhibited in various national and international platforms like – POC Festival, Marseille, France; Art Brussels, Belgium, Geukens & De Vil Gallery, Antwerp; Kochi Muzirus, Biennale, India Art Fair and others. She was part of Khoj Peers Share Programme (2013), and the fall Visiting Artist Fellow at South Asian Institute, Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA (2016). She is currently represented by Sakshi Gallery in India and Shifting Frames in France, and has also engaged herself with the academia for more than four years.

Faculty Profile
Ananya Dalal

Assistant Professor - Printmaking and Graphic Art (Fine Arts and Design)

Pursuing her PhD in Printmaking from Visva- Bharati University, Masters (2018) in Graphic Art from MS University of Baroda.


A practicing artist and printmaker based in Kolkata and Shantiniketan. Bachelors (2016) in Printmaking from Kala Bhavan, Visva Bharati University, Masters with Gold Medal (2018) in Graphic Art from MS University of Baroda, and UGC-NET qualified (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2022). Her work has won National Scholarship by Ministry of HRD, Government of India (2016-8), National Award by Lalit Kala Akademi (2017), State Academy Award by Government of West Bengal (2019), Jury’s Choice Award by Birla Academy of Art and Culture (2019), and KHOJ Artist Network Support Grant (2020). Her works have been showcased in various national and international Exhibitions all across the country. Her core competency also includes art installations, research, developing and writing ideas – while she is also passionate about calligraphy, theatre, stage-decoration, music, photography and video art. Her teaching career began at Bhowanipore Gujarati Education Society (2018-21), followed by Bengal Fine Arts College at Chandpara (2020-2022). At present, she is pursuing her PhD in Printmaking from Visva-Bharati University.


Ananya Dalal
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Painting, Fine Arts and Design

Masters in Painting from the Government College of Art & Craft, Calcutta


A practising artist and educator based in Kolkata. Bachelors (2015) in Painting and subsequent Masters (2017) in Painting from Government College of Art and Craft, Calcutta (CU), UGC-NET qualified (2018). He received Dilip Dasgupta Memorial Gold Medal Scholarship for securing First Position with First Class in BFA; Award in Drawing, West Bengal State Akademi (2016); Award in Drawing, Emami Chisel Art Gallery (2016); Rabindranath Tagore Award, GCAC (2016-17); Award in Drawing, Birla Academy of Art and Culture (2018); All India Silver Medal in Drawing, Kalanand, Prafulla Dahanukar Art Foundation (2018); Kolkata City Award, Kalanand, Prafulla Dahanukar Art Foundation (2019); Award in Drawing, Camel Art Foundation (2019); Award in ‘Graphics-Composition’, International Exhibition-Competition ‘??????? ???????’, Saint-Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design (2021); Award in ‘Graphics-Academic Landscape’, International Exhibition-Competition ‘Artist’s View of the World’, Saint-Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design (2022). He worked as an Assistant Professor at the School of Fine Arts, Amity University, Kolkata.

Faculty Profile
Kaushik Halder

Assistant Professor - Sculpture, Fine Arts and Design

Bachelors (2012) in Sculpture from Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata, and subsequent Masters (2014) from Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan


A practicing artist, sculptor and educator based in Kolkata. Bachelors (2012) in Sculpture from Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata, and subsequent Masters (2014) from Kala Bhavana, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, he also attended Integrated Training Programme at National Bal-Bhavan Delhi (2010). He was awarded Gold Medal at the Annual Exhibition of RBU (2012), Aranya Special Award by RAD (2013), National Award in Sculpture in the 55th National Exhibition of Art by LKA, Charukala Award by Rajya Charukala Parshad (2014), Governor Award at 80th Annual All India Fine Arts Exhibition by AFA (2016), Junior Fellowship in Sculpture (2014-15) by the Ministry of Culture, GOI (2017), West Bengal State Award & Fellowship, Kalananda Art Contest Award by PDF (2018), Infosys Special CIMA Award (2019), Honourable Mention International Award-2019 at FAIEMW Bhopal (2020), and many more. His works have been showcased in exhibitions in Kolkata, Bhopal, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangladesh. He has also participated in Wooden Puppet Workshop organised by WBSADDMVA (2011), National Workshop on Playing with Glass & Flame at Shilpa Sadan Visva-Bharati, Workshop organised by SBI at SSVAD (2014), International ‘Ceramic Dome Tagore’ Project by New Earth UK and Kala Bhavana, One month Residency at KAG Hyderabad (2015), and ‘Paper Potential’ Circle-19 at PAR Bombay (2019). He has engaged himself with the academia for more than five years now.

Kaushik Halder
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Printmaking, Fine Arts and Design


A practicing artist, printmaker and educator based in Kolkata. Bachelors in Printmaking from Indian College of Arts and Draftsmaship (RBU) Kolkata in 2012, and subsequent Masters from University of Calcutta (GCAC) in 2014. Recipient of Gold Medal at ICAD Annual Exhibition (2012), National Scholarship (2013), Best Award in Printmaking at GCAC Annual Exhibition (2014), Lalit Kala Akademi Research Scholarship (2015), Best Award in Printmaking by Emami Chisel Art (2017), CIMA Award (2017), Prafulla Dahanukar Art Foundation Kalanand Grant, DGM Award at Dhoomimal Gallery New Delhi, Fellowship at Ravi Jain Memorial Exhibition (2021) and VAS International Artist Group Award (2022). Besides many national and international exhibitions in Kolkata, Nagpur, Delhi and abroad, he also participated in Uttarayan Art foundation Residency (2014), 18th International Asian Art Biennale Bangladesh, Ulsan International Woodcut Printmaking Festival, Lalit Kala Akademi National Art Camp (2018), and 3rd National Tagore Exhibition (2021). He has more than eight years of teaching experience.

Faculty Profile
Tanmoy Nandi

Assistant Professor - Product Design, Fine Arts and Design

Bachelors (2014) and Masters (2018) in Design from Silpa Sadana, Visva-Bharati University, and UGC-NET qualified (2019)


A practicing designer, researcher and product consultant based in Kolkata and Shantiniketan. Bachelors (2014) and Masters (2018) in Design from Silpa Sadana, Visva-Bharati University, and UGC-NET qualified (2019). His work has won West Bengal State Award for Ceramic in Kalanand Art Contest in 2018. With specialization in the mediums of ceramic and glass, he has been working on various projects with the National Institute of Design (NID) Ahmedabad – along with other organizations and industries – since 2014. On behalf of State Institute for Development Arts and Crafts, Orissa, he documented their Silver Filigree Craft tradition. As a product designer, he represented India in the 7th episode of Uronto Residency Art Exchange Program in Bangladesh, and also participated in an International Workshop on ‘Architecture, Art and Lifestyle of Santali people,’ organized by In-Field Design Studio of Japan. He worked as a Guest Faculty at the College of Fine Arts, Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath at Bengaluru. At present, he is pursuing his PhD in Design from Visva-Bharati University.

Tanmoy Nandi
Faculty Profile
Anujeet Chatterjee

Teaching Assistant - Applied Art, Fine Arts and Design

Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A) & Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A) in Applied Art from Rabindra Bharti University, Kolkata.


A graphic designer and educator based in Kolkata. Bachelors (2014) and Masters (2016) in Applied Art from Rabindra Bharati University, he was a recipient of ‘UGC Rank Holder Scholarship’ (2014-2016), and UGC-NET qualified (2022).  He taught art & craft at Kolkata Nandanik, and was the co-editor of magazine ‘Nandanik Samay’ (2014-2018). He was an exhibition trainee at BITM (NCSM, Ministry of Culture, Government of India), and has worked as a graphic designer at Digiscope Media Solutions Studio LLP.

 Anujeet Chatterjee
Faculty Profile
Dr. Aranya Bhowmik

Adjunct Faculty - Fine Arts and Design

a Ph.D. from IIT Kanpur, with prior studies at Visva-Bharati University and M.S. University of Baroda


Dr. Aranya Bhowmik is a curator, art historian, and educator, currently teaching at the Department of Fine Arts and Design at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. He holds a Ph.D. from IIT Kanpur, with prior studies at Visva-Bharati University and M.S. University of Baroda. He has taught at institutions like the University of Hyderabad and Rajiv Gandhi University and contributed to art education at Vadodara Visual Arts Centre.

His research and curatorial work focus on modern and contemporary art, particularly experimental material practices by South Asian women artists. Key projects include Telling Time Under the Soil (2024) at Bikaner House and Material Metaphor (2021). Dr. Bhowmik has presented papers at national and international conferences, including events in Thailand, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and a webinar at NIFT Gandhinagar. While studying in Baroda, he co-founded and edited Insignia, a journal on arts and aesthetics. He has also written extensively for art magazines, journals, and online platforms, including Art & Deal, Art East, Art Facts,, Searching Lines, Design for All, and

Dr. Aranya Bhowmik
Faculty Profile
Chayanika Dey

Visiting Faculty - Fashion Design, Fine Arts and Design

A graduate in Fashion Technology from Wigan & Leigh College Kolkata, she has also done CAD Tech in Fashion from the Academy of Suburbia.


A working Fashion professional based in Kolkata. A graduate in Fashion Technology from Wigan & Leigh College Kolkata, she has also done CAD Tech in Fashion from the Academy of Suburbia. With more than twenty-years of industry experience, she was selected as a Designer from Eastern Zone in the Lakme Talent Hunt. She has worked as a Senior Design Associate of Kiran Uttam Ghosh, and the Chief Designer at Usha Creations. She was also professionally engaged in various capacities with Weavers Studio, Sreepriya Exports Pvt Ltd, Designer Anamika Khanna, Ritu Kumar and Paromita Banerjee. Besides being the owner of Vedaa Designer Ensembles, and a partner of Red Paisleys, she has also been a Fashion Faculty at Wigan & Leigh.

Chayanika Dey
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Rajat Pal

Head of Department



R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

The primary focus of Prof. Pal’s research is studying bioremediation of heavy metal toxicity by microorganisms, and elucidating the molecular mechanisms of heavy metal toxicity (e.g. Antimony) resistance in several plant bodies. Specifically, he studies the genetic makeup and molecular pathways involved in heavy metal resistant bacteria by identifying the responsible genes and the genetic evolution of these genes. Alongside, he is investigating the role of selection pressure on the evolution of the heavy metal resistance in bacteria. The goal of this research is to discover the heavy metal toxicity resistant bacteria mediated protective mechanisms of plants and the evolution of these resistant bacteria.

The Pal lab is also analyzing the formulation and application of novel drug-nanoparticle conjugates, and the efficacy of nanocomposites using animal models. He is looking to identify the mechanisms by which nanocomposites impart protective effects against bacterial and cancer cell growth.

Additionally, Prof. Pal uses bioinformatics tools and computational models to solve molecular structures of nanoparticles and nanocomposite material. Through bioinformatics, he aims to understand the genetic alterations in heavy metal resistant bacteria.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Prof. Pal has 14 years of teaching and 12 years of research experience.
  • He has appointed as Examiner for both UG and PG level examinations at many colleges and University.
  • He is member of Indian Science Congress and Indian Mycological Society.
  • He has eight international journal research publications and more than thirty national and international conference publications.
  • Recipient of Gold Medal from Department of Botany, Calcutta University.
Prof. (Dr.) Rajat   Pal
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Rajat Pal

Head of Department



R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

The primary focus of Prof. Pal’s research is studying bioremediation of heavy metal toxicity by microorganisms, and elucidating the molecular mechanisms of heavy metal toxicity (e.g. Antimony) resistance in several plant bodies. Specifically, he studies the genetic makeup and molecular pathways involved in heavy metal resistant bacteria by identifying the responsible genes and the genetic evolution of these genes. Alongside, he is investigating the role of selection pressure on the evolution of the heavy metal resistance in bacteria. The goal of this research is to discover the heavy metal toxicity resistant bacteria mediated protective mechanisms of plants and the evolution of these resistant bacteria.

The Pal lab is also analyzing the formulation and application of novel drug-nanoparticle conjugates, and the efficacy of nanocomposites using animal models. He is looking to identify the mechanisms by which nanocomposites impart protective effects against bacterial and cancer cell growth.

Additionally, Prof. Pal uses bioinformatics tools and computational models to solve molecular structures of nanoparticles and nanocomposite material. Through bioinformatics, he aims to understand the genetic alterations in heavy metal resistant bacteria.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Prof. Pal has 14 years of teaching and 12 years of research experience.
  • He has appointed as Examiner for both UG and PG level examinations at many colleges and University.
  • He is member of Indian Science Congress and Indian Mycological Society.
  • He has eight international journal research publications and more than thirty national and international conference publications.
  • Recipient of Gold Medal from Department of Botany, Calcutta University.
Prof. (Dr.) Rajat   Pal
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Nilanjan Das

Head of Department



R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Prof. Das is involved in research on bioactive compounds from plants and vegetables particularly his focus is on finding key bioactives from foods, spices or vegetables from Indian and Asian origin and to establish their efficacy and mechanism of action towards disease prevention.  He is also interested on the area of specific diets, phytochemicals and human health and on the mechanistic interplay of specific pre and probiotics in human health. His focus also lies in finding the interrelation of genetic and dietary factors in regulating various metabolic and biochemical pathways involved in the development of chronic diseases.

Another key research interest of Prof. Das is to explore the epigenetic mechanism of cancer development with emphasis on the role of fat diet and inflammation and their interplay. Preventive and/or therapeutic potential of plant bioactives while working in synergy to this catastrophe of cancer development involving epigenetic regime.

Prof. Das is also interested in identifying the synergy between bacteriocin, defensin and plant bioactive molecules towards the regulation of microbial genetic alteration for MDR.

The fundamental purpose of any diagnostic test is to help in determining whether a patient has or does not have a particular condition. Early detection always gives a better chance towards treatment and recovery from any diseases or disorder. To that end, several studies going on in this area for long time to improve specificity and sensitivity of the tool or to make it easy and pocket friendly. One of the research interest of Prof. Das is to develop suitable diagnostic kit for the early detection of nutrition related disorder.


P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

Prof. Das has 2 years of teaching and 15 Years of Research experience.

He has 10 international journal, 12 national journal, 2 book chapter and several conference publications.

Prof. (Dr.) Nilanjan Das
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Somsubhra Thakur Choudhury

Assistant Professor




Prof. Thakur Choudhury is involved in research on two major areas. Drug delivery system deals with the delivery of a therapeutic agent to the specific site in our body. The therapeutic agents or drugs have long been used to improve our health, to fight against the diseases and providing us an extended life. But the majority of the therapeutic agents face some major drawbacks like toxicity, resistance and poor bioavailability. In this respect, the drug delivery technology has opened a new avenue to improve the therapeutic efficacy of the drug. Prof. Thakur Choudhury’s research interest is to explore the drug delivery field specifically liposomal and nanoparticulated drug delivery. Primarily he wants to develop new formulations of conventional drugs to improve their therapeutic efficacy. In future, the prime objective will be to develop target specific delivery of cytotoxic drugs for critical diseases like cancer. Diagnosis of a disease is very important for proper and timely medication. In recent years a major thrust in the field of research is to develop an easy as well as efficient diagnostic tool for detection of disease. His objective is to develop easy, field adaptable diagnostic kits with higher sensitivity and specificity for the early detection of different infectious diseases as well as for different neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson.


  • Prof. Thakur Choudhury has 2 years of teaching and 10 Years of Research experience.
  • He has 12 international journal and several conference publications.
Prof. (Dr.) Somsubhra Thakur Choudhury
Faculty Profile
Atreyi Ghosh

Assistant Professor



R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Atreyi Ghosh is interested in exploring the phenomenon of bioremediation of inorganic pollutants through microbial consortia present in contaminated habitats. She is engaged to understand the mechanism of uptake and transformation of pollutants especially heavy metals by indigenous population of cyanobacteria and anaerobic bacteria. Her research interests also encompass to design cost-effective bioreactor system to treat real waste water in vivo and in vitro condition. She is keen to analyze the pathways of transformation of the inorganic pollutants to their non-toxic form through those microorganism(s). She has already isolated and reported novel bacterial strains capable of treating multiple inorganic and organic pollutants from real industrial waste water in batch and continuous systems. In SNU her research team is engaged with microbial synthesis of metal nanoparticle and analysing their antifungal effect. Also the team is involved in finding the potential of isolated cyanobacterial strain for heavy metal removal. Her future research plan includes the formulation of phyto-bioremediation system to contaminated  wastewater  and also the process of bioleaching of rare earth materials using isolated bacterial strains.


P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Prof. Ghosh has 6 years of teaching and 10  Years of Research experience.
  • She has 4 international journal and several conference publications.
Atreyi Ghosh
Faculty Profile
Fatema Calcuttawala

Assistant Professor



R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Soil-dwelling actinomycetes are the most relevant class of microorganisms to expand one’s knowledge on antimicrobial substance production. Most clinically important antibiotics originate from them. However, multidrug resistance is threatening the future continual use of antibiotics. Hence there is a need to develop alternative environmentally friendly processes of nanoparticle synthesis which involves utilization of biological systems as nanofactories thereby promising an environmentally clean, nontoxic and economical process. Dr. Calcuttawala’s research interest is directed at sampling the soil actinomycetes of East Kolkata Wetlands (EKWs) and screening them for antimicrobial substances and nanoparticle production against a wide panel of phytopathogens. The EKWs have been designated as "wetland of international importance" under the Ramsar Convention in 2002. Microbial richness of this region is its hidden asset. Soil samples collected from the wetlands are expected to show the presence of various new strains of Actinomycetes which are not only ecologically important but also have commercial value. Furthermore, the nanoparticles synthesized may exhibit a synergistic effect with the antimicrobial substances produced by them and can serve as effective tools in overcoming the roadblock of controlling those phytopathogens which are difficult to eradicate using the conventional agricultural methods.


P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Prof. Calcuttawala has 2 years of teaching and 8 Years of research experience.
  • She has 4 international journal and several conference publications.
Fatema Calcuttawala
Faculty Profile
Atreyi Ghosh

Assistant Professor



R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Atreyi Ghosh is interested in exploring the phenomenon of bioremediation of inorganic pollutants through microbial consortia present in contaminated habitats. She is engaged to understand the mechanism of uptake and transformation of pollutants especially heavy metals by indigenous population of cyanobacteria and anaerobic bacteria. Her research interests also encompass to design cost-effective bioreactor system to treat real waste water in vivo and in vitro condition. She is keen to analyze the pathways of transformation of the inorganic pollutants to their non-toxic form through those microorganism(s). She has already isolated and reported novel bacterial strains capable of treating multiple inorganic and organic pollutants from real industrial waste water in batch and continuous systems. In SNU her research team is engaged with microbial synthesis of metal nanoparticle and analysing their antifungal effect. Also the team is involved in finding the potential of isolated cyanobacterial strain for heavy metal removal. Her future research plan includes the formulation of phyto-bioremediation system to contaminated  wastewater  and also the process of bioleaching of rare earth materials using isolated bacterial strains.


P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  •   Prof. Ghosh has 6 years of teaching and 10  Years of Research experience.
  • She has 4 international journal and several conference publications.
Atreyi Ghosh
Faculty Profile
Fatema Calcuttawala

Assistant Professor



R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Soil-dwelling actinomycetes are the most relevant class of microorganisms to expand one’s knowledge on antimicrobial substance production. Most clinically important antibiotics originate from them. However, multidrug resistance is threatening the future continual use of antibiotics. Hence there is a need to develop alternative environmentally friendly processes of nanoparticle synthesis which involves utilization of biological systems as nanofactories thereby promising an environmentally clean, nontoxic and economical process. Dr. Calcuttawala’s research interest is directed at sampling the soil actinomycetes of East Kolkata Wetlands (EKWs) and screening them for antimicrobial substances and nanoparticle production against a wide panel of phytopathogens. The EKWs have been designated as "wetland of international importance" under the Ramsar Convention in 2002. Microbial richness of this region is its hidden asset. Soil samples collected from the wetlands are expected to show the presence of various new strains of Actinomycetes which are not only ecologically important but also have commercial value. Furthermore, the nanoparticles synthesized may exhibit a synergistic effect with the antimicrobial substances produced by them and can serve as effective tools in overcoming the roadblock of controlling those phytopathogens which are difficult to eradicate using the conventional agricultural methods.


P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Prof. Calcuttawala has 2 years of teaching and 8 Years of research experience.
  • She has 4 international journal and several conference publications.
Fatema Calcuttawala
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Somsubhra Thakur Choudhury

Assistant Professor



R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Prof. Thakur Choudhury is involved in research on two major areas. Drug delivery system deals with the delivery of a therapeutic agent to the specific site in our body. The therapeutic agents or drugs have long been used to improve our health, to fight against the diseases and providing us an extended life. But the majority of the therapeutic agents face some major drawbacks like toxicity, resistance and poor bioavailability. In this respect, the drug delivery technology has opened a new avenue to improve the therapeutic efficacy of the drug.

Prof. Thakur Choudhury’s research interest is to explore the drug delivery field specifically liposomal and nanoparticulated drug delivery. Primarily he wants to develop new formulations of conventional drugs to improve their therapeutic efficacy. In future, the prime objective will be to develop target specific delivery of cytotoxic drugs for critical diseases like cancer.

Diagnosis of a disease is very important for proper and timely medication. In recent years a major thrust in the field of research is to develop an easy as well as efficient diagnostic tool for detection of disease. His objective is to develop easy, field adaptable diagnostic kits with higher sensitivity and specificity for the early detection of different infectious diseases as well as for different neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson.


P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Prof. Thakur Choudhury has 2 years of teaching and 8 Years of Research experience,
  • He has 10 international journal and several conference publications
Prof. (Dr.) Somsubhra Thakur Choudhury
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Somsubhra Thakur Choudhury

Assistant Professor



R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Prof. Thakur Choudhury is involved in research on two major areas. Drug delivery system deals with the delivery of a therapeutic agent to the specific site in our body. The therapeutic agents or drugs have long been used to improve our health, to fight against the diseases and providing us an extended life. But the majority of the therapeutic agents face some major drawbacks like toxicity, resistance and poor bioavailability. In this respect, the drug delivery technology has opened a new avenue to improve the therapeutic efficacy of the drug.

Prof. Thakur Choudhury’s research interest is to explore the drug delivery field specifically liposomal and nanoparticulated drug delivery. Primarily he wants to develop new formulations of conventional drugs to improve their therapeutic efficacy. In future, the prime objective will be to develop target specific delivery of cytotoxic drugs for critical diseases like cancer.

Diagnosis of a disease is very important for proper and timely medication. In recent years a major thrust in the field of research is to develop an easy as well as efficient diagnostic tool for detection of disease. His objective is to develop easy, field adaptable diagnostic kits with higher sensitivity and specificity for the early detection of different infectious diseases as well as for different neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Prof. Thakur Choudhury has 2 years of teaching and 8 Years of Research experience.
  • He has 10 international journal and several conference publications
Prof. (Dr.) Somsubhra Thakur Choudhury
Faculty Profile
Argha Chakraborty

Assistant Professor



R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Argha Chakraborty is investigating the relationship between surface chemistry and topography of biomaterials mainly to understand the anti-infective response mechanisms of fungal cells. His research helps combat fungal infections from biomedical devices and directed towards presenting long term solutions for preventing fungal outbreaks from healthcare settings in highly populated areas.

Dr. Chakraborty has also been involved in the development of innovative vaccine delivery systems that can reduce the chances of blood-borne infections due to needle-stick injuries in immunisation programs. With an international recognition, Dr. Chakraborty is aiming to tackle the problems of fungal infections with the help of scientifically translatable point of care technologies.

Specifically, Dr. Chakraborty is designing approaches to study the interface between cells (both human and microbial) and materials surfaces with the help of plasma based surface modification technologies like plasma polymerisation and Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE). On surfaces, plasma polymerisation can provide a chemical modification with the presence of hydrocarbon based cross linked polymers containing reactive functional groups such as aldehyde, epoxide, alcohol, carboxide, etc., whereas in case of DRIE, a physical modification of surfaces can be achieved. Thus, with the help of these surface modification tools, Dr. Chakraborty is advancing our understandings of biomaterials design and tissue engineering for the development of anti-fungal devices.


P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Dr. Chakraborty has 6 years of research and teaching experience both in national and international organisations.
Argha Chakraborty
Faculty Profile
Dr. Argha Chakraborty

Assistant Professor



R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Argha Chakraborty is investigating the relationship between surface chemistry and topography of biomaterials mainly to understand the anti-infective response mechanisms of fungal cells. His research helps combat fungal infections from biomedical devices and directed towards presenting long term solutions for preventing fungal outbreaks from healthcare settings in highly populated areas.

Dr. Chakraborty has also been involved in the development of innovative vaccine delivery systems that can reduce the chances of blood-borne infections due to needle-stick injuries in immunisation programs. With an international recognition, Dr. Chakraborty is aiming to tackle the problems of fungal infections with the help of scientifically translatable point of care technologies.

Specifically, Dr. Chakraborty is designing approaches to study the interface between cells (both human and microbial) and materials surfaces with the help of plasma based surface modification technologies like plasma polymerisation and Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE). On surfaces, plasma polymerisation can provide a chemical modification with the presence of hydrocarbon based cross linked polymers containing reactive functional groups such as aldehyde, epoxide, alcohol, carboxide, etc., whereas in case of DRIE, a physical modification of surfaces can be achieved. Thus, with the help of these surface modification tools, Dr. Chakraborty is advancing our understandings of biomaterials design and tissue engineering for the development of anti-fungal devices.


P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Dr. Chakraborty has 6 years of research and teaching experience both in national and international organisations.
Dr. Argha Chakraborty
Faculty Profile
Fatema Calcuttawala

Assistant Professor




Soil-dwelling actinomycetes are the most relevant class of microorganisms to expand one’s knowledge on antimicrobial substance production. Most clinically important antibiotics originate from them. However, multidrug resistance is threatening the future continual use of antibiotics. Hence there is a need to develop alternative environmentally friendly processes of nanoparticle synthesis which involves utilization of biological systems as nanofactories thereby promising an environmentally clean, nontoxic and economical process. Dr. Calcuttawala’s research interest is directed at sampling the soil actinomycetes of East Kolkata Wetlands (EKWs) and screening them for antimicrobial substances and nanoparticle production against a wide panel of phytopathogens. The EKWs have been designated as "wetland of international importance" under the Ramsar Convention in 2002. Microbial richness of this region is its hidden asset. Soil samples collected from the wetlands are expected to show the presence of various new strains of Actinomycetes which are not only ecologically important but also have commercial value. Furthermore, the nanoparticles synthesized may exhibit a synergistic effect with the antimicrobial substances produced by them and can serve as effective tools in overcoming the roadblock of controlling those phytopathogens which are difficult to eradicate using the conventional agricultural methods.


  • Prof. Calcuttawala has 2 years of teaching and 8 Years of research experience.
  • She has 4 international journal and several conference publications.
Fatema Calcuttawala
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Moumita Das




R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Das is interested in research involving nutraceuticals in the prevention of lifestyle induced non-communicable diseases and drug delivery system. The present global scenario projects two major problems in public health sector; the lack of healthy sustainable lifestyle and the lack of drugs at affordable rate. Moreover, the drugs/therapeutic agents available in the market are also often associated with high cost, toxicity and low bioavailability. Keeping in mind these social issues, deriving health benefits from commonly consumed herbs, vegetables and spices could be an effective alternative. This could lead to new arena of research in nutraceuticals and their efficacy in preventing lifestyle induced several diseases.

Dr. Das’s field of research includes exploring commonly consumed vegetables and spices for their nutritive and pharmacological benefits and identifying their active components. In addition, owing to the low bioavailability of certain nutraceuticals, proper formulation of nanoparticles or nanoparticle encapsulated nutraceuticals for targeted drug delivery has also been studied by Dr. Das. The nanoparticle formulation of nutraceuticals improves the efficacy and bioavailability of the therapeutic agent and is potential in preventing lifestyle induced diseases like, Diabetes, Cardiovascular disorders, Obesity and certain cancer as well.


P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

•Dr. Das has about 1 Year of teaching and 7 Years of Research experience.

•She has 13 publications in national & international journals and several conference proceedings.

Prof. (Dr.) Moumita Das
Faculty Profile
Ms. Beepsa Basu

Lab Instructor (Dietetics)

M.Sc. in Food and Nutrition


Ms. Beepsa Basu
Faculty Profile
Poulami Banerjee Das

Associate Professor & Head of the Department - Architecture

B. Arch (IIEST, Shibpur), Masters in Urban and Regional Planning (IIT Roorkee)


Professional Experience:

Prof. Banerjee Das has 8+ years experience in the Urban Planning Advisory Sector working in Urban Reforms & Infrastructure projects, Industrial Estate development projects, including special investment zone and special economic zone, and Tourism development projects. She has expertise in feasibility studies, market assessment analysis, master planning and conceptual planning. Further, She has on-the-ground experience of working with various National & State Governments in India.

Academic Experience:

Prof. Banerjee Das has 10+ years of experience of teaching various subjects in architecture & planning domain.She also has experience in academic consulting.


Prof. Banerjee Das is an active member of Institute of Town Planners (ITPI), and is registered with the Council of Architecture (CoA)

Poulami Banerjee Das
Faculty Profile

Professor - Architecture

B. Arch (JU), Masters in City Planning (IIT KGP), Masters in Conservation (York, UK)


Manish Chakraborti is an architect, urban planner and Professor at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata.He has a graduation in Architecture from Jadavpur University, and Masters in Urban Planning from Indian Institute of

Technology and Conservation from University of York in the UK.

Nominated by the Government of West Bengal as a Member to the Council of Architecture (CoA), Manish which regulates Architectural Education and Practice in the country .

Manish is a leading conservation architect whose works has been widely published in the national and international journals and media, and has authored various books on architecture and conservation, guided students' thesis, a guest columnist, a visiting faculty to schools of architecture in India and abroad.

He has been a consultant to World Monuments Fund,

National Museum of Denmark, Department of Culture, Government of Rajasthan, INTACH, and Archaeological Survey of India.

He is the recipient of the UNESCO Asia Pacific Heritage Award of Distinction 2016 for the Conservation of St Olav

Church for benchmarking conservation practice in India and the region.

Faculty Profile
Sandipan Sinha

Associate Professor - Architecture

B.Arch (IIEST), M.Cons Mgmt. (NICMAR), M.Arch (JU), PhD-pursuing(Jadavpur University)


Professional Experience:

A significant 5 years of professional experience of working with various residential and industrial projects ranging from medium to large scale. He has expertise in Design Coordination for Contractor side.

Academic Experience:

Experienced academician with 8 years of experience in academics. Prof. Sandipan SInha is skilled in Urban Design, GIS, AutoCAD, REVIT, Feasibility Studies, Construction Management.He is keen to continue learning through NPTEL platform.


Prof. Sandipan Sinha is registered with Council of Architecture, New Delhi(COA),and Indian Institute of Architects(IIA).

Sandipan Sinha
Faculty Profile
Dr. Abhiroop Das

Associate Professor - Architecture

B.Arch (Utkal University), M.Arch ( Jadavpur University), Ph.D. ( Jadavpur University)


Professional Experience:

Dr. Das has more than 4 years experience in the domain of architecture  dealing with various residential, commercial and institutional projects.

Academic Experience:

Dr. Das has 12 years of Teaching experience. His area of research is based on parametric study of Urban Transformations related to Mass Rapid Transit System and Urban Developments, especially in the Core Areas of a City, from an Urban Design viewpoint. He has presented papers in conferences, published papers in peer reviewed journals, both at national and at international levels.


Dr. Das is a member of Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) and also registered with Council of Architecture, New Delhi

Dr. Abhiroop Das
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - architecture

B. Arch (Jadavpur University), Masters in City Planning (IIT Kharagpur) , Ph.D - pursuing (Jadavpur University)


Professional Experience:

Prof. Shee has 6+ years experience in the Development Sector working in Consulting, Urban Reforms & Infrastructure Advisory. She has worked in Urban Infrastructure, Affordable Housing & Real estate, Master Planning, Architecture & Design, MSME Cluster Development and Urban Policy & Flagship Urban Missions of the Government of India including Smart City Mission. Further, She has on-the-ground experience of working with various Municipal Agencies & State Governments in India.

Academic Experience:

Prof. Shee has 4+ years of experience of teaching various subjects in architecture & planning domain.


Prof. Shee is an active member of Institute of Town Planners (ITPI), India & Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) and is registered with the Council of Architecture (CoA).

Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - architecture

B. Arch (DIT University), M. Arch- Urban Design (Jadavpur University), Ph.D - pursuing (Jadavpur University)


Professional Experience:

Prof. Dutta has worked on large scale urban infrastructure projects at the national level with the Ministry of Railways (Howrah Railway Complex), Port Trust (Shayama Prasad Mukherjee Kolkata Port Trust), Ministry of Power (National PowerGrid) and Smart Cities (Newtown Green Smart City). He is actively involved in Institutional Consultancy.

Academic Experience:

Prof. Dutta has more than 3 years of teaching experience for subjects like Architectural Design, Urban Design, Climatology, AI in Architecture, Building Materials & Construction. He has published more than 14+ research papers in notable national and international indexed journals and conference proceedings. He is a guest reviewer for major publication houses. His deep-seated research interest encompasses Urban Transformation of Spaces, Urban Placemaking, Human Cognition, Behaviour and Perception.


Registered with Council of Architecture, New Delhi

Faculty Profile
Piyali Guhathakurta

Assistant Professor - architecture

B. Arch (AIIA), Masters in City Planning (IIT KGP)


Professional Experience:

With over 15 years of extensive experience in architectural and interior design, she has made significant contributions to a diverse range of projects. Her portfolio includes large-scale commercial and educational developments. She has been involved in numerous green building projects. Additionally, she has worked in various Smart City initiatives.

Academic Experience:

She has two years of full-time teaching experience as well.


Registered with Council of Architecture, New Delhi

Member of Institute of Town Planners.

Member of Indian Institute of Architects.

Piyali Guhathakurta
Faculty Profile
Abhirup Chanda

Assistant Professor - architecture

B.Arch (Bachelor of Architecture), M.Arch (Master of Architecture) with specialization in Urban Design


Professional Experience:

Over 5 years of experience in the field of architecture, interior design, and landscape.

Successfully executed numerous landscape projects, including residential and commercial spaces.


Academic Experience:

More than 3 years of experience as an Assistant Professor



Registered with Council of Architecture, New Delhi

Abhirup Chanda
Faculty Profile
Abhijit Basak

Assistant Professor - architecture

B. Arch (Jadavpur University), Masters in Urban and Regional Planning (IIEST Shibpur)


Professional Experience:

Prof. Basak has a varied multidisciplinary experience of 7 years ranging from Architecture to Interior to 3D Printed Models. He is an expert Model-maker having worked with prestigious offices across India apart from supervising numerous Interior Design projects.

Academic Experience:

Worked as a Visiting Faculty in various colleges before his full-time engagement with the University where he taught subjects like Architecture Design, Model-making and Computer Application. His domain of expertise are Architecture, Interior Design, Site Execution and Management.


Registered with Council of Architecture, New Delhi

Abhijit Basak
Faculty Profile
Ar. Indraneel Roy

Assistant Professor - architecture

B.Arch (2015, Piloo Mody College of Architecture, Cuttack), M.Des - Industrial Design (2021, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi)


An Architect turned Industrial Designer and Academician with over 4 years of Industry experience in Architecture and Interior Design having worked for various reputed firms in Kolkata and New Delhi on several residential, commercial and hospitality projects. An active academician having 2 years of teaching experience, having taught in prominent universities like DIT University, Dehradun, Chitkara University, Punjab and very recently Chandigarh University, Punjab with core expertise lies in Architecture, Interior and Product Design, Design Thinking, 3D modelling, Rendering and Prototyping.

B.Arch (2015, Piloo Mody College of Architecture, Cuttack), M.Des - Industrial Design (2021, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi)
COA no. : CA/2017/90180
Associate member of IIA, West Bengal Chapter

Ar. Indraneel Roy
Faculty Profile
Parikhit Biswas

Assistant Professor - architecture

Pursuing PhD from Jadavpur University, Master of Urban and Regional Planning from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology Shibpur.


Parikhit Biswas has completed his Bachelors in Architecture (2014) and Master of Urban and Regional Planning (2016) from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology Shibpur. Currently he is pursuing PhD from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Within his career tenure, he have been involved with various architecture firm, i.e. Sumit Maity Architects New Delhi, Maheswari Associates Kolkata etc. Within the academic domain, previously he served the Sanaka Group of Institutions, Durgapur as an Assistant professor. His research interest includes urban economics, urban management, planning, and city rejuvenation strategy.

Parikhit Biswas
Faculty Profile
Dr. Subir Kumar Dhar




Prof. Dhar taught at Rabindra Bharati University for over thirty-five years before   joining the Department of English at Sister Nivedita University. At Rabindra Bharati University he had been the officiating Vice-Chancellor as well as the Director of its School of Languages and Culture. His research interests include Semeiotics, hermeneutics, Postcolonialism, translation studies, language studies, Gelotology and Popular Culture.    

Dr. Subir Kumar Dhar
Faculty Profile


PhD from Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta [Jadavpur University]


Dr. Basu, has completed her PhD from the prestigious Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta [Jadavpur University]. She has a background in the humanities from the University of Kalyani. With over a decade of teaching experience at Sri Krishna College and The Bhawanipore Education Society, she specializes in Theatre Studies, Performance Studies, Masculinity Studies, and Film Studies. She is at present the Head of the Department of English at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. 

Faculty Profile


Professor and former head, dept of English and former dean, faculty of arts, Calcutta University


Professor and former head, dept of English and former dean, faculty of arts, Calcutta University has been the recipient of the fulbright postdoctoral fellowship and fulbright scholar in residence grant, Australia India council fellowship, gender studies fellowship grant, University of British Columbia, among others. She has been invited to participate in conferences and has taught/lectured at universities in the USA, UK, Europe, Canada and Australia.

She is the president, executive council, of the Indian poetry and performance library, ICCR, Kolkata.
Sahitya akademi new Delhi Nominated her as the convenor of the English language board.

She is a member of Sahitya akademi Delhi's general council. In 2018, she taught in Poland, as visiting Professor, at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
She received the IWSFF Women achievers award, kolkata in 2019 and the Wei Kamala das poetry award in 2020.

Faculty Profile
Professor (Dr.) Probal Roy Chowdhury

Professor - English


Dr. Probal Roy Chowdhury, currently the Director of the Centre for New India Studies at SNU, and Professor, Department of English, has been in academia since 2006. Earlier in his career, he has taught English and Cultural Studies at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, served as a Fellow with the Centre for Policy Studies, Chennai, worked as a consultant for the TVS Educational Society, and curated projects for one of India’s leading political consultancy firms. Recipient of various awards and accolades, including the Azad Fellowship and a book writing grant from Motwani Jadeja Foundation, US, Prof. Roy Chowdhury’s interests lie in the teaching and research of pre-British Indian society and polity, especially indigenous education in eighteenth and nineteenth century India; socio-cultural, religious and philosophical traditions of Bengal; Indian writing in English; and postcolonialism.

Professor (Dr.) Probal Roy Chowdhury
Faculty Profile

Associate Professor – English

PhD from Duquesne University, U.S.A. and an M.A. degree from Jadavpur University.


Madhuchhanda Ray Choudhury, Associate Professor and former English Department Head in Sister Nivedita University, has a PhD from Duquesne University, U.S.A. and an M.A. degree from Jadavpur University. Her research interests are in 18 th Century British Novel, Gothic writing, Monsters and Monstrosity. She guides research and teaches 17 th and 18 th century British Literature, British Romantic Literature and Critical Theory. She has published several papers and book chapters in national and international publications. A former Assistant Professor in Amity University, she was HOD in St. Xavier’s University and has also served as Resource Person in Viswa Bharati University and Osmania University.

Faculty Profile


Pursuing her Ph.D. She completed her graduation from Bidhannagar Govt. College in 2013 and MA from West Bengal State University in 2015.


Ms. Das has been teaching at SNU since 2018 and currently pursuing her Ph.D. She completed her graduation from Bidhannagar Govt. College in 2013 and MA from West Bengal State University in 2015. She cracked both UGC NET and WBSET in the same year (2017). Her additional qualification includes a B.ED degree from WBUTTEPA in 2016 and a Certificate course in Sanskrit from Jadavpur University in 2023. Her research interests include Mahabharata Studies, Indian Writing in English, Tagore studies, Literature and Film. She has published academic papers and creative writings (poetry) in edited volumes and journals. Besides being a literary enthusiast, she indulges in various cultural activities like script writing, direction and performance.

Faculty Profile
Swarnendu Dam


(Ph.D.) Research Scholar in West Bengal State University, post-graduation from West Bengal State University with a Gold Medal in 2022


Swarnendu Dam is the youngest Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India. He is also a Doctoral (Ph.D.) Research Scholar in West Bengal State University working on Post-Millennial Indian Dystopian Fiction. He is an associate member of the Centre for Studies in Gender, Culture and Media, West Bengal State University since 2021. He worked as a Research Assistant under Dr. Abhijeet Paul, University of California, Barkley on the issue of Environmental and Community Justice. His area of interests are Environment & Literature, Caste  & Literature, Crisis Literature and Vulnerability Studies.

Swarnendu Dam
Faculty Profile
Dr. Priyanka Chakraborty



Dr. Priyanka Chakraborty is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. Her doctoral thesis is based on Tibetan narratives in PRC, Exile and Diaspora.She worked as a Fulbright Fellow at Fries Centre for Global Studies, Wesleyan University, Connecticut. She has published her work in various International journals and as book chapters, and has presented her work in various national and internal conferences. Her areas of interest include Oral and performative traditions, Literature in Translation, , Tibetan literature, women writings, Bengali Literature, Buddhist Studies, Memory and Trauma studies, Chinese and East Asian literature, Classical Literature, etc.

Dr. Priyanka Chakraborty
Faculty Profile
Dr. Archita Banerjee


PhD from Banaras Hindu University


Dr. Archita Banerjee is a PhD from Banaras Hindu University. She previously worked as a language and content editor for the NITI-Aayog Project at the Anthropological Survey of India, Head Office, Kolkata under the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. Earlier she had taught as part-time faculty at Mahila Mahavidyalaya, BHU and Bangabasi Morning College. She is an ethnographer and carries out extensive field work in the area of folklore. She is an executive member actively associated with the Centre for Folklore Studies and Research. She has taught translation skills to undergraduate students for the UGC programme in BHU and has, on several occasions, assisted poets in translating their works. She also translates works from Hindi to English. Her research and teaching interests include Folklore studies, Postcolonial studies, Shakespearean Literature, 20th century British literature, Genre fiction, and Bengal cultural studies.

Dr. Archita Banerjee
Faculty Profile

Lecturer - English

Pursuing her Ph.D. in English from St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata, M.A. and M. Phil degrees from Calcutta University,


Ms. Debdatta Mitra is pursuing her Ph.D. in English from St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata. She has obtained her M.A. and M. Phil. (English) degrees from the University of Calcutta. She has been teaching since 2017 having previously taught at Manindra Chandra College under the University of Calcutta, and is currently engaged at Sister Nivedita University since 2020. She has an advanced degree (B2) in French from Alliance Française du Bengale. Her research interests include Modernism, Postmodernism, and Art history.

Faculty Profile

Visiting Faculty - English

M. Phil. on Trauma, Mother Archetype and Bengal Partition and his doctoral degree is on Literature of the Apocalypse.


Dr. Prasanta Ghoshal has been a visiting faculty for the last five years at Sister Nivedita University since 2019 and is a lecturer at Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya, a govt. college affiliated with the University of Calcutta for the last thirteen years since 2010. Besides, he is a coordinator and visiting faculty of colleges affiliated with Calcutta University, West Bengal State University, NSOU, DODL Kalyani University, IGNOU etc. He is also a NAAC Coordination Committee Member, and a participant in Academic Staff Committee self-development workshops and UGC-HRDC, University of Calcutta. He has completed his M. Phil. on Trauma, Mother Archetype and Bengal Partition and his doctoral degree is on Literature of the Apocalypse. He has researched on partition and contemporary politics, trauma studies, Foucault studies, crisis psychology, tribal life and women, and doomsday studies etc. He has chaired and presented several papers in national and international seminars and workshops.

Faculty Profile
Mr. Sudipta Saha

Visiting Faculty - English

Masters in English with a first class, and then B.Ed., PGDBPS, and an M.Phil. in Foreign Policy Studies


Sudipta Saha is a Full-Time Lecturer and Head of the Department of English, Surendranath College (Kolkata). He was educated at the University of Calcutta, from where he received the Masters in English with a first class, and then B.Ed., PGDBPS, and an M.Phil. in Foreign Policy Studies, which was awarded to him in 2019. His areas of research interest include Modernism in English Literature (fiction), American Short Stories, Contemporary Fiction, Changes in British Politics and Monarchy, American Foreign Policy and International Security Issues. In 2017, he worked briefly with the editorial team of New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd., a reputed publication house in Kolkata. He has published multiple chapters in edited books and numerous research articles in various national as well as international journals. He has also worked on a research project on Bangladesh in 2019, which was sponsored by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. Since March 2024, he is a member of the Reviewer Panel of Creativitas: Critical Explorations in Literary Studies, an Online Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Journal. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Development Studies from the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (IDSK), affiliated to the University of Calcutta.

Mr. Sudipta Saha
Faculty Profile
Ms. Paramita Routh Roy

Visiting Faculty - English

M.Phil. Research scholar at Jadavpur University and she is pursuing her research on African Literature


Ms. Paramita Routh Roy has done her M.Phil. from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India on African Literature with special emphasis on Black Masculinity Studies. She is currently working as a faculty in the Department of English at Sister Nivedita University, New Town. After completing her post-graduation from University of Calcutta, Ms. Roy has cleared UGC-NET examination in 2019. She has done her specialization in Gender Studies, Harold Pinter’s works and Modern European Classics. Many of her research works have been published in journals of national and international repute. Her contributions to Black Masculinity Studies have been recognized by the African Literature Association and she is looking forward to her future collaborations with them. Her research interests include African Literature, Afro-American Literature, Urdu Literature and Queer Studies.

Ms. Paramita Routh Roy
Faculty Profile
Rohit Dutta Roy

Assistant Professor & HOD - History


Rohit Dutta Roy is a historian of modern South Asia. Rohit has been a Cambridge International Trust doctoral scholar at the Faculty of History, University of Cambridge. His academic work focuses on politico-intellectual history, applied history and public policies informing disciplines, institutions, and identity formation. Before he began his doctoral project at Cambridge, Rohit completed a first-class MPhil in History from Jawaharlal Nehru University, a first-class MA in History from the University of Delhi, and first-class BA and MA degrees in Comparative Literature from Jadavpur University.  He has qualified for Assistant Professorship in History through the National Eligibility Test (NET).

He has taught Indian Political Thought and Policy History at both Cambridge and India. He has also taught undergraduate research-oriented courses such as the History of Democracy, Global Migration and Citizenship, Gandhian Approaches to Peace and Conflict Studies, etc. He has taught courses on Historical Arguments and Practice, World History Since 1914, for the Faculty of History, Jesus College and Pembroke College, Cambridge. Rohit’s bylines have appeared in Indian English and bilingual dailies, including The Telegraph, The Wire, Newslaundry, the Citizen. His research papers and review essays have been published by Orient Blackswan and various University Press Journals. 

Rohit Dutta Roy
Faculty Profile
Somreeta Majumdar

Assistant Professor - History


Dr. Somreeta Majumdar is currently  Assistant Professor of Department of History at Sister Nivedita University, New Town. She received PhD from Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan. She worked on the landscape and cultural milieu of the Buddhist establishments of West Bengal. She completed MA in History from University of Delhi and BA in History (Hons.) from Jadavpur University. She qualified UGC NET in 2018 and started teaching History at Kalyani Mahavidyalaya. Her research interests include Art and Archaeology of Buddhism, landscape study, Archaeology and History of Early Medieval India.

Somreeta Majumdar
Faculty Profile



Sarda Singh received her doctorate at the Centre for Historical Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She graduated in History at St. Stephen’s College, New Delhi and went on to pursue her Masters and MPhil in Modern Indian History at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Her Ph.D. work, titled “Sepoy Experiences in World War I: Medicine, Morale and Health (1914-18)”, explores the experiences of the Indian soldiers, their challenges, struggles, self-esteem, loyalties and griefs. In her MPhil dissertation titled “Madness and the Raj: Case Histories of European and Native Lunatics in Colonial India” she examined the relationship between ‘madness’ and colonialism. 

She is presently working as a Visiting Faculty at the Department of History, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. She has published her articles in various journals and presented her research in national and international conferences. Her research interests include South Asian History, History of Colonial Science and Medicine, Military Medicine, History of War, History of Psychiatry, History of Emotions, Insanity and Gendered Violence. 

Faculty Profile
Arkaprava Sarkar



Arkaprava Sarkar is currently a Visiting Faculty in the Department of History, Sister Nivedita University. He also serves as a Research Consultant at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. Previously, Arkaprava has also taught as a Visiting Faculty in the Department of South & Southeast Asian Studies, University of Calcutta, as well as in the Department of History, Hindi University, Howrah.
For his first degrees in History (BA and MA), Arkaprava was trained at Presidency University (formerly Presidency College), Kolkata, where he secured the First Rank in his Master's examination. Arkaprava obtained his M. Phil degree in History from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, where his thesis focused on exploring the social history of medicine in colonial India. His research sought to reconsider and reexamine the position of the white soldier's body within late nineteenth century medical/therapeutic discourses. His research interests also include the histories of science, gender, and spatiality

Arkaprava Sarkar
Faculty Profile

Advisor - Performing Arts



A versatile creative personality Goutam Ghosh is a composer, conductor, arranger, educator, writer, music critic. He has composed music for around 250 dramas in Bengali and Hindi and different languages. He also composed music for feature films, short films, telefilms, operas, large ensemble orchestras, and large choir. He has several music albums to his credit and has been felicitated for his work in the country and foreign countries like the Canada United States Europe and China. Mr. Ghosh has served as a visiting faculty at the SFTI, Bengal Music College under the University of Calcutta and, Humber College, Harris Institute, La Orientale, Univ of Lodz, and others. As a music composer and professor did several National and international workshops and seminars on Indian Music for educational purposes. He was the coordinator for Western Classical Music courses and also the Director of J.N. Tagore Centre of Research at the Rabindra Bharati University.

Faculty Profile
Dr. Tapan Roy

Professor and Head - Performing Arts

Ph.D in Folk Music from Kalyani University.


Dr.Tapan Roy, a renowned Bengali folk singer & researcher is specialized in a wide range of Bengali folk songs. Pursued masters in Vocal Music from Rabindra Bharati University & doctorate in Bengali folk song from Kalyani University. Learnt Loksangeet from Shri Dinendra Chaudhuri. Playbacked many songs in the film, Dekha directed by Gautam Ghosh & documentary films “Lalon Fakir” directed by Iswar Chakraborty, In the land of Chhinopatra directed by Saibal Mitra, documentary film on Shekh Mujibar Rahman named Kolkatay Mujib directed by Gautam Ghosh and title songs for dramas, Nakchabita by Bibhas Chakraborty & Matir Gobhire by Ashok Mukhopadhyay. Participated in Bangla Utsav, Canada, Nababarsha Utsav at Dhaka Club, Bangladesh.1st album "Akashe Batashe" published by HMV & released many Bengali folk music albums through renowned audio companies. Worked as music director in renowned group theatres. Mentor of the 1st Women's Bengali Folk Band, MADOL & MUKTOBERI, the 1st Prison Inmates Folk Music Band in India.

Dr. Tapan Roy
Faculty Profile
Kausani Ghosh

Assistant Professor - Performing Arts


Proficient playback singer & performing artist in Indian Contemporary Music with over 18 years of experience. Formally Trained in Hindustani Classical Music by Pandit Mohanlal Mishra & Smt. Sangeeta Bannerjee in Benaras & Lucknow Gharana. She earned her recognition from TV shows like ZEE Bangla Sa Re Ga Ma Pa & won prominent TV reality show title STAR OF KOLKATA from Tazza TV.. & featured in various musical tv & radio shows in Zee Bangla, ETV Bangla, Aakash Aath, Ruposhi Bangla, Tara Muzik: Dhoom Music, DD Bangla, 98.3 Radio Mirchi & Akash Vani. She sang as a playback singer for Zee Bangla Rashi's title song. Star Jalsha Chokher Tara Tui Title Song, Bengali Feature Film, Kintu Jodi Tobe, Love Hate Dhoka, Samay, etc. She released her solo album from T-Series, Raga Music, Prime Music. & received the prestigious Manabendra award for one of her solo albums also. She is an energetic performer who did numerous corporate events & cultural shows, in India & abroad.

Kausani Ghosh
Faculty Profile
Dr. Sugata Das

Assistant Professor - Performing Arts (Dance)

Ph.D in Dance from Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata


Dr. Sugata Das has completed his Ph.D, Graduation and Post Graduation in Dance from Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata. He has completed his higher studies from University of Roehamptom, London, UK.

He is a National Scholar as well as a Junior Research Fellow in dance, CCRT, Ministry of Culture, Government of India.

Dr. Das also completed his Diploma in Dance, Recitation and Rabindra Sangeet from Pracheen Kala Kendra, Chandigarh.

Dr. Sugata Das
Faculty Profile
Dr. Anubha Sen

Assistant Professor - Performing Arts

Ph.D. in Rabindra Sangeet from Sangeet Bhavan, Visva- Bharati


Ph.D in Rabindra Sangeet from Sangeet Bhavan, Visva- Bharati, Santiniketan under the supervision of Dr. Nandita Basu Sarbadhikary. Acquire Hindustani Classical Music knowledge from Acharya Jayanta Bose and Rabindra Sangeet from Swastika Mukhopadhyay. Affiliated artist of Prasar Bharati Akashbani Kolkata, Doordarshan Kolkata, and Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre. Released Music Albums of Rabindra Sangeet from Golden voice, Rag Ranjani media & entertainment, Ananya Music, Bhavna records, etc. She also did many performances for cultural events in India & abroad.

Dr. Anubha Sen
Faculty Profile
Dr. Turna Das

Assistant Professor - Performing Arts (Drama)


Dr. Turna Das is a Theatre Practitioner and Researcher. She worked as an actress with prolific theatre personalities such as Sohag Sen, Suman Mukhopadhyay, Arun Mukhopadhyay, Usha Ganguly, Padmasree Niranjan Goswami, Anjan Dutta, Saurav Palodhi, Anirban Bhattacharya, Arna Mukhopadhyay and many more. She received Paschimbanga Natya Academy Award, Zee Bangla Gourab Samman, Ebela Ajeya Award, Sahapedia-UNESCO Fellowship, NET-JRF, Scholarship for Young Artistes from CCRT, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India and many other fellowships and awards as well. She is a Doctoral Fellow at Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta. She worked as a Research-Fellow at The Asiatic Society, Kolkata. She also worked with Spazio-Seme, Italy as an actress and an actor-trainer. Currently, she works as an actress with several theatre groups in Kolkata.

Dr. Turna Das
Faculty Profile
Madhabi Das


MSc in Nursing from PGIMER, Chandigarh.


Professional experience-
a) Holded highest position in nursing (joint director)
b) Principal of school and College of nursing, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of west Bengal.

a) National Award in 2011.
b) National science day award in 2019.
c) Basanti Rai award in 1990

*Associated with National and State Regulatory Body of nursing education and other professional organisations and Associations.

*Educational and exchange visits in Abroad

*Attended International, National and State level workshop, seminar, and panel discussions

Madhabi Das
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Niyati Kar


M.Sc. Nursing (Specialty- Medical Surgical Nursing)


  • Clinical experience 24yrs (Govt sector) & teaching experience 16 yrs.(school & college)
  • Retired as Principal Nursing Officer from government Nursing School
  • Professional Reg no: 4895-NM
Prof. (Dr.) Niyati Kar
Faculty Profile
Mrs. Maya Sengupta

Vice Principal

M.Sc. in Nursing and WBUHS (speciality, Community Health Nursing)


Clinical and administration in different Govt, Institution including Swasthya Bhawan

15 years

1981 – 1993

Teaching in different Govt. School of Nursing

17 years

1994 - 2011

Govt, College of Nursing, RG.KAR MCH, NBMCH(detailment)

18 months

2008, 2009 - 2011

Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan, Ma Sarada college of Nursing (Vice Principal)

5 years , 6 mns

2015 june –January 2021

Mrs. Maya Sengupta
Faculty Profile
Mrs. Kuntal Mandal

Professor Nursing (Specialty Community Health Nursing)


  • Teaching experience 14 yrs, Clinical Experience 5yrs.
  • Professional Reg no- 20091 NM
Mrs. Kuntal Mandal
Faculty Profile
Mrs. Moumita Bhattacharya

Associate Professor

M.Sc. Nursing(Specialty-Child Health Nursing)


  • Diploma in Emergency & disaster nursing.
  • Clinical experience 17 yrs& teaching experience 3 yrs.
  • Professional Reg. no: 23034-NM
Mrs. Moumita Bhattacharya
Faculty Profile
Mrs. Suchanda Pal

Associate Professor

M. Sc.Nursing(Specialty- child health)


  • Teaching experience 10 yrs.
  • Professional Reg. no: 27152-NM
Mrs. Suchanda Pal
Faculty Profile
Sanchita Banerjee

Assistant Professor

M. Sc. Nursing (Specialty- Medical –Surgical Nursing)


  • Clinical experience 13yrs & teaching experience 11 yrs.
  • Treasurer of TNAI(Trained Nurses Association of India),WB from 2019.
  • Professional Reg. no: 12462-NM
Sanchita Banerjee
Faculty Profile
Abhisikta Deb

Assistant Professor

B.Sc. Nursing - 2015, M.Sc. Nursing - 2020


  • B.Sc Nursing from Maa Sarada College Of Nursing (WBUHS) in 2015
  • M.Sc. Nursing in Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing from Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KIIT University) in 2020
  • Clinical experience: 1 year 4 months; Teaching Experience: 3 years 10 months
  • Professional Reg no: 36435-NM
Abhisikta Deb
Faculty Profile
Pooja Bakshi

Assistant Professor

M.Sc. in Pediatrics -2020


I, Pooja Bakshi completed my B.Sc. Nursing from Apollo Gleneagles Nursing College in the year of 2016. Then I worked as a Tutor in the same college for 1 year and 6 months. After that, I was pursuing Msc in WBGCON, SSKM Hospital, and got my MSC certificate in the year of 2020. Then I started working as an Assistant professor at Sister Nivedita University from 1st December 2020.

Pooja Bakshi
Faculty Profile
Riku Maji

Assistant Professor

M.Sc. Nursing in Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing from college of Nursing, Medical College, B.Sc. Nursing from R.G. Kar medical College.


M.Sc. Nursing in Obstetrics and gynaecological nursing

Teaching experience: 9+  years

Educational qualification:
M.Sc. Nursing in Obstetrics and gynaecological nursing from College of Nursing, Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata
B.Sc Nursing from College of Nursing,R.G.Mar Medical College and Hospital

Riku Maji
Faculty Profile
Salini Mondal

Assistant Professor

MSc nursing ( Speciality in Child Health Nursing)


Teaching experience - 6 years.
Clinical experience - 1 year.
Educational qualification:
2014-2016- MSc nursing in Child health nursing from Siksha’O’Anusandhan University.
2009-2013- Bsc nursing from Siksha’O’Anusandhan University.

Salini Mondal
Faculty Profile
Ws khanpam

Assistant Professor

Msc. Nursing (obstetrics and gynaecological nursing


4 years of teaching experience + 1.6 years of clinical experience.

Ws khanpam
Faculty Profile
Sahelee Mukherjee

Assistant Professor

B.Sc Nursing from Apollo Gleneagles Nursing College M.Sc Nursing in from SSKM Hospital


I have been working in nursing profession since 2016. I have 2 years teaching experience as a lecturer and 2 years clinical experience.

Sahelee Mukherjee
Faculty Profile
Rituparna Sengupta

Assistant Professor

MSc nursing in OBG speciality


Completed GNM, PBBSc nursing and MSc nursing. Total experience in nursing is 8 years.

Rituparna Sengupta
Faculty Profile
Mousumi Rakshit

Assistant Professor

M.Sc. in Psychiatry Nursing specialty in 2016 under The West Bengal University of Health Sciences


2012: Completed Bachelor in Nursing
2012-2014: Two (2) years of clinical experience at Tata Medical Center, Kolkata as staff nurse
2016: Completed Masters in Psychiatric Nursing
Sept, 2016 - Oct, 2021: Five (5) years of teaching experience at Apollo Gleneagles Nursing College as Tutor
June, 2022 - present: Six (6) months of teaching at Sister Nivedita University Nursing Institute as Assistant Professor

Mousumi Rakshit
Faculty Profile
Ipsita Mani Roy

Assistant Professor

M.Sc. nursing (speciality-Child Health Nursing) from Burdwan Medical college and hospital, Pursuing P.hD. in NURSING


Qualification- M. Sc nursing(speciality-Child Health Nursing) from Burdwan Medical College and Hospital, Pursuing Ph.D. in NURSING from Maharishi Markandeshwar University

Experience- Total experience 9 years Teaching Experience - 6 years Clinical Experience - 3 years

Ipsita Mani Roy
Faculty Profile
Debashruti Bhunia

Assistant Professor


Clinical experience: 1.3 years from Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan

Teaching Experience: 10 months posted as Tutor at School of Nursing, Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan.

3 years 10 months posted as Lecturer at Ma Sarada College of Nursing, Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan.

Debashruti Bhunia
Faculty Profile
Tandra Ghosh

Assistant Professor


Clinical Experience -22 years as Sister incharge at CMRI

Teaching Experience:1year as Clinical Instructor at Sister Florence College of Nursing and 5 years as a Senior Lecturer at Sister Florence College of Nursing

Tandra Ghosh
Faculty Profile
Ms. Tamashree Roy

Assistant Professor

M. Sc Nursing in Community Health Nursing.


Teaching Experience : Tutor at Shovarani Nursing College & Asst. Professor at B.P. Poddar & Parvati Devi Academy of Nursing.

Total years- 3 years 4 months.

Ms. Tamashree Roy
Faculty Profile
Soma Das

Academic Instructor

B.Sc. (Pass), Course Completed GNM (1997-99), Post Basic B.Sc. Nsg(H) 2006-8


  • Clinical experience 5 yrs.(as incharge)
  • Teaching experience from 2008 to 2022(15 yrs 5 months)
  • Professional Reg. no: 20463-NM
Soma Das
Faculty Profile
Sutapa Das (Sen)

Academic Instructor

Post Basic Bsc Nursing from WBUHS 2017


 Passed Higher Secondary Examination in 1990. Completed GNM from CMRI(West Bengal Nursing Council) in 1994. Around 20 years of experience in clinical fields at CMRI and Thakurpukur Cancer Hospital. Passed Post Basic Bsc Nursing from Peerless College of Nursing(West Bengal University of Health Sciences) in 2017. Around 2 years of teaching experience at Maa Sarada College of Nursing before joining SNU in 2021.

Sutapa Das (Sen)
Faculty Profile
Shuvra Saha

Academic Instructor

Post Basic B.Sc Nursing. from Asia Heart Foundation


Mrs Shuvra  Saha have  joined Sister Nivedita University on 24.04. 2021 as Tutor  post. She completed  her GNM course  from  CMRI in the year  1992 &  post  Basic  B.Sc  Nursing. from  Asia  Heart  Foundation in the Year  2015. She worked  as a Staff Nurse  at CMRI from 1992 to 1999 and as a  sister-in-charge worked in Ruby Hospital from 2000 to 2008. Then she joined as Assistant  Nursing  Superintendent  at Desun   Hospital from 2008 to 2013. After completion of Post Basic B.Sc  Nursing she worked  as a  Deputy  Nursing  Superintendent on and from  2015 to 2021 March. I have clinical experienced 28 yrs including DNS(5 yrs) Teaching experienced 1 years 7 months
Shuvra  Saha
Faculty Profile

Academic Instructor

M. Sc Nursing (Psychiatry Nursing)


Graduated from West Bengal University of Health Sciences in 2016.
Post graduated in Psychiatry Nursing speciality from West Bengal Government College of Nursing, SSKM Hospital in 2020.
Currently pursuing master's in Clinical Psychology from Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Clinical experience - 2 years in Neonatal Intensive Care System.
Teaching experience - 2 years (subjects of teaching included - Mental Health Nursing, Applied Psychology, Community Health Nursing, Nursing Research and Statistics, Applied Nutrition, Foundation of Nursing).

Faculty Profile

Academic Instructor Nursing (2016-2020) from Kalinga Institute Of Nursing Science, KIIT University.


Teaching Experience - 1 yr Nursing (2016-2020) from Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences , KIIT University.

Faculty Profile
Sakshi Gogoi

Academic Instructor

MSc nursing (Speciality -Medical surgical nursing) in 2021 from NILD Kolkata, Post Basic Bsc nursing in 2017 from Assam


Teaching experience 3 years, registration no. 12769/2015, NUID no. AS1113004

Sakshi Gogoi
Faculty Profile
Radha Chakraborty

Nursing Tutor

P.B.Sc. (H) Nursing


  • Clinical experience 33 yrs Teaching experience - 1 yr
  • Professional Reg. no: 7704-NM
Radha Chakraborty
Faculty Profile
Simpi Sarkar

Nursing Tutor

B. Sc. (H) Nursing


  • Teaching experience 2yrs.
  • Professional Reg. no: 51240- NM
Simpi Sarkar
Faculty Profile
Upama Bhattacharya

Nursing Tutor

M. Sc Nursing


Upama Bhattacharya
Faculty Profile
Pinki Paul

Nursing Tutor

M.Sc.Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing), 2019-2021, from Tata Medical Tenter, Kolkata B.Sc.Nursing from Arya Nursing College, Guwahati (2012-2016).


Designation- Tutor
Date of joining- 5th April, 2022
RN/RM No-TNC 7595
Clinical experience- 3 years (2016-2019)

Pinki Paul
Faculty Profile


M.Sc. Nursing in Community Health Nursing from North Bengal Medical College and Hospital (2020-2022)


Qualification-M.Sc. Nursing in Community Health Nursing from North Bengal Medical College and Hospital (2020-2022), B. Sc. Nursing from Apollo Gleneagles Nursing College (2015-2019)

Teaching Experience-1 year 3 months

Faculty Profile
Poulami Mukhopadhyay


M.Sc. Nursing in Community Health Nursing nursing from Govt. College of Nursing


Qualification: M.Sc. Nursing in Community Health Nursing nursing from Govt. College of Nursing, Purba Bardhaman (2020-2022), B.Sc Nursing from Peerless College of Nursing ( 2014-2018 )

Teaching experience: 1 year 8 months

Poulami Mukhopadhyay
Faculty Profile


M.Sc. Nursing in Community Health Nursing from North Bengal Medical College and Hospital (2020-2022)


Qualification: M.Sc. Nursing in Community Health Nursing from North Bengal Medical College and Hospital (2020-2022),

B. Sc. Nursing from Bardhhaman Medical College and Hospital (2015-2019)

Teaching Experience-1year 1month 20days

Clinical Experience- 6 month

Faculty Profile
Trisha Dasmandal



Clinical experience: 2.3 years from Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan

Teaching Experience: 5 years

Trisha Dasmandal
Faculty Profile
Kamala Khanal Upadhay


M.Sc. nursing, Medical - Surgical Nursing, oncology speciality


Clinical experience: Worked as OT nurse for 1 year and 3 months at Marwari Hospital, Guwahati, Assam. Staff nurse for 1 year and 6 months at Assam Cancer Care Foundation, Guwahati, Assam

Teaching Experience: Tutor at Ravel Institute of Nursing for 2 Months.

Kamala Khanal Upadhay
Faculty Profile
Madhurima Mondal


M. Sc Nursing in Child Health Nursing speciality.


Clinical Experience: 5 years 3 months in Tata Medical Center, Kolkata.

Teaching Experience: 2 years 2 months in GitaRam College of Nursing, Murshidabad. Worked at Gokul Institute of Nursing, Madhyamgram for 3 months.

Madhurima Mondal
Faculty Profile


M. Sc Nursing in Obstetrical Nursing.


Clinical Experience: 1 year and 11 months as a OT Assistant Staff nurse of General OT in KPC Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata.


Teaching Experience: 1 year 7 months as a Tutor in Brainware University 11 months experience as an Assistant Professor in College of Nursing, Techno India University.

Faculty Profile

Dean - School of Law

B.Sc.(H), LL.M., Ph. D. (Law)


Teaching experience: over 18 yrs.; Practicing experience: over 6 yrs. (Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta and State Administrative Tribunal) Debashree Mukherjee has completed her Ph.D. in Law from the University of Burdwan. She has been awarded Gold Medals at both PG and UG levels. and is the recipient of the Saroj Mazumdar Medal by the University for her consistent academic performance. She has over eighteen years of teaching experience at both UG and PG levels and six years of experience in practicing at the Hon’ble High Court at Kolkata and at the West Bengal State Administrative Tribunal. She has published over twenty articles in edited volumes and various Law Journals and edited books on various aspects of Law. Her research interest areas include Environmental Law, Human Rights, International Law and International Relations.

Faculty Profile

Head of Department - Law


LLM from Bharti Vidyapeeth, Pune University with specialization in International Human Rights. P.G. Diploma in PM & IR, Annamalai University. LLB from Mumbai University & secured 1 st Position in the subject of Criminal Procedure Code. Seven years of teaching experience in Mumbai & Kolkata. Seven years of practice in the field of civil & criminal matters as Advocate in Jharkhand High Court, Ranchi. Presently working as Assistant Professor – law at Sister Nivedita University, New Town & pursuing PhD in Labour Law from the same University. She has published several articles, book chapters in National & International journals and Journals of repute. She has four publications in UGC Care journals and has presented several papers in various National and International Conferences/Seminars. She has also participated in several workshops, training programs and seminars. Her areas of interest include Labour Law, Company law, Family law & Constitutional law.

Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Law


LL.M from Calcutta University (Hazra Campus) with 1ST class.
B.A LL.B (Hons.) from S.K Acharya Institute of law (University of Kalyani) with 1st class.
Pursuing PHD from Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata.
Nine years of teaching experience as an Assistant Prof. of Law at different Colleges/Universities.
Presently working as an Assistant Prof. and Head of the Department at Sister Nivedita University, New Town, Kolkata
1 year experience in court practice.
Presented paper in various International and national seminars, conferences etc.
9 publications in recognized UGC Care journals on labour law, environmental law, &
Constitution of India & Criminal law.
Engaged with an NGO called ‘Karmakutir’ for the development of women and underprivileged

Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Law


Somanjana Dutta Chattakhandi is persuing her PH.D from Sister Nivedita University. She has qualified SET examination. She is having 8 years teaching experience and 1 year working experience in LPO. She completed her LL.M from Department of Law (Hazra Campus) University of Calcutta with first class. She was first class first in B.A. LL.B(H) from SKAIL, University of Kalyani. She has good number of publications in various recognised journals. She has also participated and presented paper in various national and international journals.

Faculty Profile
Dr. Susmita Dhar

Assistant Professor - Law

Ph.D. degree from Burdwan University and LL.B. (Hons.), LL.M., NET.


Dr. Susmita Dhar has been awarded her Ph.D. degree from Burdwan University and her LL.M from University of Calcutta. Graduating from Hooghly Mohsin College, she has an experience of 6 Years in teaching and 8 years of Practicing experience at the Calcutta High Court in Criminal and Writ jurisdiction. She has been a State Funded Research Fellow of Burdwan University. She has Published 25 Articles in various journal and edited books. She Participated in 39 National and International seminars and conferences as paper presenter. She has also taught as guest lecturer in the Department of Law, Burdwan University and Department of Law, University of Calcutta for many years. Her research interest areas include IPR, environmental law, Corporate governance, Company Law, Law of Evidence and Banking Law.

Dr. Susmita Dhar
Faculty Profile
Misthi Saha

Assistant Professor - Law

Ph.D (provisionally registered) at WBNUJS, Kolkata, UGC NET, LL.M., B.A. LLB (Hons.) University of Calcutta


She is a Ph.D Research scholar (provisionally registered) at West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. She has passed LL.M. from Department of Law, University of Calcutta in the year 2021 and B.A. LLB (Hons.) from Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri Law College under University of Calcutta in the year 2018 with first class. She has qualified UGC NET in February, 2022. She has three publications in peer reviewed journals. Prior to joining as an academician she was practicing as an Advocate in the High Court at Calcutta and Alipore Judges' Court.

Misthi Saha
Faculty Profile
Chhaya Lalwani

Assistant Professor - Law

LLM from the Institute of Legal Studies, Ranchi University in First class. LLB.(H) from BBMKU,DHANBAD and was GOLD MEDALIST.


She has completed her LLM from the Institute of Legal Studies, Ranchi University in First class in the year 2023. She has cleared UGC NET EXAM twice both in December and June 2022 and June 2023.

She has done her LLB.(H) from BBMKU,DHANBAD and was GOLD MEDALIST of the her university in the year 2020.
She has several publications, journals, articles and has keen interest in researching, mooting etc. Apart from this She has done B.COM (ACCOUNTS HON  )from V.B.U. HAZARIBAG and passed with first class. Prior to joining she' was enrolled with the Jharkhand  State Bar Council in the year 2021 and got enrolled and practising as an Advocate in Dhanbad District Court from 2023. Her area of interest is criminal laws, constitutional law, contract law etc.
Chhaya Lalwani
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Law

Pursuing Ph.D. at WBNUJS, Kolkata, UGC-NET (Law), LL.M. (Corporate and Commercial Law) from WBNUJS, Kolkata


Pallavi Roy is a Ph.D. Research Scholar at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. She earned her LL.M. with a specialization in Corporate and Commercial Law from the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata in the year 2019, after completing her B.A.LL.B. (Hons) from South Calcutta Law College, affiliated to the University of Calcutta, in 2018. She cleared the UGC-NET exam for Law at her first attempt in December 2019. She has two publications to her credit and has more than two years of teaching experience. In addition, she also has practical industry experience as a Legal Executive prior to joining academia.

Faculty Profile
Pubali Dutta

Assistant Professor - Law

LL.M. from West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences completed in 2023


UGC-NET 2023 Qualified

LL.M. from West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences completed in 2023
Specialization : Criminal & Security Law (Researched on LGBTQ Rights)
B.A.LL.B. (Honours) from Department of Law, Calcutta University (Hazra Campus) completed in 2022
Pubali Dutta
Faculty Profile
Soumika Aich Roy

Assistant Professor - Law

LL.M with specialization in Tort and Crime from University of Calcutta.


Soumika Aich Roy has graduated in B.A. LL.B (Hons) from Department of Law, University of Calcutta (Hazra campus), where she also completed her LL.M with specialization in Tort and Crime. She has done her schooling from G. D. Birla Centre for Education. She was enrolled in the All India Bar in 2020 and has qualified UGC NET for Law in 2023. She has previously worked in the Department of Legal Science at Techno India University, Kolkata. She has acted as course lead for various internship programs organised by KMCT Law College, Kerala, and has also delivered special lecture sessions for legal training of West Bengal Police cadets in the Swami Vivekananda State Police Academy, Barrackpore. She has participated and presented papers in various national and international legal seminars and has published papers in several legal journals and books. Her areas of interest include crime and criminology, social issues, forensic science, use of AI, criminal profiling and other related fields.

Soumika Aich Roy
Faculty Profile
Susmita Bose

Assistant Professor - Law

LLM. in Business Laws from Amity University Kolkata 2019-2020 with First class.


My name is Susmita Bose. I have been working as an Assistant Professor of Law since 2023. I did my BA.LLB. from South Calcutta Law College, University of Calcutta from 2013-2018 with First Class, thereafter I completed my LLM. in Business Laws from Amity University Kolkata 2019-2020 with First class. Since I had keen interest in academics and research, I published reasearch articles in online legal journals and cleared WBSET in 2023 alongside I continued legal practice in District Courts and Calcutta High Court in order to get hands on experience alongwith technical knowledge for 3 years.

I have keen interest in Constitutional law ,corporate laws, personal laws  and Environmental laws.
Susmita Bose
Faculty Profile
Srestha Nag

Lecturer - Law



Srestha Nag has graduated with a BA LLB Hons degree in 2022 and a LLM degree in 2023, both from Symbiosis International University, where she's been the gold medalist nominee and batch topper. She has worked as a Teaching Fellow at Sai University, Chennai before joining SNU. She has authored several articles, chapters and papers in peer reviewed journals. She has qualified the UGC NET exam of 2024 under PhD category. Her teaching interest lies in Criminal laws.

Srestha Nag
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Debashis Gangopadhyay

Director - School of Sciences



Area of Research: Quantum Field Theory, Cosmology, Quantum Computation and Information

Employment / Education / Miscellaneous :

  • Faculty (1st March 2020 onwards) : Dept.Of Physics, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata
  • Faculty ( 1st Jan 2012- 30th April 2020): Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute, Belur Matth, Howrah
  • Faculty (18th July 1991- 31st Dec. 2011): S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, India
  • Postdoctoral Fellow (1989-1991): Bogolubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow, Russia
  • Postdoctoral Fellow (1987-1989): Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India
  • Lecturer in Physics (1986-1987): Head, Department of Physics, College of Textile Technology, Berhampore, Murshidabad, India
  • Ph. D. (1988): Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India
  • M.Sc. (Physics,First Class)(1977): University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
  • B.Sc. (Physics Hons.,First Class)(1975): Presidency College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
  • Indian School Certificate (First Division) (1972), Calcutta Boys' School, University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
  • National Scholarship (1972)
  • National Science Talent Search Scholarship (1972 – 1977)


Selected Publications

  • NEC violation in f(R,T) gravity in the context of a non-canonical theory via modified Raychaudhuri equation, Arijit Panda, Debashis Gangopadhyay, Goutam Manna ,Astroparticle Physics 165 , 103059 (2025) (available online
  • Form Invariance of Raychaudhuri equation in the presence of Inflaton-type fields, Arijit Panda, Debashis Gangopadhyay, Goutam Manna , Fortschr. Phys. 2024 , 2400134 (2024)
  • An Accelerated Universe with Negative Equation of state parameter in Inhomogeneous Cosmology with k-essence Scalar field, Somnath Mukherjee and Debashis Gangopadhyay, Physics of the Dark Universe 32, 100800, (2021)
  • F(R) Gravity with k-essence Scaling Relation and Cosmic Acceleration, Somnath Mukherjee and Debashis Gangopadhyay, ISSN 2688-8300 (Print) ISSN 2644-3368 (Online), JMSCM, 1, No.4, (2020)
  • Three Flavoured neutrino oscillations and the Leggett Garg Inequality, Debashis Gangopadhyay and Animesh Sinha Roy, Euro.Phys. Jour. C 77, 260 (2017)
  • Semiclassical treatment of k-essence effect on cosmic temperature, Abhijit Bandyopadhyay, Debashis Gangopadhyay and Arka Moulik, Gravitation and Cosmology 23, 184 (2017)
  • The Leggett-Garg Inequality and Page-Wootters Mechanism, Debashis Gangopadhyay and Animesh Sinha Roy, Euro. Phys. Lett. 116, 40007 (2016)
  • The Hawking temperature in the context of dark energy for Reissner-Nordstrom and Kerr background, G. Manna and Debashis Gangopadhyay, Euro. Phys. Jour. C 74, 2811 (2014)
  • Probing the Leggett-Garg Inequality for Oscillating Neutral Kaons and Neutrinos, D. Gangopadhyay, D.Home, A.Sinha Roy , Phys.Rev. A88 022115 (2013)
  • The Hawking temperature in the context of dark energy Debashis Gangopadhyay and Goutam Manna, Euro.Phys.Lett. 100 49001 (2012)
  • The k-essence scalar field in the context of Supernova Ia Observations, Abhijit Bandyopadhyay, Debashis Gangopadhyay , Arka Moulik, Eur. Phys. Jour. C 72, 1943, (2012)
  • Estimating temperature fluctuations in the early Universe, Debashis Gangopadhyay, Gravitation and Cosmology 16, 231 (2010)
  • Logarithm of the scale factor as a generalised coordinate in a lagrangian for dark matter and dark energy, Debashis Gangopadhyay and Somnath Mukherjee, Physics Letters B 665, 121 (2008)
  • The CNOT quantum logic gate using q-deformed oscillators, Debashis Gangopadhyay, Int. Jour. Quant. Inform. 6, 471 (2008)
  • Evolution of primordial black holes in Jordan-Brans-Dicke Cosmology- A.S. Majumdar, Debashis Gangopadhyay, L.P.Singh, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 385 1467 (2008)
  • Spacetime Dependent Lagrangians and Electrogravity Duality- Debashis Gangopadhyay, R.Bhattacharjee, L.P.Singh, Gravitation and Cosmology, 13 , 285 (2007)
  • Quantum Logic Gates with q-Deformed Oscillators- Debashis Gangopadhyay & M.N. Sinha Roy, Int. Jour. Quant. Inform. 4 297 (2006)
  • Growth Models and Models of Turbulence: A Stochastic Quantisation Perspective- H.S.Samanta, J.K.Bhattacharjee, Debashis Gangopadhyay, Phys. Lett. A353 113 (2006)
  • Vacuum expectation value of the Higgs Field and Dyon Charge Quantisation from Spacetime Dependent Lagrangians- R.Bhattacharyya and D.Gangopadhyay, Mod.Phys Lett . A18 1 (2003)
  • Spacetime Dependent Lagrangians and Weak-Strong Duality : Sine-Gordon and Massive Thirring Models- R.Bhattacharyya and D.Gangopadhyay, Mod.Phys.Lett. A17 729 (2002)
  • Duality in Equations of Motion from Spacetime Dependent Lagrangians- R. Bhattacharyya and D. Gangopadhyay, Modern Physics Letters A15 901 (2000)
  • Duality invariance of cosmological solutions with torsion, Debashis Gangopadhyay and S. Sengupta, Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. A 14, 4953 (1999)
  • Van der Waerden’ s Colouring Theorem and Classical Spin Systems - R.Chaudhury, D. Gangopadhyay and S. K. Paul, Mod. Phys. Lett. B11 923 (1997)
  • Interacting Fermions , Scaling and Possible Departure From Fermi Liquid Behaviour- R. Chaudhury and D. Gangopadhyay, Mod. Phys. Lett.. B9 1657 (1995)
  • Quantum Discrete Gauge Models with Bosonic and Fermionic Degrees of Freedom - A.T. Filippov , D. Gangopadhyay and A. P. Isaev, Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. A7 2487 (1992)
  • Discrete “Strings” and Gauge Model of Three Confined Relativistic Particles - A.T. Filippov , D. Gangopadhyay and A.P. Isaev , Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. A7 3639 (1992)
  • On canonical q-transformations with two q-oscillators, Debashis Gangopadhyay, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 31, 2909 (1991)
  • Harmonic Oscillator Realisation of the Canonical q-Transformation - A.T. Filippov, D. Gangopadhyay and A.P.Isaev, Jour. Phys. A24 L63 (1991)
  • On the Harmonic Oscillator Realisation of q-Oscillators- D. Gangopadhyay and A.P. Isaev , JINR Rapid Comm.45 35 (1990)
  • Gauge fixing for linearized gravity and antisymmetric tensor fields, Debashis Gangopadhyay, Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. A 5, 2145 (1990)
  • Fujikawa-type formulation of gauged BRST symmetry for the free Bosonic string, Debashis Gangopadhyay and L. P. Singh, Phys. Rev. D (Rapid Comm.) 38, 2652 (1988)
  • Functional Stochastic Quantisation Of Gauge Theories- A.Chatterjee and D. Gangopadhyay, Jour.Phys.G13 L97 (1987)
  • Functional Stochastic Quantisation and Perturbation Theory- Debashis Gangopadhyay, A. Chatterjee and P. Mazumdar Jour.Phys.G12 L1 (1986)
  • Factorisation in Large-N Limit of Lattice Gauge Theories Revisited- A. Chatterjee and D. Gangopadhyay, Pramana 21 385 (1983)


Research Interests, I have worked in the formalism and applications of quantum field theory. In cosmology I am mostly interested in using field theoretic techniques to understand the early universe and the dark matter and and dark energy scenario. In quantum computation and information theory, my interest lies in quantum logic gates and quantum correlations.

PhD students:

  • (1) Rajsekhar Bhattacharyya (Ph. D. Jadavpur University), Thesis title: “Studies on recent development in non-perturbative aspects of gauge theories” ( Quantum field Theory)
  • (2) Goutam Manna (Ph. D. Calcutta University), Thesis title: “Some studies in emergent gravity and k-essence ” (Cosmology and Quantum field Theory)
  • (3) Somnath Mukherjee (Ph. D. Jadavpur University), Thesis title: “Some studies on cosmic origins of dark matter and dark energy” (Cosmology)
  • (4) Oindrila Ganguly (Ph. D. Calcutta University), Thesis title: “Lorentz invariance violation: a study in the context of effective theories” (Quantum Field Theory)
  • (5) Animesh Singha Roy (Ph. D. RKMVERI), Thesis title: “Neutral Kaon Oscillations, Neutrino Oscillations and the Page-Wootters Mechanism in the light of the Leggett-Garg Inequality” (Quantum Correlations)


Visiting Summer Internships?(Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore):

  • Mr. Praneet Pathak , IIESER, Mohali, May-July 2019;
  • Mr. Mritunjay Tyagi, Delhi University, June- August 2019 ;
  • Ms. Ashwini Nagaraj Shenoy (II BE) N.M.A.M. Institute of Technology, Udupi, May-July 2020 ;
  • Mr. Gaurang Ramakant Kane (II BTech) Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, June-August 2020;
  • Swara Mishra , St. Stepen’s, New Delhi, 2023;
  • Sagarneel Ghosh , IIT KGP, 2024


Plus 20 other direct summer interns from other universities over the years

Prof. (Dr.)  Debashis Gangopadhyay
Faculty Profile
Dr. Prof. Mala Mitra

Dean - School of Sciences



Research Experience:
Ph.D research : Theoretical Cosmic ray propagation (4 years, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science)
Post Doctoralresearch : Cosmic Ray (3 years, Department of Theoretical Physics , Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science) and neutrino detection , Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Ongoing research project :
Development and optimization of the SPR based biosensors to monitor environmental hazards. The outcome is intended to help the environmentalists and lay people alike to use the cost effective technology towards achieving a cleaner and greener Bengal.

Teaching Experience :
Engineering College : 17 years Sister Nivedita University : 2 years

Selected Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals:
1. Muon fluxes derived from the directly measured primary cosmic ray elemental spectra , Mala Mitra, Pratibha Pal and D. P. Bhattacharyya, Modern Phys. Letters A11 (1996) 2427.
2. Investigation on the altitude dependence of the diffuse diffuse photon energy spectra initiated by primary nucleon air collisions, D. P. Bhattacharyya, R. K. Saha, R. Majumdar and Mala Mitra, FIZIKA B9 (2000) 169.
3. Control and Synchronization of nonlinear dynamical system. Mala Mitra and Santo Banerjee, A chapter in a Research Handbook titled Chaos Synchronization and Cryptography for Secure Communications:Applications for EncryptionIGI Global (2010)

Dr. Prof. Mala Mitra
Faculty Profile
Dr. Rajdip Dey

Head of the Department & Associate Professor - Chemistry



Current Research:

2019- till date: Research Coordinator on a DBT funded project at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (Central University), Lucknow, U.P.

Post-Doctoral Research:

2015-2016: URC-ARG Post-doctoral fellow at University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa.
2014-2015: Dr. D. S. Kothari Post-doctoral fellow (UGC, Govt. of India) at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.

Ph.D.: Jadavpur University, Kolkata. West Bengal

M.Sc.: C.S.J.M University (Formerly Kanpur University), Kanpur, U.P

B.Sc. (Chemistry Hons.): St. Xavier’s College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata,

Dr. Rajdip Dey; has been duly awarded as a Fellow of the Indian Chemical Society (FICS) for the year 2019. Also he is a Member of Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) (MRSC). Before joining here he worked as an Assistant Professor in Chemistry at SRMU, Lucknow (2019-2022) and Techno India Salt Lake, Kolkata (2017-2019). In a nutshell, he has more than 6 years of teaching experiences and more than 8 years of research experiences (Post-PhD.) as well as 2 years of experiences in industry (TCG Lifesciences - Chembiotek, Kolkata). He has a sound experiences various topics of Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry, both in undergraduate as well as in postgraduate level. During research Dr. Dey has a broad experience in designing and synthesizing functional coordination polymer by exploiting the dicarboxylate or monodented N, N donor as co-ligand especially for the fabrication of a number 1D, 2D and 3D supramolecular architecture of metal using different organic and inorganic spacers. Among the rich variety of fields in Chemistry, he has very keen interest to extend his research work in the relevant and recent fields like Nano materials and the development of novel eco-friendly nano pesticides formulations. During that period he bagged more than 15 publications in the reputed international scientific journals. He has conducted many conferences, seminars, workshops and webinars. Prof. Dey has acted as the resource person in several national and international conferences. He reviewed several international journals (PLOSone, RSC etc.). Simultaneously, he is a passionate columnist in various literary and science magazines, daily newspapers like ABP, Times group etc. Dr. Dey is associated with Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) and St. Xavier’s college alumni association as a life member.

No. of Patent : 02

Personal Home Page:

Dr. Rajdip Dey
Faculty Profile

Associate Professor - Chemistry

PhD in Chemistry


(Prof) DR. RUPALI  GANGOPADHYAY                                     

 Associate Professor, Chemistry Department

  1. Area of Specialization and current research topic :
  1. Conducting polymer composites, nanocomposites and IPNs  
  2. Nanotechnology : Nanotubes, nanowires and self assembled systems and biosensors
  3. Rheology of conducting polymer dispersions
  4. Theoretical Simulation of hybrid nanostructures


  1. Education and previous positions :
  • M Sc, Calcutta University, 1993
  • Ph D in Materials Science from Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata (2001)
  • JSPS fellowship in Hokkaido University, Japan
  • Principal investigator of SERC-DST sponsored Fast Track Project (2003-2007, 2008-2011)
  • Visiting Fellow in SINP and IACS)
  • Principal Investigator, Women Scientist Project, IACS, Kolkata
  • Guest Lecturer in Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, University of Calcutta, and IIEST, Shibpur,
  • Professor of Chemistry : University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata


  1. Fellowship, Awards and Honours
  1. Qualified WBJEE (Rank 644), GATE-94 (86.62), NET (CSIR-UGC,1996) and SLET (CSC, 1996)
  2. Enjoyed JRF (1997) and SRF (1999) of CSIR (during Ph D)
  3. Awarded S. R. Palit Award in Physical Chemistry in 34th Annual Convention for Chemists in 1997 for best presentation.
  4. Awarded First Prize for the article on “New Materials and Composites” in the All India Young Scientists’ Seminar, Essay and Quiz Competition, Rubber Technology Centre, IIT, Kharagpur, 1998.
  5. Won the Young Scientist Award in the 87th Indian Science Congress (2000).
  6. Fast Track Scheme for Young Scientists, sponsored by SERC-DST, India in 2003 and in 2008
  7. Women Scientist Project, sponsored by SERC-DST, India
  8. Reviewed papers of Langmuir, Synthetic Metals, Sensors and Actuators B, Biopolymers, Macromolecular Rapid Communication, Advanced Materials, Polymer and Electrochim Acta.


  1. List of Publications : Published paper : 36, Book Chapter: 3, Popular scientific article : 2; Total citation ~ 2600 h-index : 17, since 1999, i-10 index : 23


  1. Research papers and reviews in peer reviewed journals :
  2. How does PEDOT grow like nanorope ? A theoretical investigation with experimental insights : Rupali Gangopadhyay, J Molecular Liquids, 316, 113739, 2020.
  3. Controlling distance, size and concentration of nanoconjugates for optimized LSPR based biosensors, A D Chowdhury, F Nasrin, Rupali Gangopadhyay, A B Ganganboina, KTakemurab, I Kozaki, H Honda, T Hara, F Abe, T Suzuki, E Y. ParK, Biosensors & Bioelectronics 170, 112657, 2020.
  4. Enhanced photoluminescence from gold nanoparticle decorated polyniline nanowire bundles, A Samanta, Rupali Gangopadhyay, M Ray, C K Ghosh, RSC Advances, 7, 27473-27479, 2017
  5. How does PEDOT combine with PSS ? Insights from structural studies, Rupali Gangopadhyay, Bidisa Das  and Mijanur Rahaman Molla, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 43912–43920
  6. Highly sensitive electrochemical biosensor for glucose, DNA and protein using gold-polyaniline nanocomposites as a common matrix,  A D Chowdhury,  Rupali Gangopadhyay and A De, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,  190, 348–356 (2014)
  7. Functionalized Polyaniline Nanowires for Biosensing : Rupali Gangopadhyay, A D Chowdhury and A De, Sensors and Actuators B (Chem), 171-172, 777-785 (2012)
  8. Effects of conducting polymer poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) nanotubes on electro optical and dielectric properties of a nematic liquid crystal 4-n-pentyl-4’-cyanobiphenyl host, Sharmistha Ghosh, Prasenjit Nayek, Subir Kumar Roy, Rupali Gangopadhyay, MR Molla and R Dabrowski, Applied Physics Letters, 96, 073101 (2010)
  9. Exploring properties of Polyaniline-SDS dispersion : A Rheological Approach : Rupali Gangopadhyay, J Colloid and Interface Science, 338, 435-443 (2009).
  10. Smooth crossover from variable-range hopping with Coulomb gap to nearest-neighbour inter-chain hopping in conducting polymer : S Maji, S Mukhopadhyay, Rupali Gangopadhyay and A de, Physical Review B, 75, 073202(1-4) (2007)
  11. Enhancement of electron-electron interactions in chemically synthesized polymer nanowires : A Rahaman, M K Sanyal, Rupali Gangopadhyay and A De, Chemical Physics Letters, 447, 268-273 (2007)
  12. Evidence of a ratchet effect in nanowires of a conducting polymer : A. Rahman, M. K. Sanyal, Rupali Gangopadhyay. A. De, I. Das; Physical Review B, 73, 125313-12518 (2006).  (Selected for virtual publication of PRB)
  13. A new conducting semi-IPN formed from polyaniline and crosslinked PAMPS : S K Siddhanta and Rupali Gangopadhyay, Polymer, 46(9),2993-3000 (2005).
  14. Electrochemically prepared PPy-PVA pseudo IPN : Synthesis and Properties, R. Gangopadhyay and A. De, J. Materials Chemistry , 12 (12), 3591-3598 (2002).
  15. Conducting polymer nanocomposite : a brief overview (Review), R. Gangopadhyay and A. De, Chemistry of Materials, 12, 608-623 (2000). (Cover article) (Citn. : ~1400, Selected among top 5% most cited publication of Chemistry of Materials )
  16. Transport properties of polypyrrole-ferric oxide conducting nanocomposites, R. Gangopadhyay, A. De and S. N. Das, J. Appl. Phys. 87, 2363-2371 (2000).
  17. Polypyrrole-ferric oxide conducting nanocomposite. I. Synthesis and Characterisation, R. Gangopadhyay and A. De, Eur. Polym. J, 35, 1985-1992 (1999).


  1. Book Chapters
  1. Conducting Polymers Nanocomposites : R. Gangopadhyay and A. De, Handbook of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials and Nanocomposites, ed. H. S. Nalwa, ASP, Vol. 2, 217-259 (2003)
  2. Conducting Polymer Nanostructures : R. Gangopadhyay (invited review), Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ed. H. S. Nalwa, ASP, 2, 105 (2004).
  3. Cooperative binding in surfactant-polymer association : a brief overview, Rupali Gangopadhyay*, Jian Ping Gong and Yoshihito Osada, Flash Polymers and Hydrogels, CRC Press, 2004.
  4. Popular Articles in scientific magazines :
  5. DST WOS-A: the scenario from recipient’s perspective, Rupali Gangopadhyay and Bidisa Das, Current Science, 25th October, 2016
  6. A Journey Through Fullerenes : Rupali Gangopadhyay, Science Reporter, November, 1997


Google scholar citations :

  1. Invited lectures :
  2. Nuclear Energy for Common People (Invited Lecture), VECC, 12th Dec., 2005
  3. Seminar on Smart Materials : Srirampur Textile College, August, 2008
  4. National Seminar on Soft Materials : Bose Institute, September, 2008
  5. Invited Lecture on Biosensors : Tezpur University, 26th June, 2017
  6. CTMSE 2018, SN Bose Centre or Basic Sciences (Session Chair), 18th Jan, 2018
  7. NAWCMP: National Seminar on Condensed Mater, Viswa Bharati University, 4-5th Aug, 2018
  8. Know Your Elements : Workshop on Periodic Table 4-10 Aug, 2019
  9. Pressing for Progress : To be held in Hyderabad during 19-21 September, 2019
  10.  ICCAES-2019 : IEM Kolkata, 19-21st September, 2019
  11. Scientists under scanner : Invited Lecture in the Webinar conducted by BES College, Kolkata, 1st Aug., 2020


  1. Activities beyond curriculum :


  1. Selected as a Science Communicator by Vigyan Prasar, a DST organization in 1996. regularly publishes popular articles on scientific and social issues in Bengali and English magazines viz. Desh, Anandabazar Patrika, Ei Samai, Science Reporter, Resonance and Current Science.
  2. Published an article on the effect of Globalization on Indian scientific research in an edited volume on Globalization (2011)
  3. Regularly writing on Gender inequity in Science and Society. Presented paper in a conference “Pressing for Progress” held in the University of Hyderabad, on 19-21 September, 2019 with two papers on gender issues.
Faculty Profile
Dr. Papiya Majumdar

Assistant Professor - Chemistry

PhD in Chemistry


Dr. Papiya Majumdar, PhD, Chemistry, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA

Asst. Prof., Dept. of Chemistry, Sister Nivedita University; Faculty-in-Charge extracurricular activities, Sister Nivedita University

Educational Qualification:

Ph.D. (Organic Chemistry), University of Missouri-Columbia, MO, USA.

Area of Research and Research Interests:

1. Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology: exploring the role of DNA repair enzyme tyrosyl DNA phosphodiesterase 1 (TDP1) as a co-target with human topoisomerase I (Top1) in anti-cancer therapy.

2. Different chemical compound/drug assay to find out potent Leishmania donovani (LdTop1) and human topoisomerase I (Top1) inhibitor/s.

Post-doctoral Experience:

1. Nov 2013 – Dec 2015: CSIR-Senior Research Associate (SRA: Scientist Pool Scheme) at CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology.

2. Feb 2013 – Oct 2013: Research Associate under the “Raja Ramanna Fellowship Scheme” in Dept of Infectious disease and Immunology, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata

3. June 2007 – April 2009: Post-doctoral Fellow at University of California-San Diego, USA.

Specialization/Domain Area:

Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology

HONORS & AWARDS:        

  • 2005 and 2006:           Professional Presentation Travel Fellowship Award, MU, USA. 
  • 2005 and 2006:            GPC (Grad. Prof. Council) Travel Scholarship Award, MU, USA. 
  • 2013:                          Senior Research Associate-ship Award (CSIR-Pool Officer) from Council of   Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Govt. of India.

Experience in Education/Academia: Total 10 years’:

3 years full time faculty member at Sister Nivedita University, India

1 year as adjunct faculty member at Adamas University, India

6 years as Teaching Assistant in University of Missouri Columbia, USA

Teaching Area:

Organic Stereochemistry, Organic Synthesis, Organic Spectroscopy, Reaction Mechanisms, Chemistry of Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Cumulative Industry/Research Experience: Total 11 years’:

6 Years at University of Missouri-Columbia, USA as PhD Scholar (2001-2007)

1 years 10 months at University of California-San Diego, USA as Post-Doc Research Scholar (2007-2009)

3 years at CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata as SRA (2013-2015)

2 months at Tata Pharma Ltd., Mumbai (1998)

Selected Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals:

1.   Identification of Leishmania donovani Topoisomerase 1 inhibitors via intuitive scaffold hopping and bioisosteric modification of known Top 1 inhibitors. Rajinikanth Mamidala, Papiya Majumdar, Kunal Kumar Jha, Chandramohan Bathula, Rahul Agarwal, M. ThirumalaChary, H. K. Mazumdar, Parthapratim Munshi & Subhabrata Sen; accepted on 3rd May, 2016: Scientific Reports (Impact factor: 5.578)

2. Poly(ADP-ribose) polymers regulate DNA topoisomerase I (Top1) nuclear dynamics and camptothecin sensitivity in living cells. Das, Subhendu; Rehman, Ishita; Ghosh, Arijit; Sengupta, Souvik; Majumdar, Papiya; Jana, Biman; Das, Benu Brata*: Accepted on July 13, 2016: Nucleic Acid Res  (Impact factor: 9.112)

3.   Design, synthesis and evaluation of thiohydantoin derivatives as Noncamptothecin Topoisomerase I (Top 1) Inhibitors.  Papiya Majumdar, Chandramohan Bathula, Suparna M Basu, Subhendu K Das, Rahul Agarwal, Santanu Hati, Ashutosh Singh, Subhabrata Sen,*, Benu Brata Das*, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry: accepted on August 15, 2015. (Impact factor: 3.447)

4. PARP1-TDP1 coupling for the repair of topoisomerase I-induced DNA damage
Das, Benu; Huang, Shar-yin N; Murai, Junko.; Rehman, Ishita; Amé, Jean-Christophe; Sengupta, Souvik; Das, Subhendu; Majumdar, Papiya; Zhang, Hongliang; Biard, Denis; Majumder, Hemanta; Schreiber, Valérie; Pommier, Yves, Nucleic Acid Res 2014, 42, 4435-49.  (Impact factor: 9.112)

5. Ammonia Elimination from Protonated Nucleobases and Related Synthetic Substrates. Ming Qian, Shuo Yang, Hong Wu, Papiya Majumdar, Nathan Leigh, and Rainer Glaser, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrometry (JASMS) 2007, 18, 2040-2057.  (Impact factor: 3.19)

6. Oxanosine is a Substrate of Adenosine Deaminase.  Implications for the Quest for a Toxicological Marker for Nitrosation Activity.  Papiya Majumdar, Hong Wu, Peter Tipton, and Rainer Glaser, Chem. Res. Tox. 2005, 18, 1830-1841.  (Impact factor: 3.529)

7. 5-Cyanoimino-4-oxomethylene-4,5-dihydroimidazole and 5-cyanoamino-4-imidazole-carbo-xylic acid intermediates in nitrosative guanosine deamination. Evidence from 18O-labeling experiments. Sundeep Rayat, Papiya Majumdar, Peter Tipton, and Rainer Glaser, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 9960-9969.  (Impact factor: 12.113)

Selected Conference Publications & Paper Presentations:

1. Press Meet 2019 on 30th January, 2019 at Press Club: “How Cancer Starts, Grows, & Spreads” Dr. Papiya Majumdar, HOD of Chemistry, Sister Nivedita University; Prof. (Dr) Jahar Majumdar, CNCI; Dr. Ayan Basu, HOD, Radiation Oncology, HCG EKO Cancer Centre; Dt. Rohini Mondal, Diet Consultant, SD Medical Services & Consultancy.

2. “DNA topoisomerase I dynamics in living cells Nucleus:  Both the N-terminal and the catalytic domain of human Top1 steers the Camptothecin sensitivity.” Papiya Majumdar , Subhendu K. Das, Souvik Sengupta, Tamalika Sanyal, Arijit Ghosh and Benu Brata Das;  poster presentation, IABS-2015 (An Interdisciplinary Approach to Biological Sciences), Kolkata, February 2 & 3, 2015.

3. “DNA topoisomerase I dynamics in living cells: active site tyrosyl steers the CPT sensitivity.” Papiya Majumdar, Subhendu K. Das and Benu Brata Das; poster presentation, IACS (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science), on National Science Day, Kolkata, February 28, 2014.

4. “Fasicularin-derived aziridinium ion:  Theoretical study of the formation of the putative reactive nitrogen species.”  Papiya Majumdar, Rainer Glaser; Sanjay Dutta and Kent S. Gates; poster presentation, 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, September 11 & 12, 2006

5. “Nitrosative guanosine deamination:  17O-Labeling studies as integral accompaniment to 18O-studies.”  Papiya Majumdar, and Rainer Glaser; poster presentation, 19th annual Organic Chemistry Day, University of Missouri-Columbia, April 29, 2006

6. “Nitrosative guanosine deamination:  17O-Labeling studies as integral accompaniment to 18O-studies.”  Papiya Majumdar, and Rainer Glaser; oral presentation, Research and Creative Activities Forum (RCAF), University of Missouri-Columbia, March 18, 2006

7. “Oxanosine is a Substrate of Adenosine Deaminase: Identification and Characterization of the Reaction Product.”  Papiya Majumdar, Hong Wu, Peter Tipton, and Rainer Glaser; poster presentation, XXV Midwest Enzyme Chemistry Conference, Loyola University, Chicago, October 8, 2005.

8. “Nitrosative guanosine deamination:  17O-Labeling studies as integral accompaniment to 18O-studies.”  Papiya Majumdar, and Rainer Glaser; oral presentation, 230th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington D.C., August 29, 2005

9. “Oxanosine is a Substrate of Adenosine Deaminase: Identification and Characterization of the Reaction Product.”  Papiya Majumdar, Hong Wu, Peter Tipton, and Rainer Glaser; poster presentation, 18th annual Organic Chemistry Day, University of Missouri-Columbia, April 30, 2005

10. “Oxanosine is a Substrate of Adenosine Deaminase: Identification and Characterization of the Reaction Product.”  Papiya Majumdar, Hong Wu, Peter Tipton, and Rainer Glaser; poster presentation, 228th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 24, 2004

Dr. Papiya Majumdar
Faculty Profile
Dr. Sudipta Bag

Assistant Professor - Chemistry

PhD in Chemistry, M.Sc. Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam


Dr. Sudipta Bag

Position :  Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, School of Natural Sciences, Sister Nivedita University Kolkata

  1. Area of Specialization and current research topic :

Broad Area: Biophysical chemistry; Specific Area: Protein chemistry, Amyloid fibrillation

  1. Contact :


  1. Academic Credential

May 2018 – January 2019: Research Associate in Bose Institute, Centenary Campus

2018:  Ph.D. from Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302, India.

2012:  M.Sc., Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India

2010:  B.Sc. (Chemistry Hons.), Presidency College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West   Bengal, India


  1. Awards and recognition:

2019 : Selected for CSIR-RA position in Chemical Sciences

2012:    Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) in Chemistry

2011:    Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) in Chemistry

2011:    CSIR-UGC NET for Junior research fellowship in Chemical sciences


  1. List of Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals :
  1. Sett, A., Bag, S., DasGupta, S., Dasgupta S. (2015), Interfacial force-driven pattern formation during drying of Aβ (25-35) fibrils, Int. J. Biol. Macromol.79, 344–352.
  2. Bag, S., Chaudhury, S., Pramanik, D., DasGupta, S, Dasgupta, S. (2016), Hydrophobic tail length plays a pivotal role in amyloid beta (25-35) fibril-surfactant interactions, Proteins 84, 1213–1223.
  3. Bag, S., Sett A., DasGupta, S., Dasgupta S. (2016), Hydropathy: the controlling factor behind the inhibition of Aβ fibrillation by graphene oxide, RSC Adv. 6, 103242–103252.
  4. Chaudhury, S., Bag, S., Bose, M., Das, A. K., Ghosh, A. K., Dasgupta, S. (2016), Protection of human γB-crystallin from UV-induced damage by epigallocatechingallate: spectroscopic and docking studies, Mol. BioSyst.12, 2901–2909.
  5. Ghosh, P., Bag, S., Singha Roy, A., Chaudhury, S., Jana, S. K., Chaudhury, K., Dasgupta S. (2016), Solubility enhancement of morin and epicatechin through encapsulation in an albumin based nanoparticulate system and their anticancer activity against the MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cell line, RSC Adv. 6, 101415–101429.
  6. Bag, S., Mitra, R., DasGupta, S, Dasgupta, S. (2017), Inhibition of human serum albumin fibrillation by two-dimensional nanoparticles, J. Phys. Chem. B 121, 5474–5482.
  7. Konar, M., Bag, S., Roy, P., Dasgupta, S. (2017), Gallic acid induced dose dependent inhibition of lysozyme fibrillation, Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 103, 1224–1231.
  8. Chaudhury, S., Dutta, A., Bag, S., Biswas, P., Das, A. K., Dasgupta, S. (2018), Probing the inhibitory potency of Epigallocatechingallate against human γB-crystallin aggregation: spectroscopic, microscopic and simulation studies, Spectrochim. Acta A 192, 318–327.
  9. Singh, A. K., Burada, P. S., Bhattacharya, S., Bag, S., Bhattacharya, A., Dasgupta, S., Roy, A. (2018), Microwave-radiation-induced molecular structural rearrangement of hen egg-white lysozyme. Phys. Rev. E 97, 052416.
  10. Roy, P., Bag, S., Chakraborty, D., Dasgupta, S. (2018), Exploring the Inhibitory and Antioxidant Effects of Fullerene and Fullerenol on Ribonuclease A, ACS Omega 3, 12270–12283.


  1. Selected Conferences/workshops attended/participated:
  1. Presented poster in 253rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, held in San Francisco, California, USA, April 2-6, 2017(Poster title: Prevention of fibrillation of the amyloid-β (25-35) peptide by graphene oxide)
  2. Presented poster in National Symposium on Contributions of Women in Science in India” (NSCWSI-2018) held in University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India, February 15-16, 2018 (Poster title: Amyloid fibrillation of the Aβ 25-35 peptide is stimulated by Silver Nanoparticles)
  3. 22nd Conference of National Magnetic Resonance Society, organized by IIT Kharagpur, India, February 18-21, 2016
  4. Presented poster in 18th CRSI Symposium in Chemistry held at Punjab University, Chandigarh, India, February 5-7, 2016(Poster title: Studying the effects of small molecules and surfactants on amyloid fibrils in vitro)
  5. Author Workshop on “Scholarly Publishing”, organized by Wiley and Central Library at IIT Kharagpur, India, March 23, 2015
  6. National Symposium on Biophysics & Golden Jubilee Meeting of Indian Biophysical Society at JamiaMilliaIslamia, February 14-17, 2015
  7. Author Workshop jointly organized by Springer and IIT Kharagpur at IIT Kharagpur, India, February 12, 2014
  8. International conference on Chemical Biology: Disease mechanisms and therapeutics (ICCB-2014) at CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad, India, February 6-8, 2014
Dr. Sudipta Bag
Faculty Profile
Dr. Souvik Pandey

Assistant Professor - Chemistry

PhD in Chemistry, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany


Education and Trainings:
PhD from Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Minerology, University of Leipzig, Germany.
Research trainee at School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol-BS8 1TS, UK in August, 2011.
Research trainee at Karl-Franzens-University Graz, University of Graz, Graz, Austria in September, 2010.

Dr. Souvik Pandey has received Master Degree in Chemistry from Department of Chemistry, University of Pune in 2008 and went to Germany to join the group of Prof. Dr. Evamarie Hey-Hawkins, Institute of Inorganic and Minerology, University of Leipzig for PhD. During his PhD tenure he has received ‘600 years of University Leipzig’ special scholarship to participate in Erasmus program to perform research in the University of Graz, Austria in 2010 and has been awarded STSM (short term scientific mission) scholarship (PhoSciNet) to pursue research in the Manners’ group in school of Chemistry, University of Bristol in 2011. He received his PhD degree from University of Leipzig, Germany in 2012. He has almost seven years of postdoctoral experience abroad and in esteemed institutes in India. He was appointed as Guest Faculty in the department of chemistry, Sikkim Central University for two years. He presented several talks and posters in national and international conferences and awarded best poster prize from Wiley publishers at European Workshops on Phosphorus Chemistry conference EWPC-8, Muenster, Germany in 2011. He cleared NET with CSIR-JRF in 2008. He has authored several international publications.

Research Interests:
Inorganic-Organic hybrids for solar energy conversion
Ferrocene-azo derivatives for redox and photo-switch.
Phosphorus-based inorganic polymers for the applications in materials science e.g., Flame Retardants.

Dr. Souvik Pandey
Faculty Profile
Dr. Nitul Ranjan Guha

Assistant Professor - Chemistry

Ph.D in Chemistry


Educational Qualification:

Ph.D in Chemistry (26 th April 2016), Thesis title: “Studies on nano-
impregnated transition metals as heterogeneous catalyst for coupling, reduction
and oxidation reactions” under supervision of Dr. Pralay Das at CSIR-Institute
of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur, India.
Junior Research Fellow in CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource
Technology, Palampur, India. ( July 2010)
M.Sc (Specialization in Organic Chemistry) from University of North Bengal,
Darjeeling, India (2008)

Area Research :

  •  Preparation of Axially-Chiral P,N-ligand and its application in asymmetric synthesis
  •  Pd-catalysed synthesis of fused carbocycle’s by Tsuji-Trost type cascade cyclization
  •  Exploration of solid supported chiral isothiourea-based Lewis basic organo-catalyst
  •  Development of methodologies for challenging catalytic asymmetric synthesis e.g. kinetic resolution of tertiary alcohols and amines to access corresponding enantiopure isomers
  •  Development of heterogeneous transition metal (Rh, Ru etc.) nano-catalysts
  •  Development of methodologies for cross coupling (Suzuki-Miyaura cross coupling), Pauson-Khand type carbonylative cyclization, reduction (nitroarenes reduction), cross-dehydrogenating coupling and oxidation reactions


Research Experience :

Assistant Professor
Sister Nivedita University
1 st June 2022 – still continuing
Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Senior Research Scientist
Jubilant Biosys LTD
6 th December 2021 – 23 rd May 2022
Noida, U.P., India

Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellow
15 th November 2020 to 19 th October 2021
University College Dublin, Ireland

Institute Postdoctoral Fellow
1st June 2019 to 31st May 2020
Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, Mohali, India

Newton International Postdoctoral Fellow
1 st February 2017 t0 31 st January 2019
University of St-Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom

SERB-National Postdoctoral Fellow
1 st July 2016 – 30 th January 2017
Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, Bhopal, India

Selected Publications :

1. Nitul Ranjan Guha, Rifahath Mon Neyyappadath, Mark D. Greenhalgh,
Ross Chisholm, Samuel M. Smith, Megan L. McEvoy, Claire M. Young,

Carles Rodríguez-Escrich, Miquel A. Pericàs, Georg Hähner and Andrew D.
Smith, Green Chemistry, 2018, 20, 4537.

2. Nitul Ranjan Guha, Saurabh Sharma, Dhananjay Bhattacherjee, Vandna
Thakur, Richa Bharti,C. B. Reddy, Pralay Das, Green Chemistry, 2016, 18,

3. Nitul Ranjan Guha, Dhananjay Bhattacharjee, Pralay Das, Catalysis
Science & Technology, 2015, 5, 2575.

4. Nitul Ranjan Guha, Dhananjay Bhattacharjee, Pralay Das, Tetrahedron
Letters 2014, 55, 2912.

5. Nitul Ranjan Guha, C. B. Reddy, Nidhi Aggawal, Dharminder Sharma,
Arun K. Shil, Bandna, Pralay Das, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2012, 354, 2911.

6. Nitul Ranjan Guha, Vandna Thakur, Dhananjay Bhattacherjee, Richa
Bharti, Pralay Das, Adv. Synth. Catal, 2016, 358, 3743.

7. Pralay Das, Nidhi Aggarwal, Nitul Ranjan Guha, Tetrahedron Letters,
2012, 54, 2924.

8. Bandna, Nitul Ranjan Guha, Arun K. Shil, Dharminder Sharma, Pralay
Das, Tetrahedron Letters 2012, 53, 5318.

9. Arun K. Shil, Nitul Ranjan Guha, Dharminder Sharma, Pralay Das,, RSC
Adv. 2013, 3, 13671.

10. Dharminder Sharma, Bandna, C. B. Reddy, Sandeep Kumar, Arun K. Shil,
Nitul Ranjan Guha, Pralay Das, RSC Adv. 2013, 3, 10335.

11. Arun K. Shil, Dharminder Sharma, Nitul Ranjan Guha, Pralay Das,
Tetrahedron Letters 2012, 53, 4858.

12. Dharminder Sharma, Sandeep Kumar, Arun K. Shil, Nitul Ranjan Guha,
Bandna, Pralay Das, Tetrahedron Letters, 2012, 53, 7044.

13. C. Bal Reddy, Arun K. Shil, Nitul Ranjan Guha, Dharminder Sharma,
Pralay Das, Catalysis Letters, 2014, 144, 1530.

Dr. Nitul Ranjan Guha
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Chemistry

PhD in Chemistry (2016): Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata


Post Doctoral Research Experience:

  • Feb 2021-May 2022: National Postdoctoral Fellow (SERB-NPDF) at IISER-Kolkata, Mohanpur, West Bengal.
  • May 2019-Jul 2020: Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Trento, Trento, Italy
  • Mar 2017-Feb 2019: Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
  • Oct 2016-Feb 2017: Research Associate-I at Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, West Bengal


Research Interest:

  • Design and synthesis of self-assembled peptide based supramolecular gels and soft materials.
  • Chemical protein synthesis and bacterial protein expression
  • Synthesis of π-functional molecules and materials with applications in energy harvesting, catalysis, sensing, diagnostics and therapeutics.


Selected Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals:

A. Baral, A. Asokan, V. Bauer, B. Kieffer and V. Torbeev*. Chemical synthesis of transactivation domain (TAD) of tumor suppressor protein p53 by native chemical ligation of three peptide fragments. Tetrahedron, 2019, 75, 703-708.
2. A. Baral, K. Basu, S. Ghosh, K. Bhattacharyya, S. Roy, A. Datta and A. Banerjee*, Size specific emission in peptide capped gold quantum clusters with tunable photoswitching behavior. Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 4419-4429.
3. A. Baral, K. Basu, S. Roy and A. Banerjee*, Blue Emitting Gold Cluster formation from Gold Nanorods: Selective and Sensitive Detection of Iron(III) ions in Aqueous Medium. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2017, 5, 1628–1637.
4. N. Nandi, A. Baral, K. Basu, Subhasish Roy and A. Banerjee*, A Dipeptide-based Superhydrogel: Removal of Toxic Dyes and Heavy Metal Ions from Waste-water. Peptide Science, 2017, 108, e22915.

A. Baral, S. Roy, S. Ghosh, D. Hermida-Merino, I. W. Hamley and A. Banerjee*. A Peptide based Mechano-sensitive, Proteolytically stable Hydrogel with Remarkable Antibacterial Properties. Langmuir, 2016, 32, 1836−1845.
6. A. Baral, S. Basak, K. Basu, A. Dehsorkhi, I. W. Hamley and A. Banerjee*. Time-Dependent Gel to Gel Transformation of a Peptide based Supramolecular Gelator. Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 4944-4951.
7. S. Roy, A. Baral, R. Bhattacharjee, B. Jana, A. Datta, S. Ghosh and A. Banerjee*. Preparation of multi-coloured different sized fluorescent gold clusters from blue to NIR, structural analysis of the blue emitting Au 7 cluster, and cell-imaging by the NIR gold cluster. Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 1912-1920.
8. A. Baral, S. Roy, A. Dehsorkhi, I. W. Hamley, S. Mohapatra, S. Ghosh and A. Banerjee*. Assembly of an Injectable Noncytotoxic Peptide-Based Hydrogelator for Sustained Release of Drugs. Langmuir, 2014, 30, 929-936.



Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Chemistry

PhD in Chemistry (2018): Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal


PhD in Chemistry (2018): Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal

Post-Doctoral Research Experience:

Sep. 2018 - Dec. 2021: Dept. of Chem. Eng., IIT Bombay, India.                                                                             

Research Interest:        

  • Synthesis of Novel Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability                     
  • Development of Zeolite Based CO2 Separation Membrane
  • Synthesis Of Photocatalyst and Photocatalytic Membrane for Waste Water Treatment
  • Synthesis and characterization of hollow fiber and flat sheet pure polymeric and Mixed Matrix Membrane for CO2/CH4 separation application
  • Synthesis of different Metal Organic Framework (like: ZIF-8, Mg- based MOF) for CO2 adsorption
  • Fabrication of MOF incorporated mixed matrix membrane for biogas enrichment


Selected Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals:

  1. Mitali Sen, Koushik Dana and Nandini Das*, “Development of LTA zeolite membrane from clay by sonication assisted method at room temperature for H2-CO2 and CO2-CH4 separation” Ultrasonics–Sonochemistry, 2018, 48, 299-310.
  2. Mitali Sen and Nandini Das*, “In-situ Carbon deposition in Polyetherimide / SAPO-34 Mixed Matrix Membrane for Efficient CO2/CH4 Separation”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2017, 134, 45508.
  3. Mitali Sen, Jugal Kishore Das, S. N. Roy, Nandini Das* and S Bandyopadhyay, “Membrane Synthesized from Microemulsion-derived Ilmenite Nano Powders Used for Removal of Red Dye from Textile Industry”, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2016, 13, 487–497.
  4. Ankita Bose, Mitali Sen, Jugal Kishore Das and Nandini Das*, “Sonication Mediated Hydrothermal Process - An Efficient Method for the Rapid Synthesis of DDR Zeolite Membrane”, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 19043–19052.
  5. Mitali Sen, Ankita Bose, Pameli Pal, Jugal Kishore Das and Nandini Das*, “Rapid Synthesis of DDR Zeolite at Room Temperature”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2013, 97, 52-55.
  6. Mitali Sen, Shweta Negi and Akkihebbal K Suresh, Enrichment of Biogas using PSf/Mg-based MOF Mixed Matrix Membrane (Ready to communicate)
  7. Sarbasree Dutta, Hillol Acharjee, Mitali Sen, Sougata Dey Sarkar and Nandini Das*, Synthesis of Nickel loaded Deca-Dodecasil 3Rhombohedral (DDR) Zeolite Membrane for Separation of Hydrogen from Blast furnace flue gas, Journal of Coatings Technology and Research (JCTR) (Communicated)
Faculty Profile
Dr. Abhik Sur

Assistant Professor and HOD - Mathematics

Ph. D. (Sc.)


 Employment / Education / Miscellaneous :

Academic Qualifications :

  • Ph. D. from University of Calcutta in the year 2016
  • M. Sc. from University of Calcutta in the year 2010
  • B. Sc. from University of Calcutta in 2008


Teaching Experiences:

  • Working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Sister Nivedita University from 08-08-2019 till date.
  • Worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Techno Main Salt Lake since 19-07-2011 to 07-08-2019.
  • Worked as a Guest teacher in the Department of Mathematics, PG course in Rabindra Bharati University over several years.
  • Worked as a Guest teacher in the Department of Mathematics, Vidyasagar College, affiliated to University of Calcutta from 02-09-2010 till 15-07-2011.


67 publications (62 research papers in international/national journals, 5 publications in Conference Proceedings),  1 article as a chapter in books.

According to Google scholar 1091 citations h_index 21 and I10 Index  44


Orcid ID:

Google Scholar:

Research Gate:

 Area of Research: Generalized Thermoelasticity, Solid mechanics, Memory dependent derivative.

Dr. Abhik Sur
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Mridula Kanoria

Professor -Mathematics

Ph. D. (Sc.)


Academic Qualifications :

  • Post Doctoral from Indian Statistical Institute
  • Ph. D. from University of Calcutta
  • M. Sc. In Applied Mathematics, Gold Medalist, University of Calcutta
  • B. Sc. (Honrs) In Mathematics from the University of Calcutta

Area of Research: Thermoelasticity and Solid Mechanics, Fractional Calculus, Crack- Problems in Elasticity,

                             Computational Methods,Memory dependent derivatives,Bio Mathematics,Water Waves



Prof. (Dr.) Mridula Kanoria
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Pradip Dutta Gupta

Professor -Mathematics

B Sc(Hons) in Mathematics, St Xavier’s College, MSc & Ph.D in Mathematics, Jadavpur University


Prof Pradip Dutta Gupta is a Graduate (Mathematics Hons) of St Xavier’s College, Kolkata and has Masters in Mathematics (1987) from Jadavpur University. He joined as teacher of Mathematics in substantive post in an undergraduate College of University of Calcutta in 1988 and thereafter earned Ph.D from Jadavpur University (2002).
He has experience in teaching Mathematics and Statistics for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses for general, management, specialisation and interdisciplinary programmes of different Universities for more than three decades. He has semester long teaching experience in BRAC University in Bangladesh (2006). He also has been invited for talks to Bloomsburg University, USA (2005), Moreno Valley College, USA (2012) and Costa, Hiroshima, Japan (2018). Additionally, he has collaborative research experience with Rollins College, Florida USA (2015). He has presented academic papers in various National and International Seminars in IITs and Indian Science Congress.
Being engaged with Boy Scouts movement and recipient of President’s Badge as a Scout (1982) from Hon’ble President Nilam Sanjeev Reddy, his passion remains mentoring students and motivating young adults in their career management.

Prof. (Dr.) Pradip Dutta Gupta
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Mathematics

Ph.D from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology Shibpur in 2017


Academic Qualification:

  • Ph.D from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology Shibpur in 2017.
  • M.Sc in Applied Mathematics from Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur in 2011.
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) from St. Xavier’s College Kolkata in 2009.

Teaching Experience:

  • Working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Sister Nivedita University since 30.6.2022 till date.
  • Worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Techno Main Salt Lake from 1.08.2011 to 29.06.2022.

Area of Research:

Cosmology and Astrophysics (General Relativity and Gravitation, Dark Energy,
Modified Gravity, Compact Star)

  • 17 publications in peer reviewed international journal.
  • Published one book entitled “Dark Energy: The Driving Force of Accelerating Universe” from lambert academic publishing house.
  • According to Google scholar citations: 84, h_index: 5 and i10_index: 4.




Faculty Profile
Dr. Subhadeep Naskar

Assistant Professor - Mathematics

PhD from Jadavpur University in Mathematics.


PhD from Jadavpur University in Mathematics.

Dr. Subhadeep Naskar
Faculty Profile
Anamika Dash

Assistant Professor - Mathematics

M. Sc., Pursuing Ph.D.


Anamika Dash
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Mathematics

Ph. D. from Jadavpur University, M. Sc. from Jadavpur University, B. Sc. from Jadavpur University


Teaching Experiences:

  • Working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Sister Nivedita University since 17.11.2024 till date
  • Worked as visiting faculty in the Department of Mathematics, Sister Nivedita University from 22.09.2024 to 17.11.2024
  • Worked as teaching assistant in the Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University from 04.01.2016 to 30.12.2016
  • Worked as visiting faculty in the Department of Mathematics, Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology from 02.01.2015 to 31.05.2015
  • Worked as guest faculty in the Department of Mathematics, Aliah University from 22.07.2014 to 31.12.2015


Area of Research:

General Relativity and Cosmology, Astrophysics, Black hole and Wormhole Physics, Dark Energy and Modified Gravity, Compact Star and Gravastars.

Publication details:

11 publications (11 research papers in peer reviewed international journals)

Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Shrabana Chakrabarti

HOD - Physics



Area of Specialization:
a. Primary: Atomic, Molecular, Quantum and Nonlinear Optics
b. Secondary: Coherent spectroscopy, fast and slow light, atom cooling and trapping

Highest Academic/Professional Qualification:
PhD in experimental physics (2009) from the University of Calcutta

First prize in the “Colloquium for Young Physicists” organized by the Indian Physical Society at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (August 24-25, 2006), Kolkata
Best poster award in DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-4, January 2005), BARC, Mumbai for the poster “Observation of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Rubidium D2 Transitions”.

Experience Academic:
Principal Investigator in the DST funded project “Freezing Light in Cold Atoms” at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata

Experience Research Organization:
Research Associate (2008) – Quantum Optics Group Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland
Postdoctoral Fellow (2008-2010) – Quantum and Nonlinear Optics Group Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Postdoctoral Fellow (2011-2013) – Quantum Optics Group Technical University Kaiserslautern, Germany
DST Women Scientist (WOS-A) – Applied Nuclear Physics Division (2014 - 2018) Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata

Research and Publications:
List of Publications (In Peer Reviewed Journals)
1. Pulse delay and group velocity dispersion measurement in V-type electromagnetically induced transparency of hot atom, Bankim Chandra Das, Dipankar Bhattacharyya, Arpita Das, Satyajit Saha, Shrabana Chakrabarti and Sankar De
2. Observation and theoretical simulation of dispersive properties of an electromagnetically induced transparent 87Rb atomic medium, Arpita Das, Bankim Chandra Das, Shrabana Chakrabarti, Dipankar Bhattacharyya2 and Sankar De
3. Manipulating cold atoms with optical fibres, Shrabana Chakrabarti, Current Science 112, 1369 (2017)
4. Simultaneous observations of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) and Absorption (EIA) in a multi-level V-type system of 87Rb and theoretical simulation of the observed spectra using a multi-mode approach, Bankim Das, Dipankar Bhattacharyya, Arpita Das, Shrabana Chakrabarti, and Sankar De, Journal of Chemical Physics 145, 224312 (2016)
5. Adiabatically driven frequency conversion towards short extreme-ultraviolet radiation pulses , Shrabana Chakrabarti, Holger Muench and Thomas Halfmann, Phys. Rev. A 82, 063817 (2010)
6. Coherent Control of Frequency Conversion towards Short (Picosecond) Vacuum-Ultraviolet Radiation Pulses, H. Münch, S. Chakrabarti, and T. Halfmann, Phys. Rev. A 82, 033821 (2010)
7. Tapered optical fibers as tools for probing magneto-optical trap characteristics, Michael J. Morrissey, Kieran Deasy, Yuqiang Wu, Shrabana Chakrabarti, and Síle Nic Chormaic, Rev. Sci. Inst. 80, 053102-1 (2009).
8. Study of width and height of EIT resonance in a Doppler broadened five-level system with varying probe power, M.M. Hossain, S. Mitra, S. Chakrabarti, D. Bhattacharyya, B. Ray, and P.N. Ghosh, Eur. Phys. J. D 53, 141 (2009).
9. Velocity dependent pump-probe spectroscopy for a five-level system: An application to Rb D2 transitions, Dipankar Bhattacharyya, Amitava Bandyopadhyay, Shrabana Chakrabarti, Biswajit Ray and Pradip N. Ghosh, Chem. Phys. Lett. 440, 24 (2007).
10. Laser frequency stabilization for atom cooling and magnetic field compression of the trap, S. Chakrabarti, A. Ray, A. Bandyopadhyay, D. Bhattacharyya, B. Ray, B. N. Jagatap, K. G. Manohar and P. N. Ghosh, Laser Physics 17, 1 (2007).
11. Velocity selective optical pumping and repumping effects with counter and co propagating laser radiations for D2 lines of rubidium, S. Chakrabarti, B. Ray and P. N. Ghosh, Eur. Phys. J. D 42, 359 (2007).
12. Laser cooling, magneto optic trapping and spectroscopy of Rubidium atoms, Shrabana Chakrabarti, Biswajit Ray and Pradip N. Ghosh, Physics Teacher, 48, 81 (2006).
13. Velocity selective resonances and electromagnetically induced transparency in atomic Rubidium, Shrabana Chakrabarti, Amitkiran Pradhan, Amitava Bandyopadhyay, Ayan Ray, Biswajit Ray, Dipankar Bhattacharya and Pradip N. Ghosh, Indian Journal of Physics 80, 487 (2006).
14. Velocity selective optical pumping effects and electromagnetically induced transparency for D2 transitions in Rubidium, Shrabana Chakrabarti, Amitkiran Pradhan, Biswajit Ray and Pradip N. Ghosh, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38, 4321 (2005).
15. Velocity-selective resonance dips in the probe absorption spectra of Rb D2 transitions induced by a pump laser, S. Chakrabarti, A. Pradhan, A. Bandyopadhyay, A. Ray, B. Ray, N. Kar and P. N. Ghosh, Chem. Phys. Lett. 399, 120 (2004).
In Conference Proceedings 16. Laser cooling, magneto optic trapping and spectroscopy of Rubidium atoms, Shrabana Chakrabarti, Biswajit Ray and Pradip N. Ghosh, Physics Teacher, 48, pg.81 -86 (2006) 15. Velocity selective resonances and electromagnetically induced transparency in atomic Rubidium, Shrabana Chakrabarti, Amitkiran Pradhan, Amitava Bandyopadhyay, Ayan Ray, Biswajit Ray, Dipankar Bhattacharya and Pradip N. Ghosh, Indian Journal of Physics 80 (5), pg. 487-489 (May 2006).
17. Characterization of a cloud of cold Rubidium atoms – Shrabana Chakrabarti, Amitava Bandyopadhyay, Biswajit Ray and Pradip N. Ghosh, National conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Jan 11 – 13, 2007, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India
18. Setting up a Magneto Optical Trap to cool Rubidium atoms and characterization of the cloud of cold Rubidium atoms – Shrabana Chakrabarti, Amitava Bandyopadhyay, Dipankar Bhattacharyya, Biswajit Ray and Pradip N. Ghosh, International Conference on Lasers and Nanomaterials, Nov 30 – Dec 2, 2006, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India.
19. High Resolution Laser Spectroscopy and Laser Cooling of Rubidium Vapour – Shrabana Chakrabarti, Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR) Workshop for young Scientists on Laser Physics and Quatum Optics, January 4-8, 2006, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India.
20. Construction of a magneto optical trap (MOT) for confining cold Rubidium atoms – Shrabana Chakrabarti, Ayan Ray, Amitava Bandhyopadhyay, Biswajit Ray, B. N. Jagatap, K. G. Manohar and Pradip N. Ghosh, International Conference on Optics and Optoelectronics, 12 – 15 Dec, 2005, IRDE, Dehradun, India.
21. Observation of electromagnetically induced transparency in Rubidium D2 transitions – Shrabana Chakrabarti, Amitkiran Pradhan, Biswajit Ray and Pradip N. Ghosh, DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-2005) Pg. 634, BARC, Mumbai, India.
22. Veocity selective resonance dips in co propagating pump probe spectroscopy of Rb D2 transitions – Shrabana Chakrabarti, Amitkiran Pradhan, Amitava Bandyopadhyay, Ayan Ray, Biswajit Ray, Nikhilesh Kar and Pradip N. Ghosh DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-2005) Pg. 381, BARC, Mumbai, India.
23. Saturated absorption spectroscopy using co proppagating beams – Shrabana Chakrabarti, Amitkiran Pradhan, Amitava Bandyopadhyay, Ayan Ray, Biswajit Ray and Pradip N. Ghosh, National Symposium on Atomic, Molecular structure, Interactions and Laser Spectroscopy NSAMILS, March 14 -15, 2004, Pg.4, BHU, Varanasi, India.

Current Research Interest:
1. Coherent spectroscopy in room temperature atomic vapour cells : electromagnetically induced transparency and its applications
2. Electromagnetically induced transparency and realization of slow light in cold atoms in a magneto optical trap
3. Coupling cold atoms inside hollow core photonic crystal fiber
4. Econophysics

Prof. (Dr.) Shrabana Chakrabarti
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Partha Sarathi Joarder

Associate Professor - Physics

Ph.D in Solar Magnetohydrodyanamics (MHD)


Experience in Educational Field:
Worked in the Department of Physics, Bose Institute, Kolkata as Associate Prof. till December, 2018.Assoc. Professor at the Department of Physics, Sister Nivedita University from January, 2019 to present.

Area of Research:
Solar-Terrestrial (ST) Physics, Space Plasma Physics, High Energy Astrophysics

Selected Publications:
1) Multiwavelength analysis of low surface brightness galaxies to studyprobable dark matter signature: P. Bhattacharjee, P. Majumdar, M. Das, S. Das, P.S. Joarder and S. Biswas, Under the process of Revision at the Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society(MNRAS) (2020).
2) Analysis of Fermi-LAT data from Tucana-II: Possible constraints on Dark Matter Models with an intriguing hint of a signal: P. Bhattacharjee, P. Majumdar, S. Biswas and P.S. Joarder, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics(JCAP),08 (2019), 028.
3) Constraints on Dark Matter Models from the observation of Triangulum-II with the Fermi Large Area Telescope: S. Biswas, P. Bhattacharjee, P. Majumdar, S. Das, M. Das and P.S. Joarder, JCAP, 11 (2017), 003.
4) Spherical accretionin Giant Elliptical Galaxies: multi transonicity,shocks,and implicationson AGN feed- back: S. Raychaudhuri, S. Ghosh and P.S. Joarder, MNRAS,479 (2018),3011.
5) Multifragmentation model for the production of astrophysical strangelets: S. Biswas, J.N. De, P.S. Joarder, S. Raha and D. Syam, Phys. Rev. C95,(2015) 045201.
6) Multifragmentation model of astrophysical strangelets:S.Biswas,J.N.De,P.S.Joarder,S.RahaandD.Syam, Phys. Letts. B, 715 (2012) 30.
7) Influenceof microscopic particle interaction models on the flux of atmospheric antiprotons: A.Bhadra,B.Bijay,S.K.Ghosh,P.S.JoarderandS.Raha, AstroparticlePhysics, 35 (2012) 277.

Research Interests:
ST Physics, MHD, Hydrodynamic and Cosmic Ray Monte-Carlo Simulation at High Altitude, Analysis of High Energy Gamma Rays. My recent research interest also includes Foundation of Quantum Mechanics, Logic and Philosophy of Science, although I do not yet have any publications in these three areas. PhD students: Joint-Supervisor of Dr. Sayan Biswas (Calcutta University)

Current PhD students:
1. Ms. Sananda Raychaudhuri 2. Ms. Pooja Bhattacharjee 3. Mr. Kaushik Naskar
All registered in University of Calcutta

Prof. (Dr.) Partha Sarathi Joarder
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Arpita Chattopadhyay

Assistant Professor - Physics



Research Experience:
Ph.D research : Theoretical Quantum Physics (5 years, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science)
Post Doctoral research : Laser Physics (3 years, Photon Science Institute, The University of Manchester)
Collaborative research activities and funded projects : Applied Nanoscience and Environmental Physics

Ongoing research project :
Development and optimization of the SPR based biosensors to monitor environmental hazards. The outcome is intended to help the environmentalists and lay people alike to use the cost effective technology towards achieving a cleaner and greener Bengal.

Teaching Experience :
Degree College under University of Burdwan : 1 year University of Manchester : 1 year Engineering College : 5 years Sister Nivedita University : 2 years

Selected Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals:
1. Laser assisted excitation in electron hydrogen-like ion collisions, A. Chattopadhyay and C Sinha, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37, 3283 (2004).
2. Ionization of a hydrogenic ion by electron and positron impact in the presence of a laser field, A. Chattopadhyay and C. Sinha, Phys. Rev. A 72, 053406 (2005).
3. Laser assisted single ionization of a hydrogenic ion by electron impact, C. Sinha and A. Chattopadhyay, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, Series 7, 256 (2006).
4. Laser assisted excitation (to n = 2 level) of a hydrogenic ion inside a plasma medium, A Chattopadhyay and C. Sinha, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, Series 7, 286 (2006).
5. Laser assisted antihydrogen formation, A. Chattopadhyay and C. Sinha, Phys. Rev. A 74, 022501 (2006).
6. The effect of coherent phase control in (e, 2e) process of a hydrogenic ion in presence of a two colour laser field, C. Sinha, A. Chattopadhyay and S. Ghosh Deb, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194, 112003 (2009).
7. Ionization of a lithium ion by electron impact in a strong laser field, S. Ghosh Deb, A. Chattopadhyay and C. Sinha, Phys. Rev. A 84, 063404 (2011).

Prof. (Dr.) Arpita Chattopadhyay
Faculty Profile
Dr. Anindita Ghosal

Assistant Professor and HOD - Statistics

M.Sc. in Statistics, University of Burdwan, Ph.D in Mathematical Demography, University of Burdwan


Ph.D in Mathematical Demography, University of Burdwan
M.Sc. in Statistics, University of Burdwan
B.Sc honours in Statistics, University of Burdwan

Dr. Anindita Ghosal is interested in constructing occupational mobility measures and models. She has developed three measures on the mentioned topic in her Ph.D work. Before joining here she worked as a Research fellow in Department of Statistics, University of Burdwan. In a nutshell, she has more than 17 years of teaching experiences and more than 10 years of research experiences. She has a sound experiences in various topics of Statistics, both in undergraduate as well as in postgraduate level. During the research, Dr. Ghosal has a broad experience in simulation, modeling and programming. Among the rich variety of fields in Statistics, she has very keen interest to extend her research work in the relevant and recent fields like Biostatistics, Operations Research, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning. During that period she bagged more than 5 publications in the reputed international scientific journals. She has conducted many conferences, seminars, workshops and webinars. Prof. Ghosal has acted as the resource person in several national and international conferences. She has sound knowledge in R-programming and SPSS. Also she is a life Member of Calcutta Statistical Association, Kolkata.


  • Dr. Ghosal has 17 years of teaching and 10 Years of Research experience.
  • She has 5 international journal and several conference publications.



  • Seventeen UG research students
  • Five PG research students



  • 5 Research Papers
  • 1 Review Article
  • 4 Conferences



  • Operations Research
  • Statistical Quality Management
  • Industrial Statistics
  • Linear Model and Regression Analysis
  • Multivariate Analysis
  • SPSS
  • R-Language
Dr. Anindita Ghosal
Faculty Profile
Dr. Mrinmay Das

Assistant Professor - Physics

PhD (2018): Jadavpur University, M.Sc (2012): Jadavpur University, B.Sc (2010): Jadavpur University


•             Senior Project Scientist (2018-2019) – Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

•             SERB National Post Doctoral Fellow (N-PDF) (2019-2021) - Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science


Awards, Achievements and Fellowships:

•             Secured 3rd Rank in West Bengal Higher Secondary Examination 2007, Conducted by WBCHSE

•             DST-INSPIRE Scholarship (2008-2012) from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India

•             DST-INSPIRE Fellowship (2013-2018) from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India

•             International Travel Support (ITS) to present a paper at the “2017 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit” in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, funded by SERB, DST, Government of India

•             1st Prize for Poster award at the International Conference EMCA 2017, 2017, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur

•             SERB-National Post-Doctoral Fellowship (N-PDF) (2019-2021) from SERB, DST, Government of India


Research Project:

Principal Investigator in the SERB-NPDF project “Graphene-inorganic perovskite composite based optoelectronic devices” at Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science


Publications in peer reviewed journals (Indexed in SCI and Scopus): 35

Google Scholar Link:

Presentation/participation in conferences/seminars: 15 (International-5, National-10)

Dr. Mrinmay Das
Faculty Profile
Dr. Moumita Deb

Assistant Professor - Physics

Ph.D. in Physics (Science) from Jadavpur University, M.Sc. in Physics from Jadavpur University, B. Sc. in Physics (Hons) from Jadavpur University.


Area of research:

        5 Publications in Peer reviewed Journals and 3 conference Proceedings.

        Google Scholar link:

  • Detection and characterizations for various types of entanglements
  • Topological magnon insulating phase detection
  • Bond operator formalism
  • Spin-wave analysis

Teaching Experience:

  • Working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, Sister Nivedita University from 21.06.2022 till date.
  • Worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, Brainware University from 09.03.2022 to 20.06.2022.

Additional Grant/Scholarship:

  • DST Inspire Scholarship during the tenure of June, 2010 to May, 2014.
  • Junior Research Fellowship under the UGC NET from January, 2015 to December, 2016.
  • Senior Research Fellowship under the UGC NET from January, 2017 to December, 2019.



Dr. Moumita Deb
Faculty Profile
Sourav Pramanik

Assistant Professor - Physics



Got Doctoral degree in Theoretical Plasma Physics in 2017. Post Doctoral experience of 5 years. Area of expertise: Theoretical Physics, Electrodynamics, Plasma Physics, Computational Physics

Sourav Pramanik
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Statistics

Pursuing Ph.D. in Statistics, University of Calcutta (Registered in 2019) , M.Sc. in Statistics, University of Calcutta, 2013


Aniruddha Choudhuri holds a M.Sc. degree in Statistics from University of Statistics (2011 - 2013). He has also qualified JOINT CSIR-UGC Test for Junior Research Fellowship and Eligibility for Lectureship (NET) held in June 2016 (AIR 99). He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Statistics from University of Calcutta under the guidance of Prof. Asis Kumar Chattopadhyay having area of research as Demography.


Educational Qualifications:

  • Pursuing Ph.D. in Statistics from University of Calcutta (Registered in 2019)
  • M.Sc. in Statistics (Specialization in Industrial Statistics) from University of Calcutta (2011 – 2013)
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) in Statistics from Asutosh College under the University of Calcutta (2008 – 2011)

Areas of Interest:

  • Demography
  • Industrial Statistics
  • ANOVA and Design of Experiments
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Cluster Analysis
  • C & R Programming
  • Reliability Theory
  • Large Sample Theory

Work Experience:

  • Working as an Assistant Professor in the department of Statistics, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata from November 1, 2022 onwards
  • Working as a part time Research Scholar in the department of Statistics, University of Calcutta from December 15, 2021 onwards
  • Worked as an Adjunct Faculty in the department of Mathematics, School of Basic and Applied Sciences (SOBAS), Adamas University, Kolkata from December 15, 2021 to October 31, 2022
  • Worked as a full time UGC Junior Research Fellow in the department of Statistics, University of Calcutta from May 8, 2017 to December 14, 2021
  • Worked as a Part Time Teacher (PTT) in the department of Statistics, Asutosh College, Kolkata from October 1, 2015 to May 15, 2017
  • Worked as a Guest Lecturer in the departments of Statistics and Economics, Charuchandra College, Kolkata from August 18, 2014 to May 19, 2017
  • Worked as an Assistant Manager in the department of Quality Systems & Reliability (QS&R), Tata Motors Limited, Pune from September 10, 2013 to August 9, 2014


  • Worked on a Project titled Basic Statistics in Runder the guidance of Professor Bhaswati Ganguli, Department of Statistics, University of Calcutta
  • Worked on a project titled “Oesophageal Cancer : An Epidemiological Study” under the guidance of Professor Aditya Chattopadhyay, Department of Statistics, University of Calcutta
  • Worked on a project titled “A Study On Undocumented Migration (From Bangladesh To West Bengal)” under the guidance of Professor Asis Kumar Chattopadhyay and other professors of the Department of Statistics, University of Calcutta




  • Was regularly present throughout the 12 years of my school life in St. Lawrence High School and was awarded book prizes every year from my school
  • Was awarded the “R. C. Bose Book Prize” for standing first in the first two semesters of the M.Sc. 2 years course in Statistics by Calcutta Statistical Association (CSA) during the 8th International Triennial Calcutta Symposium
  • To be awarded (already applied) with the Gold Medal for standing first in M.Sc. 2 years course in Statistics (2011 - 2013) by University of Calcutta.
Faculty Profile


Double MSc (Mathematics and Statistics)


Argha Nath Bhattacharyya holds PG degree from the University of Burdwan in Mathematics (2017-19) and Statistics (2019-21). He also published a research paper in Advance in Industrial Engineering, Summer 2020.

He has also qualified JOINT CSIR-UGC Test for Assistant Professor (AIR 30) in June 2021 and GATE 2022 in Mathematics. His research interests include Stochastic Process and Operations Research

Educational Qualifications:

  • B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics form Burdwan Raj college under the University of Burdwan, 2017.
  • M.Sc. in Mathematics (Specialization in Turbulent Flows and Advanced Optimization) from the University of Burdwan, 2019.
  • M.Sc. in Statistics (Specialization in Biostatistics) from the University of Burdwan, 2021.

Research Interests:

  • Stochastic Process
  • Operations Research

Work Experience:

  • Working as a Lecturer in the department of Statistics, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata from October 17, 2022 onwards



Manuscript Title: Analysis of a two-storage system for advance payment policies with the partial backlogged shortage.



                Project on “Inspecting graphically time dependent variable in HRS data.”

Faculty Profile
Biswajit Basak

Teaching Associate - Statistics

M.Sc (Specialization in Advanced Statistical Inference) from University of Calcutta, 2013. Pursuing Ph.D in Statistics from University of Calcutta.


Educational Qualification:

  • Pursuing Ph.D in Statistics from University of Calcutta.
  • M.Sc (Specialization in Advanced Statistical Inference) from University of Calcutta, 2013.


Research Interests:

  • Statistical Inference on Synthetic Data
  • Statistical Meta Analysis
  • Multivariate Statistical Analysis
  • Regression Analysis


Work Experience:

  • Working as a full time faculty in department of Statistics, Sister Nivedita University, from September 6, 2021 onwards.
  • Part time research scholar in the department of Statistics, University of Calcutta, from January 8, 2018 onwards.
  • Worked as a CWTT (Contractual Whole Time Teacher) in Vivekananda College, Thakurpukur, Kolkata, from July 21st, 2014 to July 31st, 2016.
  • Worked as a PLP (Project Linked Personnel) in Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) from August, 2013 to January, 2014.



  • Project on “Using Vectors and Matrices in R”.
  • Project on “Watershed”. The analyses refer to the role of the peak rate of flow of water from six watersheds (data taken from some storm episodes) on 9 different covariates like ‘area of watershed’, ‘rainfall’ etc.
  • Project on “Use of Mann-Whitney U- Statistic in Two Sample Problem”. The project is the study (by simulation) of test functions using U-statistic with an appropriate kernel, when the parent distribution is not continuous.
Biswajit Basak
Faculty Profile
Professor (Dr.) Surajit C Mukhopadhyay

Dean - School of Social Sciences

Ph.D. from Leicester University, UK.


Professor (Dr.) Surajit C Mukhopadhyay is currently the Dean of the School of Social Sciences, at Sister Nivedita University. He has held senior positions in several universities and research institutions in the faculty as well as in administration and has been a member of the apex social science body in India – the Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR). A consultant for several national and international bodies including the government of Switzerland and the Netherlands, he has been actively engaged in field research while serving as a Fellow at the Centre for Studies in the Social Sciences, Calcutta, and has supervised Ph.D. dissertations as well as projects of international interns of UNICEF.

Professor Mukhopadhyay was trained at St. Xavier's College, Calcutta, from where he obtained his undergraduate degree. He did his Master’s and M. Phil at JNU, New Delhi, and was awarded a Ph.D. by Leicester University in the UK, where he was a Commonwealth Staff Scholar. Professor Mukhopadhyay also studied at the University of Oslo in Norway on a NORAD scholarship and has two post-doctoral awards from Paris and New York. He specializes in political Sociology and has published extensively in national and international journals as well as contributed chapters in books on Sociology and Political Sociology. Currently, he is engaged in a book project that he is co-editing with a colleague to be published by Routledge, London.

Founding faculty of the Department of Sociology at the University of Burdwan, West Bengal, Professor Mukhopadhyay has presented papers and lectures in the UK, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Nepal, Russian Federation, France, Costa Rica, South Africa, and Indonesia apart from universities and research institutions in India.

Professor (Dr.) Surajit C Mukhopadhyay
Faculty Profile
Dr. Kankana Debnath

Assistant Professor & HOD - Political Science

Doctorate and M.Phil. degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and Masters and Bachelors form Jadavpur University


Dr. Kankana Debnath, pursued her Doctorate and M.Phil. degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and her Masters and Bachelors form Jadavpur University, Kolkata. The title of her doctorate thesis is “Role of Regional Organizations in Tackling Climate Change in South Pacific Island Countries, 1997 to 2016”. Her area of expertise is Indo-Pacific Studies and Climate Change. She aspires to work on climate change issues which is a very dynamic issue at present. She has spent a month and a half at University of Hawaii, Manoa and East West Centre, Hawaii, USA researching on climate change effects on South Pacific Islands as part of her doctoral research. She has published papers on various topics and subtopics of the above-mentioned discourses. She has presented papers in both national and international conferences and has fulfilled coordination and management roles in several academic programmes, seminars and conferences held in her alma maters. Being a Korean culture enthusiast she has been a Global Honourary Reporter for, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Republic of Korea from 2022 to 2024.

Dr. Kankana Debnath
Faculty Profile
Prof. Sanchari Chakraborty

Assistant Professor - Political Science

Pursuing Ph.D from the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, M.Phil. from Jadavpur University


Prior to joining the department of Political Science at Sister Nivedita University in the Autumn of 2021, I had been engaged in various teaching assignments at the undergraduate level in the University of Calcutta and West Bengal State University. In the course of these assignments, I taught papers on political theory, international relations and Indian politics and society. Starting in 2022, I am pursuing a Ph.D from the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, where I am researching the ways in which the twin forces of hunger and scarcity shaped West Bengals post-colonial landscape. I have completed my postgraduate degree in political science from Presidency University, Kolkata and thereafter, I went on to Jadavpur University to pursue my M.Phil. My M.Phil. research investigated the Election Commission of India, its interface with the judiciary and civil society in India and the shaping of the ‘postcolonial voter’ in India. Earlier, my masters level research explored the links between the modern state India, education and citizenship construction. In broad terms, my areas of research interest include: political theory, Indian government and politics, global politics and public policy. I have qualified UGC-NET for the position of Assistant Professor in July 2019.

Prof. Sanchari Chakraborty
Faculty Profile
Soumya Saha

Assistant Professor - Political Science

Pursuing PhD from WBNUJS, Kolkata.


Soumya Saha is currently pursuing his PhD at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS), Kolkata. Prior to joining Sister Nivedita University, he has gathered the experience of teaching Political Science papers as a Guest Lecturer in the Department of Law, University of Calcutta, and as a Junior Research Fellow in WBNUJS, Kolkata. He is the founder of the social media academic platform, eSpartacus, which focuses on organizing and conducting academic interviews of scholars, writers and administrators, on issues concerning politics and society. He has also worked as a Research Investigator in the Research Project on “Discoursing the Homeless Elderly: Tropes, Desires and Containment” sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). His research interests include Citizenship Law, Indian Politics and Political Theory, on which he has presented and written papers, book reviews and book chapters.

Soumya Saha
Faculty Profile
Sharmin Chowdhury

Visiting Faculty - Political Science

pursuing PhD on the applicability of International Humanitarian Law to Non- International Armed Conflicts from Diamond Harbour Womens University


Sharmin Chowdhury, a Visiting Faculty in the Department of Political Science has completed her M.Phil in Political Science from Jadavpur University on the topic 'Atrocity crimes and the Responsibility to Protect.' She is currently pursuing PhD on the applicability of International Humanitarian Law to Non- International Armed Conflicts from Diamond Harbour Women's University. An erudite scholar of International Relations, her areas of research includes Atrocity crimes, International Criminal Law and Refugee crisis. She has worked as RUSA Project Assistant in Jadavpur University on the "Issues in Global South: Eastern Perspectives", and has actively participated in National and International Seminars and conferences on her interest areas.

Sharmin Chowdhury
Faculty Profile

Head of Department - Sociology

Completed MA and MPhil in Sociology from Jadavpur University. Cleared UGC NET in 2011. Submitted PHD


Graduated from St. Xavier’s College Kolkata, with Sociology Honors. Completed MA and MPhil in Sociology from Jadavpur University. Cleared UGC NET in 2011. Submitted PHD Thesis on Tattoo: An Inquiry in its Different Dimension at the Department of Sociology, Jadavpur University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Bipul Kumar Bhadra. Before joining Sister Nivedita University, was engaged as State Aided College Teacher, Category – I at Jogamaya Devi College under Calcutta University. I was also engaged as a Visiting Faculty in the Department of Sociology, Rabindra Bharati University and Jadavpur University. Also taught at a Visiting Faculty at West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences. Research Interest is Sociology of Science Technology and Society, Sociology of Crime and Deviance and Sociology of Gender. Life member Indian Sociological Society. Coordinated the Women Entrepreneurship Development Program, Sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, in 2018 at Jogamaya Devi College. Presented papers at various National and International Conferences.

Faculty Profile
Dr. Nabamita De

Assistant Professor - Sociology

B.A, Sociology Honors (Presidency college, Calcutta University) M.A, M.Phil., PhD (Jadavpur University), B.Ed. (wbuttepa)


I have an experience of more than 12 years, prior joining here, I was the head of the Sociology department of ADAMAS UNIVERSITY. I taught as visiting faculty in JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY and KALYANI UNIVERSITY. I even taught in BANGABASHI COLLEGE as guest faculty. I received prestigious WESTBENGAL STATE FELLOWSHIP for research. My research interest is on Sociology of Religion and Sociology of Health. Conducted various National and International seminars and webinars. Presented papers at various National and International Conferences. Published in different UGC CARE listed and good publication house. Guided two PhD scholars. 


Dr. Nabamita De
Faculty Profile
Dr. Priyanka Dutta

Assistant Professor - Sociology

PhD in Sociology with ICSSR doctoral fellowship from the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore.


Dr. Priyanka Dutta has an academic background in Sociology with a focus on gender, labour and development studies. An alumna of the South Point High School, Priyanka has pursued her graduation in Sociology (Hons.) from the Lady Brabourne College, under the University of Calcutta and Post Graduation in Sociology from Calcutta University. She pursued her M.Phil from the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (IDSK) and completed her PhD in Sociology with ICSSR doctoral fellowship from the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore. Her thesis has been endowed with the prestigious M.N. Srinivas Memorial Award for the best PhD thesis in Sociology. A qualitative sociologist by training, she has more than a decade of research and teaching experience in various states across India working at reputed academic institutions and development organizations like St. Xavier’s University Kolkata, Rabindra Bharati University, Basanti Devi College, Department of Law, Calcutta University, Centre for Budget and Policy Studies (CBPS-Bangalore), IFMR, CUTS International, IDSK etc. She has also presented her research work in various seminars and conferences both in India and abroad. Priyanka has also completed a Diploma in Social Work and also has to her credit a four-year diploma in Japanese Language.

Dr. Priyanka Dutta
Faculty Profile
Dr. Rikhia Ghoshal

Assistant Professor - Sociology

PhD in Sociology as a UGC NET-JRF scholar in 2021 from Jadavpur University.


Dr. Rikhia Ghoshal, prior to joining the Department of Sociology at Sister Nivedita University was working as the Head of the Department of Arts and Assistant Professor in Sociology at Dr. N.S.A.M First Grade College (NITTE Education Trust), Bengaluru where she has conducted a variety of academic programmes such as conferences and Faculty Development Programmes on a national level. She has completed her PhD in Sociology as a UGC NET-JRF scholar in 2021 from Jadavpur University. The title of her thesis is Changing Forms of Discipline and Punishment: A Study of Schools in Kolkata. She has completed her MA in Sociology from Jadavpur University and BA in Sociology Honours from St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata as the topper of her batch. She has also completed a one-year Diploma in Applied Sociology from Jadavpur University. She has more than eight years of teaching experience in her career in academics. Her interests lie in areas such as Gender, Childhood and Education to name a few. She has many publications in her name and has also been a reviewer for the Middle East Journal of Management, Inderscience Publishers in 2023.

Dr. Rikhia Ghoshal
Faculty Profile

Visiting Faculty - Sociology

Masters Degree in Sociology from Calcutta University


Ms. Sanchita Gangopadhyay pursed her graduation degree in Sociology Honours from Jogamaya Devi College, University of Calcutta. She successfully completed her Masters Degree in Sociology from Calcutta University, securing a first class second position from her department. Ms. Gangopadhyay is a recipient of 2017 The Radhakamal Mukherjee Young Social Scientist Award. .She is currently working as a part- time faculty at Sister Nivedita University and as a guest-faculty at The Heritage College, Kolkata. She has an experience of working as a Head of the Department of Sociology at Loreto College and has served as a guest-lecturer at Asutosh College, Kolkata. She also has an experience of working as a field assistant on a National Project titled ‘Promoting Micro Solar Dome Technology in Tribal Pockets of India with Different Agro-Climatic Condition & Varied Type of Housing’ conducted by NB Institute of Rural Technology under the supervision of Prof. S.P Gonchaudhury & Prof. (Dr.) Bula Bhadra in 2017 & 2018. Her areas of interest are Sociology Childhood & Youth and Sociology of Crime and Deviance.

Faculty Profile



Prof. Dhar completed his education from Jadavpur University, Denver University and the University of Cambridge. He taught at Rabindra Bharati University for over 35 years, donning various hats there, from Officiating Vice-Chancellor to the Director of its School of Languages and Culture. His scholarly work has taken him all over the country—from Assam to Uttar Pradesh—and all over the world, including the University of Oxford, Ohio State University and the University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh.

Faculty Profile
Jaya Choudhury

Spanish language Faculty

Level B2 Diploma Certificate of DELE ( Diploma de Lengua Extranjera) in Spanish language from Instituto Cervantes, Madrid.


Jaya Choudhury is Spanish language teacher and a writer- translator of the same. A Calcutta University alumni in commerce she got level B2 Diploma Certificate of DELE ( Diploma de Lengua Extranjera) in Spanish language from Instituto Cervantes, Madrid. Currently works in in Sister Nivedita University, Newtown, Kolkata as a faculty. Spanish language and literature is her profession and passion. She also writes and translates books from or to Spanish- Bengali- English. So far 14 books are published including novels, poetries, dramas, stories etc. from eminent publishing houses of Kolkata and from the embassies of Chile in India , Paraguay in India etc. Bangla Academy of Govt. Of West Bengal conferred her with the prestigious Lila Roy Smarak Samman for her contribution to the translation literature in Bengali language in 2019. Regularly writes essays, poems in Spanish magazines and periodicals of Kolkata and Cuba, Columbia, Mexico, Paraguay, Argentina and Bangladesh etc.

Jaya Choudhury
Faculty Profile
Abhishek Samanta

Spanish language Faculty

M.Sc, C1 level Spanish.


I am born and brought up in Kolkata, grown up with the ethos of Indian culture. I love nature and environment. I love to teach Spanish and learn other languages. I am a sportsman and love to play cricket and chess. I love to travel and have travelled almost 17 countries and stayed in 5 countries. Working for environment and stray animals is my passion.

Abhishek Samanta
Faculty Profile
Runa Rahman

Spanish language Faculty

M.Sc in Dietetics and Food Service Management B.Sc in Zoology 3 years course of Spanish language 2 years course of Arabic language


I am a Spanish teacher and am into this profession for the last 13 years. Presently , I teach at SNU and also at RKM School of Languages, Golpark and at Lady Brabourne College and Scottish Church College. I do freelance translation work as well. I have taught Spanish at Ebenezer International School, Bangalore for some time. Teaching is my passion and profession.

Runa Rahman
Faculty Profile

Spanish language Faculty

Master in Computer Application (MCA); B.Com (Hons.); Post Advanced in Spanish


Moumita Saha was born and raised in Kolkata. A Jadavpur Vidyapith alumni, she received a Bachelor Degree of Commerce (Hons.) from the University of Calcutta and a Master Degree in Computer Application from the Indira Gandhi National Open University. After a decade-long experience in automobile industry, Moumita developed an interest in Spanish as a foreign language and cleared successive courses in Spanish: from Communicative I to Post Advanced from the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, School of Languages, Golpark, Kolkata. She demonstrated her brilliance by securing the first rank in the Communicative II, Advanced and Post Advanced courses. She continues developing her niche in Spanish pedagogy while engaging with the global Hispanic community for innovation and impact.


Faculty Profile
Rajdeep Dasgupta

Spanish language Faculty



In 2009, I passed my B.A (Hons.) in History and M.A in South and South East Asian Studies in 2011 from Calcutta University. I did my second M.A in History from Vidyasagar University in 2017. In between I have successfully completed a Six month Spanish Communicative course from Ramkrishna Mission Institute of Culture in 2013 and 3 years Spanish Advanced course by 2021 from the same institute. I have also successfully qualified "DELE A2" in 2022. For the last 9 years I have been working in agricultural sector as a "Sales Officer." Now I am looking forward to be associated with the Spanish language.

Rajdeep Dasgupta
Faculty Profile
Priyaly Chakraborty

Japanese Language Faculty

Japanese N3 passed and completed full Japanese language diploma course (5 year), Japanese language teacher training course (360 hours)


I'm Priyaly Chakraborty, who started to learn Japanese language from the Ramkrishna Mission and completed the 5 year course. Got the teacher training course at JNU conducted by the Japan and India Government. Loves the Japanese architecture and the interior design as well as the pop culture.

Priyaly Chakraborty
Faculty Profile
Dr. Satyanarayan Bhattacharya

Japanese Language Faculty

M. A., M. Com., M. Ed., LL. B., BLISC, KOVID, Ph. D., Diploma in Japanese.


Taught Japanese language as a honorary High School Teacher in Japansse at Visva-Bharati (a Central University). Retired as Deputy Registrar from Visva-Bharati on 31. 10.2019. Continuing as a Visiting Faculty in Japanese at Sister Nivedita University (SNU) from 1st November, 2022.

Dr. Satyanarayan Bhattacharya
Faculty Profile

French Language Faculty

M.A. (French & Bengali), B2 (Alliance Française du Bengale)


Faculty Profile
Paramita Pal

French Language Faculty

M.A in French Language, Literature, Translation, Interpretation as well as speaking skills too.


I am Paramita Pal, a former student of Calcutta University who has successfully completed her Masters in French Language, Literature, Translation and Interpretation with first class in every consecutive semester. As a faculty I am always ambitious and I am always keen to encourage my students to build their skills and interest towards learning a foreign language French which is very melodious and interesting too. I consider myself lucky to have received such a golden opportunity to construct the careers of my students with motivation, trust, confidence and loyalty too.

Paramita Pal
Faculty Profile
Sudipta Mitra Datta

French Language Faculty

Diplome Supérieure from Alliance Fraçaise, Kolkata, Post Graduation in French from CIEFL, Hyderabad


Twelve years experience of teaching French in English medium school in Kolkata.  Teacher's Training on French language & French culture and civilization from CAVILUM, VICHY, FRANCE .

Sudipta Mitra Datta
Faculty Profile

Advisor, School of Business & Director, Sponsored Research & Industrial Consultancy Cell (SRIC).


A graduate with a first class degree in Economics from the Presidency College, Kolkata, Prof.Khasnabis had his post graduate and Ph.D. from Calcutta University where he served as a teacher in the Department of Business Management for more than three decades. Dr. Khasnabis is the recipient of Eminent Teacher Award (2013) of Calcutta University. He was the Dean, Faculty of Commerce, Social Welfare and Business Management and HoD for two terms of the Department of Business Management, C.U. He was also nominated as the Convener of the Ph. D Committee of the Department. The UGC nominated him as the Co-Ordinator of the UGC sponsored SAP (Special Assistance Programme) of the Department. for two successive terms.

Dr. Khasnabis had been Honorary Visiting Fellow of the Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata. He still serves the Institute of Human Development, Delhi as an Honorary Visiting Professor.

Prof. Khasnabis is the author of a text book on Research Methodology published by Orient BlackSwan.He also edited three books which have been published by reputed Publishing Houses. Dr. Khasnabis has written about 50 research papers and research reports and successfully completed a few funded projects (which were received from Govt and non Govt organisations) including. one Dutch Govt sponsored (IDPAD) research project which he collaborated with a Professor of Amsterdam University, the Netherlands.

Prof Khasnabis serves as an expert of the AICTE and the UGC, Delhi. Presently he is associated with Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata as the Advisor, School of Business & Director, Sponsored Research & Industrial Consultancy Cell (SRIC).

Faculty Profile

Mentor - Commerce


Prof. Ray has corporate experience of 25 years in Tata Steel (Tubes Division) in the mid 70s. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and has effective corporate experience in India and Europe. He has academic experience of about 28 years as Director of ICFAI Business School, Director of NSHM Business School, Director of Future Business School before joining SNU.

Faculty Profile
Patralika Bhattacharjya

Assistant Professor - Economics

(M. A) Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University M. Phil (Economics), Jadavpur University Kolkata.


Patralika Bhattacharjya carries a combined 28 years of teaching, research, administrative and industrial experience with her. She is an alumnus of CESP, Jawaharlal Nehru University (M. A) Economics and Jadavpur University Kolkata, M. Phil (Economics).

She carries industry experience with Liz Claiborne, New Jersey, USA and Price Waterhouse Coopers, Kolkata.

 She has also been selected as Empaneled Resource Person Eastern Region with SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India), having conducted 23 Financial Planning Workshops for specific target groups across the population.

Ms. Bhattacharjya has been founding faculty in Economics in Amity School of Economics with Amity University, Kolkata carrying a total of 6.5 years’ experience and has been a Founder Member of the Entrepreneurship Cell at AUK.

She has also held Visiting Faculty roles with IBS, ICFAI, Techno India Group and Annex College of Management Studies. MS Bhattacharjya is currently pursuing her PhD from SNU, Kolkata. She has a keen interest in Microeconomics, Behavioral Economics, Digital Financial inclusion and Financial Gender Divide and has multiple publications to her credit.

She is a Member of SNU’s Institutional Innovation Council and has played a key organizing role in conducting IIC Regional Meet on 12th January 2024 conducted by the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell, Government of India and AICTE

She has played a supporting role in establishing the University’s Centre for Entrepreneurship Development, Innovation and Incubation namely Udyog which provides all necessary support to young innovators and has three parallel wings Innovation. Entrepreneurship and IPR. She has enabled regular seminars and workshops to facilitate an ecosystem favorable for innovators and budding entrepreneurs at SNU.

She has co- found an entrepreneurial venture named Kheti@Home at SNU which is interdisciplinary in nature and is work in progress.

She has been selected as Empowering Women Globally (EWG) Scholar 2024 from S.N.U under an initiative managed by the Turner School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Bradley University, U.S.A and supported by the U.S. Department of State which involves Empowering Women through Education and Entrepreneurship.

This gives her the opportunity to participate in the capacity-building “train-the-trainer” model with a semester at Bradley University , designed to expand entrepreneurship opportunities for Indian women while strengthening entrepreneurial skills for Sister Nivedita University (SNU) students.

Patralika Bhattacharjya
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor & Teacher in Charge - Commerce

Pursuing her Ph.D. from North Bengal University in the area of entrepreneurship behaviour of women, M.Com, UGC (NET)


Prof. Mitra has completed her masters from North Bengal University and was awarded gold medal for securing first class first position in the entire school of Arts, Commerce and Law. She has a teaching experience of more than 8 years in the area of Accounting and Finance. Currently she is pursuing her Ph.D. from North Bengal University in the area of entrepreneurship behaviour of women. She has presented papers in various international conferences. She is also a member of the Exam Conduct Committee of Sister Nivedita University. Her areas of interest are  Financial System, Financial Management, Taxation, Women Entrepreneurship Intent, Costing etc…

She has also served as an active member of Cultural committee, NSS committee and Women’s cell in her previous institution.

She loves participating for various community related services. Among the extra-curricular activities, she had completed her second year in Music (Vocal) with distinction. She also has a keen passion towards Dancing, Acting and Poster Making.

Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Prithul Chakraborty

Professor - Commerce

Master’s in Commerce from Calcutta University and was awarded gold medal for achieving first class first. Ph. D. from Burdwan University.


After becoming a Honours Graduate in Commerce from Calcutta University with first class tenth rank, he completed master’s in Commerce from the same University and was awarded gold medal for achieving first class first position. He obtained Ph. D. degree from Burdwan University for his research works in the field of derivatives segment of Indian Stock Market. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Apart from long teaching experience in a number of premier higher educational institutions, Prof. Chakraborty has versatile experience in the senior management level of corporate sector and in State University administration too. His areas of interest are financial management, corporate finance, financial market, taxation and so on. He is also a life member of Indian Accounting Association. He has a number of publications in reputed journals and edited volumes.

Prof. (Dr.) Prithul Chakraborty
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Commerce

M.Com (CU), MBA in Finance (CU), M. Phil in Finance (CU



Prof. Biswas has 13 years of teaching experience in areas of Financial, Cost and Management Accounting, Financial Management and other specialized areas of Finance. Presently, she is in the capacity of an Assistant Professor in the School of Business, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. She did her graduation from Goenka College of Commerce & Business Administration and three post- graduation degrees from the University of Calcutta.She has been fortunate of serving both her Alma Maters, Goenka College of Commerce & Business Administration and IISWBM. She had also been attached with Deshbandhu College for girls and Jain Group of Institutions.She had been invited for different lecture series by different colleges across the city. Prof. Biswas iscurrently pursuing her Ph. D. and is keen to be a part of the learning curve, to learn and grow with her students.

Her areas of interest are Financial Markets and Financial Instruments,Entrepreneurship Development and Women Empowerment. She is also a passionate traveller, photographer and a scribbler.

Faculty Profile
Sukanya Bhattacharyya

Assistant Professor - Commerce

Qualified UGC NET in Commerce, M.Com in Accounting and Finance from the University of Calcutta


Sukanya Bhattacharyya is presently serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce, Sister Nivedita University. She has qualified UGC NET in Commerce. She has done her graduation from Scottish Church College and M.Com in Accounting and Finance from the University of Calcutta. She has published various research papers and articles in national and international journals and edited volumes of repute. Aa a receipient of multiple Best Paper Awards, Sukanya has presented her research at various prestigious conferences. Beyond her academic achievements, she actively engages in faculty development programs and workshops, underscoring her commitment to continuous learning and professional development. She is also the life member of Indian Accounting Association Research Foundation(IAARF) and an annual member of Kolkata Bidhannagar Society for Academic Advancement (KBSAA).

Her main area of interest are Indian Financial System, Financial Management, Financial markets and financial instruments.

She is also passionate about cooking, sketching, and participating in debates and discussions.

Sukanya Bhattacharyya
Faculty Profile
Prof. Priya Gupta

Assistant Professor - Commerce

Pursuing her Ph.D. as Senior Research Fellow (UGC-SRF) in Finance from Vidyasagar University


Priya Gupta is presently serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce at Sister Nivedita University. She holds a Master of Commerce in Accounting and Finance from Goenka College of Commerce and Business Administration. She has qualified UGC- JRF in Commerce. Before joining here, she was pursuing her Ph.D. as Senior Research Fellow (UGC-SRF) in Finance from Vidyasagar University. Priya has published research in reputed journals and presented at numerous conferences including IIM Calcutta. Her research interests include corporate social responsibility, corporate finance, and financial performance. She is keen on learning and actively participates in various faculty development programmes. Priya is dedicated to nurturing students and advancing academic research. She strives to create an engaging learning environment and encourages innovative thinking in her students while contributing to the academic community through collaborative research.

Prof. Priya Gupta
Faculty Profile
Prof. Anjali Kumari Singh

Assistant Professor - Commerce



Prof. Anjali Kumari Singh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce at Sister Nivedita University. She holds a Master of Commerce degree in Accounting and Finance from Hooghly Mohsin College and has successfully qualified the UGC-NET in Commerce. Currently, she is pursuing her B.Ed. from Boinchee College of Education.Prof. Singh is passionate about academic research and learning. She has published a journals and article in the news letter of ICSI and has presented a paper titled "Vision for India 2.0" at St. Xavier’s College,kolkata. Her commitment to continuous professional development is evident through her active participation in various faculty development programs.Dedicated to fostering a stimulating learning environment, Prof. Singh encourages innovative thinking and critical analysis among her students. She is deeply committed to advancing academic research and contributes to the academic community through collaborative efforts and scholarly activities.

Prof. Anjali Kumari Singh
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Commerce

M.Com, NET, Pursuing Ph.D


Prof. Uzma Khan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce at Sister Nivedita University. She has completed her B.Com degree from Shri Shikshayatan College and M.Com degree from University of Calcutta with Specialization in Accounting & Finance. She is currently pursuing Ph.D in Commerce, from St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata. She has presented research papers in numerous conferences (both National and International) and published research papers in reputed journals as well. She has also participated in several National and International seminars /webinars / workshops / conferences.

She is committed to encourage open minds and creative thinkers who will meet the challenges of their generation and also promote the virtues of research and scholarly inquiry, so that students can bring important critical thinking skills to their pursuits, both inside and outside the college.

Faculty Profile
Prof. Isha Poddar

Assistant Professor - Commerce

First-class Post Graduate in Accountancy and Finance from St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata and ranked 3rd in Shri Shikshayatan College, Kolkata


Prof. Isha Poddar is currently serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce, Sister Nivedita University. She has qualified UGC NET in Commerce. She is a first-class Post Graduate in Accountancy and Finance from St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata and had also ranked 3rd in Shri Shikshayatan College, Kolkata from where she completed her Graduation scoring 100 in Financial Management. She was also an active member of the NSS Committee in her former institution. She has been a panelist at EICASA and is known for her high-quality teaching and her simple and friendly ways of making concepts crystal clear to students. She also actively engages in faculty development programs and workshops to advance her academic research. Her areas of interest are Financial Management, Financial Markets and Instruments, Accounting, Costing and Entrepreneurship. She has completed her third year of Art as well as Bharat Natyam with distinction. She also loves to play synthesizer, read novels and travel.

Prof. Isha Poddar
Faculty Profile
Prof.(CS) Suparna Bhattacharyya

Visiting Faculty - Commerce

ACS, MBA in Finance (Gold Medalist), (Finance and Accounts)


Prof. Suparna Bhattacharyya is an Associate Member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) and working as a Practising Company Secretary since 2019. She worked in M/S TARASONS & Co Company Secretaries as Management Trainee and
gained Corporate Experience in the field of Company Law and Compliance related with Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Presently associated with different corporate houses like TRADECON GROUP as a Practising Professional.

Prof.(CS) Suparna Bhattacharyya
Faculty Profile
Prof. Rohan Prasad Gupta

Visiting Faculty - Commerce

M.Com, NET (JRF)


Prof. Rohan Prasad Gupta is currently perusing M.Phil. in Commerce from the Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta as a Junior Research Fellow. He has qualified UGC-NET with JRF in Commerce. He has done his M.Com. in Accounting and Finance from University of Calcutta. His main areas of research interest are MSME, Social Sector financing, Micro finance and Entrepreneurship development. He has presented more than four papers in national and international seminars and webinars and published more than twelve research papers and articles in national and international journals and edited volumes of repute.

Prof. Rohan Prasad Gupta
Faculty Profile

Head - Management


Dr. Mahuya Adhikary is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. Dr. Adhikary has about 12 years teaching and research experience in various academic institutions. She has worked as an Assistant Professor at Budge Budge Institute of Technology, Kolkata. She has also worked as a Guest faculty in Calicut University, Kerala and as a faculty in ICFAI University, Hyderabad. She is a gold medallist from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. She has a few publications in various national and international peer reviewed journals and edited books published by highly reputed publication houses. She has co-authored business case studies that are published with the European Case Clearing House (The Case Centre).

Faculty Profile
Dr. Monirul Islam

Associate Professor - Management

M.Sc (Medical Science), MBA, PGPBM, PGDRD, Ph.D.; UGC NET-JRF (Management)


With a blended mix of Industrial and teaching experience of more than 15 years in institutions of repute, Dr. Monirul Islam is presently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Management Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. He received Master’s degree in Medical Science from Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi. He had finished his MBA from MDU, Rohtak and PGPBM from NIILM School of Business, New Delhi. He is a proud alumnus of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. He is an avid researcher and astute professional with a decent corporate experience.

He published more than 50 research papers in Scopus, Emerald, Wiley, Springer, Springer Nature, UGC-CARE to name a few. Dr. Islam presented more than 20 papers in International Conferences and Seminars including Bangladesh. He attended 21 Seminars / Workshops including IIMs, IITs. Moreover, more than 31 FDPs attended by him at various places across the country.

He authored a book published by MHRD, New Delhi. He also executed a minor project as PI (principal investigator) awarded by Government of West Bengal.

He is actively involved in AICTE, SAYAM-MOOCs, NPTEL based projects. He is in the Editorial/ Reviewer Board of Journal & Books of repute.

Dr. Islam was associated with administrative tasks like Examination Officer-in-Charge, Admission Faculty -in-Charge, Placement Faculty -in-Charge, Students Board-Convener, Warden-Boys Hostel, Faculty Council member etc.

Dr. Monirul Islam
Faculty Profile
Dr. Parantap Chatterjee

Assistant Professor & Academic Coordinator of MBA - Management

Ph.D. (Management/SNU), MBA (Marketing/IISWBM), UGC-NET (Management), MCA (MAKAUT)


Dr. Chatterjee has about 14 years teaching experience and 5 years research experience. He completed Entrepreneurship Course from IIM Bangalore & Wadhwani Foundation in association with NEN. He also completed Web Graphics & Animation certified course from Arena, APTECH. Dr. Chatterjee served as Guest Lecturer in various prestigious Institutes of West Bengal namely- IISWBM (CU), St. Xavier University (Kolkata), NCE Bengal (JU) over the years. Dr. Chatterjee has good number of publications in reputed International Journals and attended various National/International Conferences throughout India. Dr. Chatterjee also received 3 times ‘Best Paper’ award in reputed International Conferences in the domain of IT/OM/Marketing. Dr. Chatterjee also associated with an International Journal of IRAN ‘NASMEA’ as reviewer.

Dr. Parantap Chatterjee
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Management

PhD degree from University of Calcutta, MSc (Economics), MBA (HRM), UGC NET


Prof. Moumita Chatterjee has 12 Years 8 months of teaching experience in subjects like HRM (Specialization Papers), Organizational Behaviour, Managerial Economics. She has been awarded a PhD degree on 10/11/2022 from University of Calcutta. She is UGC NET qualified (HRM/Labor Welfare/IR), MSc (Economics), MBA (Human Resource Management). She is currently associated as Assistant Professor in Department of Business Management, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. Prior to this, she was associated as Assistant professor in Department of Management, School of Business & Economics, Adamas University for almost 3 years. She was also associated as Assistant Professor at the Department of Management & Commerce at Brainware University, Calcutta Institute of Engineering & Management, Deshbandhu College for Girls’, IILM (BS) Kolkata. Prof. Chatterjee has good number of publications in reputed international journals and attended various international conferences throughout India.

Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Management

PhD, MS (UK), RTP (UK), PGDBM (India), B.Com (Hons.) (India)


Dr Sen is an Ivy League Graduate from the United Kingdom (UK). He pursued MS in International Finance from Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, UK. He was the recipient of Merit Award in MS (1 st Class, 3 rd ). He then pursued Research Training Programme (RTP) in Accounting & Finance from Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, UK. He received Distinction (1 st Class) in RTP. He then pursued Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Accounting. He received A+ in his first year of PhD in Advanced Research Methods paper. He has also pursued PGDBM (Finance & Marketing) (2 Years Full-Time, AICTE Approved, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India) from a CAT Allied Institute. He was Ranked 1 st in the 2 nd year with CGPA 3.74/4 (1 st Class 1 st ). He also pursed B.Com (Hons.) from University of Calcutta. He also received Certificate of Excellence from The Institute of Cost Accountants of India for a course in Computing, Accounting & Finance. He is also the recipient of National Scholarship Merit Award from Govt. of India. He has done his schooling from South Point High School, Kolkata.

He has publications in National and International Journals.

His papers are accepted for presentation @ World Finance Conference held in New York, Chile and Greece.

He is a member of the Association of British Scholars (ABS), India & Finance Innovation Lab, London.

Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr) Gargi Lahiri

Assistant Professor - Management

Ph.D (Sociology), UGC-NET (Social Work), MSW (Gold Medallist), PGDPSM (Hospital & Healthcare Management, Gold Medallist)


Dr. Lahiri has done her Masters in Social Work & stood 1 st and awarded gold medal. She also cleared UGC-NET in Social Work with distinction marks (JRF). She holds 1 st class 1 st in Post Graduate Diploma in Public Systems Management (2 years, Full time, AICTE Approved) with specialisation in Hospital and Health Care Management from India’s 1 st Management Institution “ IISW&BM, Kolkata”. She has been awarded Doctorate Degree in Sociology from “The University of Burdwan”. Her primary research interest is on Medical Sociology and Public Health but not limited to as she is also continuing her research on several other contemporary issues. She has been credited with number of national and international journal publications. She delivered invited lecture sessions to several academic institution of high repute. Dr. Lahiri is actively involved in academics for the last 17 years & served industry for more than 5 years. Currently she is working in the capacity of Assistant Professor under the Department of Management, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata.

Prof. (Dr) Gargi Lahiri
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Management



Dr Sayantani Ray is an Assistant Professor in the School of Business - Management at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, West Bengal.

She holds MHA and BHM from NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal (formerly WBUT).

Dr Ray completed her PhD from Seacom Skills University.

Her academic journey began in 2018 spanning for 6 years as of now started in Pailan College of Management and Technology then for 3 years in MAKAUT (West Bengal Institute of Technology) before joining as an HOD in Hospital Management in Supreme Knowledge Foundation.

Prior to beginning her academic career, Dr Ray served for 4 years in managerial roles in the Hospital operations with some of the industry giants like Manipal and the Peerless Groups. She has avid research interests in patient management and marketing aspects of hospitals and also about ways of improving the patient experience.

Faculty Profile
Proma Banerjee

Assistant Professor - Management

Pursuing Ph.D. (Business Management), MBA, B.Tech (IT)


Proma Banerjee is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at the School of Business, Sister Nivedita University. Previously, she served as a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta. One of her notable achievements is qualifying for the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Assistant Professorship through the National Eligibility Test (UGC-NET) in 2019.

In July 2024, she submitted her Ph.D. thesis at the University of Calcutta. Her research explores areas such as business excellence, social entrepreneurship, generational leadership and human resource management. Her work delves into key themes like organizational excellence, sustainability and change management. She has actively contributed to both national and international journals and presented her research at prestigious institutions, including VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur, University of Hyderabad and the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), Kolkata. She holds an MBA from the Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta and a B.Tech in Information Technology from St. Thomas’ College of Engineering and Technology. She completed her schooling at St. John’s Diocesan Girls' Higher Secondary School.

Proma Banerjee
Faculty Profile
Poushali Dey

Assistant Professor and Chief HR Consultant - Management





An astute professional with extensive experience in ACADEMICS AND CORPORATE SECTOR in the domain of HR OB & Change Management.

Successfully led HR teams in terms of defining the HR policies of the organization around recruitment and retention, conflict resolution, training and development, succession planning, change management and organizational capability building.

Worked 7 years in US and UK with renowned fortune 500 companies , setting up various HR transformations projects. Bellsouth, CocaCola, Rexam Can Beverages , BCBS , to name few.

She is Owner and founder of People-o-Metrics, an HR consulting firm focusing on OD interventions, training and Change management, implementation of automation projects related to HR management, cultural and organizational transformation through effective people process and system integration.

She is experienced in implementing HR SOPs and strategies while aligning them to business targets. Key areas she has significant experience are Implementing KPIs and KRA’s for competency and behavioral based PMS system, handled  various turn key projects and established HR framework and foundation for MSMEs.

She has hands-on experience in Market Intelligent analysis, Market Research and developing Market Strategies for Solar Business in Eastern and North-East Region Of India. She has established a Business Growth of 17 crores additional revenue within a duration of 1.5 year. She has established a Business Model for the Foreign Investors through successful demonstration of Proof of Concept and detailed Due Diligence.

Being a MBA in HRM she has successfully driven the business results by spearheading HR strategic intervention and decision making for the organization. She is a result oriented and focussed leader with expertise in Problem Solving Decision Making (PSDM) process while influencing critical business decision making though effective thought leadership.

She had an illustrious career working for Skicorp Manufacturing, Computer Lab as AVP HR and also contributed towards setting up Auro Power Systems footprint for East and NE India working in the capacity of DGM Marketing. Prior to that she has also worked for Dalmia Cements as Senior Manager – HR & for Magus Customer Dialog Pvt. Ltd as Manager HR.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Project Management
  • Client Engagement
  • HR Tools and Practices
  • Agile Delivery
  • Team coordination
  • Management Reporting


Areas of Expertise in Academics:

  • HR
  • OB
  • HR Tools and Practices
  • Principles of management
  • Communication


Poushali Dey
Faculty Profile

Visiting Faculty - Management

SAP- FICO, Certified information system author (USA), Qualified CMA, Ph.D


Dr. Bhattacharya is a qualified CMA , Certified Information System Auditor (USA) and also a certified SAP - FICO Consultant having around 31 years of industrial experience . He has started his industrial career with Zenith Computers and later on worked in various senior positions with different reputed MNC’s like Thermax, MEN Ltd., Wipro Technologies, Pune & IBM, Kolkata

He is also a Board member of ISACA, Kolkata Chapter. He has several years of experience in SAP implementation & SupportProjects of India & abroad.

He has obtained his Ph.D from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. His research area was – “ERP Implementation Success Factors in Indian Scenario”.

Faculty Profile
Prof.  Soumi Majumder

Visiting Faculty - Management

Ph.D (Pursuing), MHRM


Prof.  Soumi Majumder, had done her graduation in Business Management from West Bengal University of Technology in 2010, Post graduation in Business Management with Human Resource Management specialization from All India Management Association in 2012, recognized by ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. She had done Diploma in Labour Laws and administrative laws from Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, in the year 2013. She had completed certificate course of Research Methodology from Calcutta University in 2016, She had completed MHRM from Annamalai  University in 2019.Presently she is Research Scholar under department of Business administration in Vidyasagar University, Midnapore ,West Bengal. She has contributed 10 research papers in different areas of management in different National and International Seminars and Conferences. She has 12 research papers in National and International journals of repute. She has also contributed 2 chapters in edited books. She has few years of industry experience as a HR executive (Security industry).

Prof.  Soumi Majumder
Faculty Profile

Faculty Assistant - Management

MPSM, Healthcare & Hospital Management (CU), B.Sc (Hons) Human Physiology


Prof. Banerjee is the youngest Faculty member of the department, Management &Commerce. Her area of specialization is Healthcare and Hospital Management. She completed her Master’s in Public System Management,specialized in Healthcare & Hospital From IISWBM.

She has two years of academic experience and three and half years of corporate experience in a Multi National Hospital, Columbia Asia Hospital Kolkata and also worked as inter at AMRI Dhakuria and CMRI Hospital in Kolkata.

Faculty Profile
Pritam Guha

Lecturer - Management

Post graduate diploma in Sports management from Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management.


I have completed my Bachelors in Business Administration (Sports Management) from Sister Nivedita University and did my post graduate diploma in Sports management from Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management. I have been connected to the industry as a freelance professional for the past 4 years with different ogranisations like AIFF, BCCI, IFA WB, Durand LOC and have been a part of reputed Kolkata Footballing Giants East Bengal FC and Mohammedan Sporting Club during my freelance career. Now working with SNU is a great achievement for me and it's good to be back at a place which I consider my second home.
Pritam Guha
Faculty Profile
Mr. Sandipan Banerjee

Guest Faculty - Management

PG Diploma in Sports Management from IISWBM, PG Diploma in Mass Communication from Jadavpur University


Cricket Journalist with experience stretching across a decade. Worked for various renowned Indian and foreign media entities and experience of covering big-ticket events like ICC Cricket World Cup, Indian Premier League, ICC Champions’ Trophy, ICC World T20 etc.

Mr. Sandipan Banerjee
Faculty Profile

Head - Economics


A graduate with a first-class degree in Economics Honours from TNB college, Bhagalpur, Dr. Jha had his Postgraduate and Ph.D. from BRA Ambedkar Bihar University. Dr. Jha has a total of 20 years of teaching experience at degree and Masters level in different prestigious institutions. He served for more than a decade at the Royal University of Bhutan, where he received the Civil Service award of the Royal Government of Bhutan in 2015. Prior to joining Sister Nivedita University, he served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, Christ University, Bangalore. His research interest and areas of specialization include Public Policy, Macro Economics, Economic History, and Health Economics. He has published 19 research papers in national and International reputed peer-reviewed journals. He has presented 14 research papers in national and international seminars and conferences. He has also authored a book on the problem of Child Labor. Dr. Jha has supervised research work of Post-Graduation and MPhil students. He has also developed a curriculum of Economics Honors and MA Economics for Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan.

Faculty Profile

Visiting Faculty - Economics

M.Phil. from Jadavpur University


Dr. Gopa Ghosh had joined Sister Nivedita University in September 2019. She received the degree B.Sc. (Hons.) in Economics from Bidhannagar College in 2007 and pursued her M. Sc. from the Department of Economics, Calcutta University in 2009. She has done M.Phil from Jadavpur University (2012) under the guidance of Prof. Joyashree Roy and her research work was on the Status of Mitigation Strategies of Manufacturing Industries for West Bengal. She is UGC- NET qualified. She has done her Ph.D. Degree under the guidance of Prof. Madhumati Dutta from the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur in April 2019, and the title of her thesis is “Using Decomposition Analysis to Determine the Causes of the Increased Use of Energy in Production: A Case Study of West Bengal”. She has also published research papers in different peer-reviewed journals and edited book till date and presented her research paper in national and international seminars. She has the knowledge of database of official statistics; CSO database, National Industrial Classification Code (NIC), database of Energy Statistics, Census of India, RBI database, database of Statistical Abstract, and Statistical Handbook of West Bengal and India. Her research interest includes Energy Economics and climate change and Environmental Economics.

Faculty Profile

Visiting Faculty - Economics

P.hD. from Burdwan University


A postgraduate with a first-class degree and P.hD. from Burdwan University. She has a core interest in the field of Migration, poverty, and employment. She has many publications in some reputed journals.

Faculty Profile

Head of Department

M. Pharm. (JU), PhD (JU), F.I.C.


Dr. B. Bhattacharya has completed his Bachelor, Master and PhD from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He has around 13 years of experience in teaching, research and academic administration in various colleges under West Bengal University of Technology (presently MAKAUT), Osmania University, Hyderabad, Kakatiya University, Warangal and Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad. He has also served as the Head of the Department in various colleges under Osmania University, Hyderabad, Kakatiya University, Warangal and Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad. He is ratified as Faculty member by both  JNTU, Hyderabad & Osmania University, Hyderabad. He has also completed training programme on Animal Cell Culture from Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad in 2018. He has completed training programme on handling, operation and troubleshooting of HPLC from Bengal Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Limited, Kolkata in 2018. He has also attained the Best Deliberation Award in AICTE sponsored Quality Improvement Programme (Q.I.P.) at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 2012. He has successfully organized National Level Seminars and Conferences several times as the Coordinator of Organizing Committee in Geethanjali College of Pharmacy under Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. He has also qualified GATE exam in 2006. He was awarded Appreciation Letter from Geethanjali College of Pharmacy (under JNTU Hyderabad) as the best project supervisor for supervising students’ project in last 2019. He has also achieved Appreciation Letter as faculty from Geethanjali College of Pharmacy (under JNTU Hyderabad) for passing 100% students in End Exam of JNTU, Hyderabad  in 2019. He is a life member as a Fellow of Institution of Chemists (India). He has successfully served as the Scientist in charge of Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC), Geethanjali College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad under Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. He was appointed as Examiners and Moderators of question papers in colleges under Osmania University, JNTU, Hyderabad, Kakatiya University, Warangal & Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal. He has also evaluated many PhD theses from Jadavpur University, Kolkata as Evaluator. He has guided number of students in their B. Pharm., M. Pharm., and Pharm. D research projects. He has successfully published 23 articles in various national and international journals of repute. He has attended 13 seminars in national and  international level. Some of these are on Advances in Organic/Medicinal Chemistry organized by Royal Society of Chemistry London & JNTU, Hyderabad in 2014, on “Mitochondrial Medicine” by Society for Mitochondrial Medicine & Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Hyderabad in 2018 and on “Outcome based Education & Accreditation” organized by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) & Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad in 2015. His field of interest in research is on Enzyme kinetics, Drug resistance, Hepatoprotective activity, Antimalarial activity, Anticancer activity etc.

Faculty Profile
Dr. Partha Sarathi Roy


Ph. D (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), Post Doctorate (USA)


Specialization: Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Qualification: Ph. D (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), Post Doctorate (USA) Experience: 18 years

Awards and Achievements:

  1. Academic degrees from top NIRF ranked Universities. PhD from Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata (NIRF 4) in 2014. B. Pharm from M. S. Ramaiah College of Pharmacy-Bangalore (NIRF 15) & M. Tech (Medicinal Chemistry) from VIT-Vellore (NIRF-9)
  2. Recipient of 3 prestigious central govt. fellowships namely, UGC-JRF in Engineering (Pharmacy), and UGC-Major Research Project Fellow during PhD tenure in 2012, as well as, UGC-RUSA Post Doctoral Fellowship in 2019.
  3. Visiting Scientist in IICB-Kolkata (2016).
  4. Post Doctoral Research (2016-2018) from University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC), USA and University of the Pacific (UoP), California, USA. Research work in UMKC focused on “Designing siRNA loaded fluorescent nanoparticles engineered with dual peptides for brain tumor targeting”. During the postdoctoral tenure in UoP, I was associated with a team of scientists from 2 major Pharmaceutical companies, namely, Antiva Biosciences, South San Francisco, California, and Formurex Inc., Stockton, California, USA, for conducting transport studies, characterizing the degradation products and proposing the pathway for degradation of a proprietary compound. Generated several industry technical reports.
  5. Certified Business Analyst from Strategism, Fremont-California, U. S. A.
  6. Having 18 years of teaching, research and administrative experience (2006 onwards) in reputed NIRF ranked institutions in India, including Amity University-Noida, St. John Institute of Pharmacy & Research (Mumbai University), ITM University-Gwalior, & G. H. Raisoni University-Nagpur and having 1st author publications in American Chemical Society and other high impact factor Journals.
  7. Delivered invited Guest Lectures in Devi Ahalya University-Indore (2006), IIT-Delhi (2007), Jamia Hamdard (2009), Saurashtra University-Rajkot (2014), M. S. Ramaiah University- Bangalore (2023), Jadavpur University-Kolkata (2024) and in International Conferences e.g., IIT-Delhi, Glocal University, ITM University etc.
  8. Recipient of Industry grants and guided Ph. D scholars who are placed at NBRI-Manesar, Gurgaon.
Dr. Partha Sarathi Roy
Faculty Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Arin Bhattacharjee


PhD in Pharmacy from Jadavpur University, B. Pharm and M. Pharm degree from Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha.


Prof. (Dr.) Arin Bhattacharjee, Professor School of Pharmacy, Sister Nivedita University (SNU), has obtained his B. Pharm and M. Pharm degree from Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha and has also been awarded for Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy (PhD in Pharmacy) from the Jadavpur University.

He is having more than 18 years of teaching and research experience in the established and reputed teaching as well as Govt. research Institutions of West Bengal, Odisha and Himachal Pradesh. He has spent more than 10 years in the field of molecular biology research at Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute an autonomous Cancer Institute in India. He is also having 6-years administrative experience as Principal in AICTE and PCI approved various Pharmacy College and three and half year as senior faculty in deemed to be University at West Bengal. Apart from that he has achieved several Central Government Scholarship as well as fellowship from research funding agencies. He authored and co-authored number of research articles published in national and international journal of repute. He has attended many seminars in national and international level. His area of research interest is Cancer Biology, Nanoparticulate, Medicinal Chemistry and Nano drug delivery systems.

Prof. (Dr.) Arin Bhattacharjee
Faculty Profile
Dr. Remya Sreedhar

Associate Professor

PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences, Japan.


Dr Remya Sreedhar has completed her Bachelor of Pharmacy from Calicut University, Kerala and her Master of Pharmacy in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology from The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai. She has moved to Japan for her PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences, Niigata. Later, she joined as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Hematology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Niigata University School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata, Japan. She has received the National Postdoctoral fellowship from the Department of Science and Technology SERB, Government of India and carried out her research at the Department of Cell Biology & Physiology, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata. She has more than nine years of research experience. She is the University topper and gold medalist in Master of Pharmacy. She has attended several national and international seminars and conferences and received Best Poster Award at the International Conference on Food for Health in Niigata, Japan, Oct 2014. She has published 37 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and four book chapters. In addition, she is also serving as a review editor for several journals of repute. She is a Registered Pharmacist at Kerala Pharmacy Council, India. She is a life member of the European Society of Cardiology and was a member of the Japanese Circulation Society. Her field of research interest is developing animal models of heart failure and inflammatory diseases and pharmacological screening.

List of top 10 publications

  1. Sreedhar R, Arumugam S, Thandavarayan RA, Karuppagounder V, Koga Y, Nakamura T,HarimaM,WatanabeK.Roleof14-3-3ηproteinoncardiacfattyacidmetabolismandmacrophage polarizationafter high fat diet induced type2 diabetes mellitus. Int J BiochemCell Biol. 2017 Jul;88:92-99. doi:10.1016/j.biocel.2017.05.009. Epub 2017 May 5. PMID:28483670.
  2. Sreedhar R, Giridharan VV, Arumugam S, Karuppagounder V, Palaniyandi SS, Krishnamurthy P, Quevedo J, Watanabe K, Konishi T, Thandavarayan RA. Role of MAPK- mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress signaling in the heart during aging in senescence- accelerated prone mice. Biofactors. 2016 Jul 8;42(4):368-75. doi:10.1002/biof.1280. Epub 2016 Apr 18. PMID: 27087487.
  3. Sreedhar R, Arumugam S, Thandavarayan RA, Karuppagounder V, Watanabe K. Curcumin as a therapeutic agent in the chemoprevention of inflammatory bowel disease. Drug Discov Today. 2016 May;21(5):843-9. doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2016.03.007. Epub 2016 Mar 16. PMID: 26995272.
  4. Arumugam S, Sreedhar R, Thandavarayan RA, Karuppagounder V, Watanabe K. Targeting fatty acid metabolism in heart failure: is it a suitable therapeutic approach? Drug Discov Today. 2016 Jun;21(6):1003-8. doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2016.02.010. Epub 2016 Feb 22. PMID: 26905600.
  5. Sreedhar R, Arumugam S, Karuppagounder V, Thandavarayan RA, Giridharan VV, Pitchaimani V, Afrin MR, Harima M, Nakamura T, Nakamura M, Suzuki K, Watanabe K. Jumihaidokuto effectively inhibits colon inflammation and apoptosis in mice with acute colitis. Int Immunopharmacol. 2015 Dec;29(2):957-963. doi:10.1016/j.intimp.2015.10.009. Epub 2015 Nov 6. PMID: 26548346.
  6. Sreedhar R, Arumugam S, Thandavarayan RA, Giridharan VV, Karuppagounder V, Pitchaimani V, Afrin R, Harima M, Nakamura M, Suzuki K, Gurusamy N, Krishnamurthy P, Watanabe K. Depletion of cardiac 14-3-3? protein adversely influences pathologic cardiac remodeling during myocardial infarction after coronary artery ligation in mice. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Jan 1;202:146-53. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2015.08.142. Epub 2015 Aug 24. PMID: 26386943.
  7. Sreedhar R, Arumugam S, Thandavarayan RA, Giridharan VV, Karuppagounder V, Pitchaimani V, Afrin R, Harima M, Nakamura T, Ueno K, Nakamura M, Suzuki K, Watanabe K. Toki-shakuyaku-san, a Japanese kampo medicine, reduces colon inflammation in a mouse model of acute colitis. Int Immunopharmacol. 2015 Dec;29(2):869-875. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2015.08.029. Epub 2015 Sep 4. PMID:26344429.
  8. Arumugam S, Sreedhar R, Thandavarayan RA, Karuppagounder V, Krishnamurthy P, Suzuki K, Nakamura M, Watanabe K. Angiotensin receptor blockers: Focus on cardiac and renal injury. Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2016 Apr;26(3):221-8. doi:10.1016/j.tcm.2015.06.004. Epub 2015 Jun 15. PMID: 26169314.
  9. Arumugam S, Sreedhar R, Thandavarayan RA, Giridharan VV, Karuppagounder V, Pitchaimani V, Afrin MR, Miyashita S, Nomoto M, Harima M, Suzuki H, Nakamura T, Nakamura M, Suzuki K, Watanabe K. Telmisartan treatment targets inflammatory cytokines to suppress the pathogenesis of acute colitis induced by dextran sulphate sodium. Cytokine. 2015 Aug;74(2):305-12. doi:10.1016/j.cyto.2015.03.017. Epub 2015 Apr 11. PMID: 25873126.
  10. Sreedhar R, Arumugam S, Thandavarayan RA, Giridharan VV, Karuppagounder V, Pitchaimani V, Afrin R, Miyashita S, Nomoto M, Harima M, Gurusamy N, Suzuki K, Watanabe K. Myocardial 14-3-3? protein protects against mitochondria mediated apoptosis. Cell Signal. 2015 Apr;27(4):770-6. doi:10.1016/j.cellsig.2014.12.021. Epub 2015 Jan 16. PMID: 25599858.
Dr. Remya Sreedhar
Faculty Profile

Associate Professor



Dr. Partha Niyogi has completed his PhD from Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be university, Bhubaneswar under INSPIRE fellowship, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India; M.Pharm in Pharmaceutics from School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be university, Bhubaneswar as a topper of the University (Gold Medalist) and B.Pharm from Krupanidhi College of Pharmacy under RajivGandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. He is having 12years of Teaching and Research Experience. Dr. Partha Niyogi is also Fellow Life member of Indian Chemical Society (FICS) and Life member of Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) and was NCC cadet.

Presently working on Formulation and Development of Novel Drug Delivery Systems, Release kinetics by HPLC and other method, Bioavailability of drug, In Vivo-In vitro study and correlation, In-sillico molecular docking of drug with receptor and polymer, drug interactions, Animal model study with different statistical approach.

With active teaching he was taking care of administrative work, all the data filing/IQAC, Examination Section (As departmental Examination in-charge) and research.

He was also been actively involved in organizing various seminars/workshops and extra-curricular events and worked as CTO of the NCC unit of The Neotia University.

Faculty Profile
Dr. Pritam Saha

Associate Professor

PhD from the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Guwahati (NIPER, Guwahati)


Dr. Pritam Saha has completed his Master’s from the Department of Pharm. Tech, Jadavpur University, Kolkata and his PhD from the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Guwahati (NIPER, Guwahati). He has several years of experience in teaching, research and the R&D industry. He has also qualified for the National level Entrance Examinations like (the GPAT) with All India Rank (AIR) 143 and the NIPER PhD Entrance exam with AIR 11. He has also received International Awards twice from the American Thoracic Society, USA and an International Travel grant from Dept of Science and Technology, Govt of India. In addition, he has also worked in the R&D Industry in the Dept. of Invivo Pharmacology. He has also published 11 research articles 1 review article in internationally well-known journals. He has also gained expertise in both in-vitro mammalian cell culture and in-vivo rodent models. Also, he has work experience with various Molecular techniques.

Area of Interest: Respiratory Biology and Pharmacology, Inflammation, Fibrosis, Drug Delivery, Antimicrobial Resistance, etc.

Dr. Pritam Saha
Faculty Profile
Dr. Iman Ehsan

Associate Professor

Ph.D in Pharmacy from the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University


Dr. Iman Ehsan is an experienced researcher and academician with over 11 years of experience. She specializes in novel drug delivery systems, site-specific formulation development, post-formulation characterization, and morphological analysis of formulations. Her skills extend to the handling of advanced analytical instruments used in both in vitro and in vivo assessments. Her research area encompasses in vitro cellular studies, particularly in cancer and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) research, involving both qualitative and quantitative analyses, enhancement of bioavailability of various pharmaceutical formulations. She is well-versed in cell culture techniques and various methods required for further research. Additionally, she has extensive experience in animal handling for in vivo pharmacokinetic studies, biodistribution, and model development.

She earned her Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Pharmacy from the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal. She furthered her research as a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Pharmaceuticals, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Kolkata. Throughout her career, Dr. Ehsan has received several prestigious fellowships, including the Senior Research Fellowship from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi, and the Junior Research Fellowship from the Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi. She has actively contributed to the Springer Nature reviewer community, evaluating journals such as Scientific Reports, Cancer Nanotechnology, and many others. She has organized and managed numerous symposiums and international conferences, volunteered in various academic events, and received accolades for her oral and poster presentations at both national and international forums.

In addition to her research contributions, she has been invited as an external examiner and resource person for various scientific events, has participated in several faculty development and quality improvement programs, and attended international symposia on cancer therapeutics. Her academic credentials include the CPD certification from the Global Solid Tumor Summit and a course certificate from John Hopkins University on Understanding Cancer Metastasis. She has received multiple international travel grants, including those to present at conferences in Singapore (2019) and Malaysia (2018), as well as a national travel grant from the Department of Science and Technology in 2016. She is a lifetime member of the Indian Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and Technologists (IAPST).

Dr. Iman Ehsan
Faculty Profile
Dr. Sandip Kumar Baidya

Assistant Professor

M. Pharm (Pharmacology), Ph.D (JU)


Dr. Sandip Kumar Baidya completed his Bachelor of Pharmacy in 2011 and M. Pharm specialisation in  Pharmacology in 2013 from WBUT (Presently MAKAUT). In addition, in 2024, he received his Ph. D. from Jadavpur University's Department of Pharmacy Technology in Kolkata, India. During his research tenure, he was awarded the Senior Research Fellow (SRF) by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Govt. of India. His research area includes the synthesis and designing of lead molecules with anticancer properties, computational chemical biology, and large-scale structure-activity relationship analysis. He has also carried out in-silico molecular modeling covering QSAR, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations study. Dr. Baidya has published a number of international research papers along with several book chapters. He has published in various reputed journals like the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (JMC), European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (EJMC), Journal of Molecular Structure (JMS), SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research (SQER), Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics (JBSD), and many others. Since January 2024, Dr. Baidya has been serving as an Assistant Professor at the School of Pharmacy at Sister Nivedita University and has also been contributing as a member of the Institutional Innovation Council (IIC) of this reputed institution. Apart from that, he actively participated in organizing a number of workshops, seminars, and extracurricular activities.

Dr. Sandip Kumar Baidya
Faculty Profile
Dr. Sanjib Das

Assistant Professor

M. Pharm. (J.U.); PhD (J.U.)


Dr. Sanjib Das has successfully qualified for the all-India GPAT examination in his final year of B. Pharm. He completed his M. Pharm. from Jadavpur University, Kolkata with specialization in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. He was awarded a university medal for securing the highest marks in Pharmaceutical Chemistry in M. Pharm. from Jadavpur University. Immediately after completion of M. Pharm., Dr. S. Das earned the prestigious National Doctoral Fellowship (now called ADF) provided by AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education), New Delhi, India, and joined as a PhD fellow in Jadavpur University Research Center. He has 8+ years of research experience with several publications in reputed peer-reviewed international journals (European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorganic Chemistry, New Journal of Chemistry, Journal of Molecular Structure, Drug Development Research, Future Medicinal Chemistry, and others) and book chapters published by Taylor & Francis Group. His field of research interest is the development of synthetic anticancer lead compounds. He has hands-on experience in organic synthesis, purification, and characterization of synthesized compounds, in-vitro enzyme assays, gel electrophoresis, western blotting, in-vitro cell culture technique, fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy, FACS, immunofluorescence assay, animal handling, liposomal drug encapsulation, formulation of drug-load polymeric nanoparticles as well as several methods used in in-sillico drug designing. He was awarded a PhD in Pharmacy from Jadavpur University.

Dr. Sanjib Das
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor

(M. Pharm) in Pharmaceutical from Analysis Bengal School of Technology, MAKAUT, Kolkata


Prof. Das work as an Assistant professor in School of Pharmacy and also designated as CTO-NCC of Sister Nivedita University, Professor Das has obtained his Post Graduation (M.Pharm) degree in Pharmaceutical Analysis from the Bengal School of Technology, MAKAUT, Kolkata, West Bengal. At present he is enhancing his Doctoral Research (PhD) on "Gene Targeted Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy" from JIS University, Kolkata. In recent times, he joined School of Pharmacy as an Assistant Professor at Sister Nivedita University, for the past 8 years he had his experience from this organization (SNU), Bharat Technology, Uluberia, Howrah & Bengal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Durgapur, West Bengal. His area of research and specialties are Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Quality Assurance & Control, Method Development & Stability Studies, Phytochemistry, SAR etc. He has 8 publications in various national and international journals. Momentarily, He filed two Indian Patent Publications, two UK Designed Patents and an Australian Patent Grant. He attended & presented his various research work in different International & national conference, He looks forward, giving his best to this Organisation and his beloved students. In recent time he also recognised as an Advance Brand Ambassador of Institute Innovation Council, Ministry of Education, and Govt. of India.

Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor

M.Pharm in Pharmaceutics from Bengal College of Pharmaceutical Science & Research


Ms. Mukherjee has completed B.Pharm from Gupta College of Technological Sciences , Asansol & M.Pharm in Pharmaceutics from Bengal College of Pharmaceutical Science & Research . She is having 1 year work experience in Research and Development( R & D) from Aurobindo Pharma Pvt.Ltd , Hyderabad . She has published plethora of research and review article in different National & International Journal which is SCI Indexing Journal. She has achieved first prize in 2 conference namely Post Conference Technical workshop which was held on Dr. B.C .Roy College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences and Antibiotic Resistance in Developed and Developing Countries from Bengal College of Pharmaceutical Science and Research, Durgapur. Her area of research is Floating Drug Delivery System.

Faculty Profile
Mr. Debaldeb Datta

Assistant Professor

M. Pharm (JU), PhD (JU) (pursuing)


I have completed my B Pharm from NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata and M. Pharm. from Jadavpur University, Kolkata with the specialization of Industrial Pharmacy. My master's thesis work was on "Development Optimization and Scale up of Ketoconazole Loaded Microsponge Delivery System and Design its Effectiveness through Transdermal Pathway". I have handled LC-MS/MS, Centrifuge machine, Tablet Compression Machine and Spectroscopy. I have qualified All India GPAT Examination in 2019.

Mr. Debaldeb Datta
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor

Pursuing PhD from Assam Down Town University, Assam in the department of Pharmaceutical Science.


Qualifications: Pursuing PhD from Assam Down Town University, Assam in the department of Pharmaceutical Science. Master of Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) from Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Institute of Pharmacy (MAKAUT), Chakdaha, 2018-2020. Bachelor of Pharmacy from Bengal School of Pharmacy (MAKAUT), Hooghly,2015-2018. Diploma in Pharmacy from Institute of Pharmacy Kalyani (S.M.F.W.B), Kalyani, 2013-2015.

Work Exprience: Worked as Hospital Pharmacist in GNRC Hospital at Barasat. Worked as Assistant Professor in the department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at BirbhumPharmacy School, Birbhum

Field of Work: Computational molecular docking studies.In-silico Screening and Synthesis of 4-Thiazolidinone Containing 1,3-Thiazole Analogs. He has published two articles in national journal.

Faculty Profile
Tilottama Mukherjee

Assistant Professor

Pursuing PhD from JIS University


Gold Medalist in Pharmacology, M. Pharm,2018

Qualification :
Pursuing PhD from JIS University in the Department of Pharmacology. Awarded as a University Topper & Gold Medalist by MAKAUT in the year of 2018. Completed M. Pharm from Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology in the department of Pharmacology (2016-2018). Completed B. pharm from Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology in the department of Pharmacology (2012-2016).

Work Experience:
Worked as a Trainee Recruiter in Pharmacy in US Tech Solutions.
Worked as an Assistant Professor in the department of Pharmacology at Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology for 3.5 years (2018-2022).
I have published research journals in different national and international journals.
I have attended & actively participated in the different FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS (FDP) organized by AICTE & ATAL.

Tilottama Mukherjee
Faculty Profile
Ruchi Bansal

Assistant Professor

Pursuing PhD from GLA University


Pharmaceutics, M. Pharm, 2018

Pursuing PhD from GLA University, Mathura in the Department of Pharmaceutics. Completed M.Pharm from Amity University, Lucknow Campus(UP) in the department of Pharmaceutics (2016-2018) and B.Pharm from Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Technology & Sciences, Dehradun(UK) in the department of Pharmacy (2012-2016).

Work Experience:
Worked as an Assistant Professor in the department of Pharmaceutics at Nandini Nagar Mahavidyalaya College of Pharmacy, Nawabganj, Gonda(UP) for 3.5 years (2018-2022). I have attended & actively participated in the different FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS (FDP) organized by AICTE & ATAL. I have published review articles & research journals in different national and international journals.

Ruchi Bansal
Faculty Profile
Ms. Manali Chowdhury

Assistant Professor

B.Pharm from Gupta College of Technological Sciences and M.Pharm in Pharmaceutics from Indian Institute of Technology BHU ( IIT BHU)


Ms. Manali Chowdhury has completed her B.Pharm from Gupta College of Technological Sciences and M.Pharm in Pharmaceutics from Indian Institute of Technology BHU ( IIT BHU). She has qualified GPAT 2018 with AIR 57. She is having 2.4 years work experience in Intellectual Property and R&d department in Evalueserve. The topic of her master's thesis was formulation and evaluation of nanocochelates of curcumin and doxorubicin. The area of interest are nanoparticles and other novel drug delivery systems.

Ms. Manali Chowdhury
Faculty Profile
Sarmin Banu

Assistant Professor

M.Pharm (Pharmacology) 2022


Ms. Sarmin Banu has completed her B.Pharm and M.Pharm (Pharmacology) from Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology in the year 2020 and 2022 respectively. She has attended different national and international seminars and presented posters on various topics. Her area of research is Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Anti-Diabetic Drug Development. She has published her review articles in international journals (Bentham Science). She has also completed her thesis based on her M.Pharm project.

Sarmin Banu
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor

B. Pharm., M. Pharm. (Pharmacology)


Ms. Sabahat Jamil has completed her B. Pharm and M. Pharm (Pharmacology) from Gupta College of Technological Sciences (under MAKAUT) in the year 2021 and 2023 respectively. During her M. Pharm, she has completed her internship as a part of SERB Scientific Social Responsibility (SERB SSR) activity, under the guidance of P.I. Dr. Yadu Nandan Dey in Project Title: “Pharmacological Evaluation of Purified Plumbago zeylanica roots in experimentally-induced haemorrhoids in rats” in Dr. B. C. Roy College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences, Durgapur. She has attended several national and international seminars and won different oral and poster presentation awards on various topics. She has received the 2nd prize in “Supply Chain Prototype” in the MAKATHON-2020 held jointly by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT) and Department of Information Technology (DoIT), Govt. of West Bengal. She has also worked for 2 years in the National Service Scheme (NSS) Volunteer (Year: 2017-2019). She has publication in national journal and her area of interest are related to neurological disorders and different in-vivo and in-vitro experiments.

Faculty Profile
Mr. Chayanta Sen

Assistant Professor

M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Jadavpur University and B.Pharm from Adamas University


Mr. Chayanta Sen has completed his M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Jadavpur University and B.Pharm from Adamas University. He has qualified GPAT (AIR 878) & NIPER (AIR 817) in 2021. He has received the IPA Bengal Pharma & Healthcare Trust Scholarship (2018). His field of research involves Molecular Docking, Molecular Dynamics, and free energy calculation techniques on metalloproteins and Biopolymers. He has completed his M.Pharm thesis on ligand-based QSAR and structure-based models of zinc metalloprotein inhibitors.

Mr. Chayanta Sen
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor

B. Pharm., M. Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)


Ms. Atia Jamal has completed her B. Pharm from BCDA College of Pharmacy and M. Pharm (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) from Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology in the year 2021 and 2023 respectively. She has attended several national and international level seminars and given an oral presentation at the National conference held in Adamas University. Her Master’s project was related to the topic “Synthesis and Characterization of tannic acid-transition metal-ion complex and determination of its anti-microbial activity.” She has industrial and hospital training experience. Her areas of interest are computer aided-drug designing, molecular docking study, drug synthesis and different computational modelling approaches.

Faculty Profile
Brahamacharry Paul

Assistant Professor

B. Pharm. and M. Pharm. degree from Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University.


Brahamacharry Paul is an Assistant Professor in the School of Pharmacy, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, Mr. Paul obtained his B. Pharm. and M. Pharm.  degree from Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, in the year 2013 and 2015, respectively. Thereafter, he has joined in CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (CSIR-IICB, Kolkata) in 2016 as a Senior Research Fellow (Project), where he has studied on natural product isolation, cellular biology, molecular biology, cancer therapeutics, and radio-pharmacy. In 2018, Mr. Paul was awarded with AICTE-National Doctoral Fellowship which led him enrolment as a PhD candidate in the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University. Throughout his 8 year of research career, Mr. Paul has published several research publications and co-authored several good quality book chapters. Mr. Paul is known for his works on nanoformulation development (specially liposomes and nanoparticles), cancer biology and molecular signaling pathways (specifically on colorectal carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, prostate cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma). More information about his works is available here: Prof. Paul is currently focused in his teaching career in the field of Pharmacy.

Brahamacharry Paul
Faculty Profile
Dr. Sweta Kar

Assistant Professor

Ph.D., BIT Mesra, B. Pharm., BCDA college of Pharmacy and Technology, MAKAUT Kolkata; M. Pharm. (Pharmaceutics), Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra


Dr. Sweta focuses on developing advanced drug delivery systems using nanoparticles and works on the solubility and bioavailability issues of BCS class II drugs or poorly water-soluble molecules. She uses optimization techniques like Quality by Design (QbD) to obtain the desirable product and to study and improve the key factors that make these nanocarrier systems effective.

B. Pharm., BCDA college of Pharmacy and Technology, MAKAUT Kolkata; M. Pharm. (Pharmaceutics), Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi; Ph.D., BIT Mesra

Professional Background:

  1. Ph.D., 2024, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi
  2. M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics), 2019, with 88.8 % (8.88 CGPA) (First Class with Distinction) from Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Mesra, Ranchi
  3. B.Pharm., 2017, with 88.7 % (9.57 CGPA) from BCDA college of Pharmacy and Technology, MAKAUT Kolkata
  4. GPAT Qualified 2017 (AIR- 1963)
  5. NIPER 2017 Qualified

Research Areas:

  1. Lipid Based Drug Delivery System
  2. Vesicular Drug Delivery System
  3. Nanoparticle Based Drug Delivery System
  4. In silico Pharmacokinetics Simulations

Awards and Honours:

  1. Recipient of Birla Institute of Technology Junior and Senior Research Fellowship for pursuing Doctoral Research (2020-2024)
  2. Recipient of Birla Institute of Technology Senior Research Fellowship for pursuing Doctoral Research
  3. Silver Medalist - Ranked 2nd in Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (Kolkata) on the basis of 4 years graduation result (B.Pharm Degree)
  4. Received an Appreciation Certificate from AICTE for holding the 2nd position in the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (Kolkata) for B.Pharm Degree


  1. Sweta Kar, Sandeep Kumar Singh. Cationic nanoliposomes of carvedilol for intranasal application: In vitro, in vivo and in silico studies. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2023, 80: 104178. (I.F. 5.062)
  2. Sweta Kar, Sabya Sachi Das, Sandeep Kumar Singh. Quercetin-encapsulated Magnetoliposomes: Fabrication, optimization, characterization, and antioxidant studies. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2023, 125(12): 1-18. (I.F. 3.196)
  3. Sweta Kar, Sabya Sachi Das, Sourav Kundu, Bidya Dhar Sahu, K. Jayaram Kumar, Kavindra Kumar Kesari, Sandeep Kumar Singh. Intranasal Delivery of Carvedilol and Quercetin Encapsulated Cationic Nanoliposomes for Cardiovascular Targeting: Formulation, In vitro and Ex Vivo studies. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2024. (I.F. 4.7)
  4. Sabya Sachi Das, Sweta Kar, Sandeep Kumar Singh, Afzal Hussain, P.R.P. Verma and Sarwar Beg. Carboxymethyl chitosan in advanced drug-delivery applications. Chitosan in Drug Delivery and Biomedical Applications. 2020 (pp: 323-360). Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
  5. Sabya Sachi Das, Sweta Kar, Sandeep Kumar Singh, P.R.P. Verma, Afzal Hussain and Sarwar Beg. Chitosan-based systems for oral drug delivery applications. Chitosan in Drug Delivery and Biomedical Applications. 2020 (pp: 23-53). Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
  6. Sabya Sachi Das, Avi Singh, Sweta Kar, Riya Ghosh, Moumita Pal, Meher Fatima, Neeru Singh and Sandeep Kumar Singh. Application of QbD Framework for Development of Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems. In S. Beg & M.S. Hasnain (Eds.), Pharmaceutical Quality by Design: Principles and Applications. 2019 (pp. 297-350). San Diego, CA: Elsevier Academic Press.
  7. Sabya Sachi Das, P. R. P. Verma, Sweta Kar and Sandeep Kumar Singh. Quercetin Loaded Nanomedicine as Oncotherapy. Nanomedicine for Bioactives - Healthcare applications. 2019, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Dr. Sweta Kar
Faculty Profile

Lab Instructor



Ms. Soumi Maji has completed DIPLOMA IN PHARMACY and B.Sc. (HONOURS) and working as a Laboratory Technician in the School of Pharmacy, Sister Nivedita University.

Faculty Profile
Mr. Gourab Ghosh

Lab Instructor



Mr. Gourab Ghosh has completed DIPLOMA IN PHARMACY and B.Sc. (Pass) and working as a Laboratory Technician in the School of Pharmacy, Sister Nivedita University.

Mr. Gourab Ghosh
Faculty Profile

Technical Assistant

Bachelor of Science


Mr. Koushik Pal has completed his Bachelor of Science. He has 3.3 years of work experience as Technical Assistant. Presently he is working at School of Pharmacy, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata.

Faculty Profile
Mr. Jishu Pradhan

Technical Assistant

M.Sc. (Zoology) from Vidyasagar University


Mr. Jishu Pradhan has completed his M.Sc. (Zoology) from Vidyasagar University. He has one year of work experience. Presently he is working at School of Pharmacy, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata.

Mr. Jishu Pradhan
Faculty Profile
Prof Bhabatosh Biswas

Mentor - Allied Health Sciences

M. B. B. S, M.S. D.N.B, M. Ch. (Cardio Thoracic Surgery), F.R.C.S. LLB, LLM, MBA, MSW, M.A.(Education)


Member, National Task Force constituted by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India (Public Health Response to COVID-19)

Chairman, Board of Governor, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Kolkata, India Member, High Level Group on Health Sector, XV- Finance Commission, Govt. of India,

Principal, Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences, Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan, Kolkata Former Vice Chancellor, The West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata.

Former Vice President, National Board of Examinations (NBE), New Delhi. ‘

Former Institute body member, GB member & Academic council member of NIMHANS, Bangalore. Former HOD, Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgery, R.G. Kar Medical College. Editor (Thoracic Surgery), Asian Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Annals. Past President, Indian association of Cardio thoracic surgeons.

Advanced Training in adult Cardiac Surgery - Cleveland Clinic Foundation, U.S.A.

Areas of Expertise :

1. Paediatric Thoracic Surgery, General Thoracic Surgery, Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS),  Thoracic Endoscopy for both paediatrics & adults, Adult & Paediatric Cardiac Surgery,  Cardiac Surgery,  Cardiac Pacemaker implantation , Vascular Surgery, Cardio Thoracic Trauma

Awards and Fellowships:

He was honoured with many Awards, Fellowships and recognitions. The following achievements may be specially mentioned in this context.

1. Fellowship of the Indian Association of Cardio Thoracic Surgeons.

2. Fellowship of The Academy of Science & Technology.

3. Fellowship of the Thoracic Endoscopic Society of India.

4. Dr. B. C. Roy National Award Fellowship.

5. Dr A. K. Basu Visiting Professor of Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences,Hyderabad.

6. Delivered the prestigious Godrej Karai Oration-2002 at the annual conference of Indian Association Of Cardio Thoracic Surgeons at Chennai.

7. Delivered the prestigious M. P. Mehta ORATION-2012 at the annual conference of Indian Association Of Cardio Thoracic Surgeons at Kolkata.

8. Sir Nil Ratan Sircar Gold Medal. 9. Paul Harris Fellow - Rotary International.

Personal Achievements:

1. Established the departments of Cardiothoracic Surgery in various Institutions. The Following Institutions deserve special mention in this context:-

a) Founder of the Department of Cardio Vascular & Thoracic Surgery, R. G. Kar. Medical College, Kolkata. The department was established in Feb 2006 with the aim of offering high quality clinical services as well as for imparting ideal Cardio Thoracic teaching & training. Now, the department is recognised for M.Ch (Cardio Thoracic Surgery-3 years programme),D.N.B (Cardio Thoracic Surgery-6 years programme), D.N.B ( Thoracic Surgery3 years programme) and D.M. (Cardiac Anaesthesia).

b) Introduced  the B.Sc & M.Sc. programmes in Para Medical Sciences West Bengal

 c) Founder of the “Thoracic & Cardio Vascular Research Centre. The Open Heart Surgery unit of The institute of Child Health, Kolkata. Since its inception in 1995,the centre has established itself as a savvier for those, who cannot even dream of having “Heart Surgery”.

d) Organised and upgraded the department of Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgery at Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences & Ramakrishna Mission Seva Prathisthan, Kolkata

Prof Bhabatosh Biswas
Faculty Profile
Sanjay Das

Teacher-in-Charge - Allied Health Sciences

Graduation in Perfusion Technology from West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata


Sanjay Das completed his Graduation in Perfusion Technology from West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata. He bagged gold medal for holding the top position. He is an MBA (HR & IT) from Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut. UP.

He has worked for more than a decade as Medical Technologist in the Department of Cardio Thoracic Surgery of R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital.

He was serving as the “Proctor” at Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences, Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratisthan, Kolkata before joining this organisation.

He had been actively involved in teaching programmes of B. Sc, M. Sc as well as Diploma courses of Paramedical Science for almost 15 years now. He was advisor of teaching and training programmes of different Nursing courses also.

Sanjay is a Life Member of "Indian Society of Extra Corporeal Technology". Founder Member “ Global Foundation of Health Care, Education& Services”  and Secretary & “North 24 Parganas Little Help – A Health Awareness Society”

Sanjay Das
Faculty Profile
Dr. Madhurima Rudra

Clinical Instructor cum Clinical Coordinator - Allied Health Sciences

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)


Dr. Madhurima Rudra is currently working as Clinical Instructor cum Clinical Coordinator in the School of Allied Health Sciences of Sister Nivedita University, Newtown. She has completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) with one year internship from Haldia Institute of Dental Sciences and Research under West Bengal University of Health Sciences and completed one year Housestaffship from Calcutta National Medical College. She was attached with College of Medicine and JNM hospital, Kalyani for more than 4 years as Clinical Tutor.

Dr. Madhurima Rudra
Faculty Profile
Ankita Chakraborty

Clinical Instructor - Allied Health Sciences

master degree in Botany from Vidyasagar University and B. Ed from Burdwan University


Ankita Chakraborty has completed her master's degree in Botany from Vidyasagar University and B. Ed from Burdwan University. She has experienced of working under teaching and training in health care industry for the last 6 years. She is also associated with a NGO. Presently she is working as Clinical Instructor in the School of Allied Health Sciences of Sister Nivedita University, Newtown

Ankita Chakraborty
Faculty Profile

Clinical Instructor - Allied Health Sciences

B.Tech in BioMedical Engineering from JIS College (MAKAUT) & MBA from Seacom University, Birbhum


SANGITA MAITRA MUKHERJEE completed her  B.Tech in BioMedical Engineering from JIS College (MAKAUT) & MBA from Seacom University, Birbhum. She served as a Bio Medical Engineer in B.R.PODDAR  Hospital. She has more than 4 years of work experience in the field of health industry.

Faculty Profile

Clinical Instructor - Allied Health Sciences in Perfusion Technology from R.G.Kar Medical College and Hospital and in Zoology (Hons)


She has completed her in Perfusion Technology from R.G.Kar Medical College and Hospital and in Zoology (Hons). She worked as a Faculty in Nursing and Paramedical Institute (Howrah TB Hospital) and as a post Course Co-ordinater at Aadhaayan Academy (Nursing and Paramedical Institute).Worked as a Health Care Manager of Evexius Private limited.

Faculty Profile

Clinical Instructor - Allied Health Sciences in Operation Theatre Sciences from R.G Kar Medical College and Hospital under WBUHS


SAIKAT BANERJEE passed in Operation Theatre Sciences from R.G Kar Medical College and Hospital under WBUHS. His clinical experience is more than 10 years in the field of Health sector. He was certified and trainer of the ‘Respiratory Life Support’ for Covid 19 organised by West Bengal Medical Services, Dept. of Health & Family Welfare at Midnapore Medical College & Hospital.

Faculty Profile
Rishita Biswas

Clinical Instructor - Allied Health Sciences

B.Sc. in Critical Care Technology from Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences under West Bengal University of Health Sciences


I’m Rishita Biswas, completed B.Sc. in Critical Care Technology from Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences under West Bengal University of Health Sciences. I have worked as Critical Care Technologist in Belle Vue Clinic and was appreciated as Corona Warrior for my work during Covid Situation. I am also associated with an NGO since 4years.      

Rishita Biswas
Faculty Profile

Head of Department



Area of Research:
Clinical psychology, psycho-immunology, psycho-oncology, psychotherapy

Employment / Education / Miscellaneous:
Anindita Mukherjee has completed her M.Phil in Clinical Psychology, M.Sc in Applied Psychology with specialization in Clinical and Forensic Psychology, Bsc Honors in Psychology from department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta. She has completed certified course on “psychological first aid” from John Hopkins University. She has a Diploma on graphology from Kolkata Institute of Graphology. She has qualified UGC NET twice. She has presented research papers in various national and international level conferences and received many best paper awards and published research papers in index journals. She is associated with mental health service for last 9 years. She was associated as a Clinical psychologist and faculty indifferent Government Medical College and different private neuropsychiatric hospitals in India.

Awards and recognition:

  • 1. First class 7th rank in Bsc (Hons) in Psychology from University of Calcutta.
  • 2. First class 2nd rank in Bsc (Hons) in psychology from Victoria Institution college, University of Calcutta
  • 3. Best paper award in 3rd International And 5th National Psychological Science Congress, Chandigarh, 2016
  • 4. Best paper award in RCI recognized 3 days International Seminar cum /continuing Rehabilitation Education Programme, Jadavpur University, West Bengal, 2020.

Selected Publications :

  • 1. Mukherjee A, Mukherjee T (2020). Anxiety, Depression and counseling awareness among women with breast carcinoma. Skills for counseling parents of students with special needs. Renova International Publications, New Delhi.
  • 2. Mukherjee A, Mazumder K, Ghoshal S (2018). Impact of different socio-demographic factors on mental health status of female cancer patients receiving chemotherapy for recurrent disease. Indian J PalliatCare;24:426-430
  • 3. Mukherjee A, Mazumder K, Kaushal V, Ghoshal S (2017). Effect of supportive psychotherapy on mental health status and quality of life of female cancer patients receiving chemotherapy for recurrent disease. Indian J PalliatCare;23:399-402

Research Interests :
Clinical psychology, psycho-immunology, psycho-oncology, psychotherapy

Faculty Profile
Dr. Raj Shekhar Aich


Two PhDs in marine anthropology, and applied psychology


Having two PhDs in marine anthropology, and applied psychology, Prof. Raj’s research focus is the holistic study of cultural and natural-scapes shaped by physical and symbolic interactions of humans with the marine environment and life forms. His expertise encompasses, social psychology, epistemology, anthrozoology, multispecies Ethnography, marine Social Science, and am currently working on a new methodology of Transdisciplinary Human- Shark research.

In his psychological research he had investigated evolutionary and aesthetics psychology. Furthermore, due to the unique positionality of his research, he contributed to the pioneering field of marine social sciences and human-shark research. He is the first scientist to conduct white shark cage diving ethnography (New Zealand); written the first narrative shark book from India; the first Indian scientist to conduct White shark research; first to conduct multispecies ethnographic research with sharks; first to create a sensory documentary of White shark cage diving and the first to conduct scholarly investigation of Sundarbans shark attacks (India). He is now creating a citizen science initiative about Western Australian Great White sharks.

Dr. Raj Shekhar Aich
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor

Pursuing Ph.D (Final Year)


Area of Research: Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Genetic Predisposing, Positive Psychology, Personality development.

Employment / Education / Miscellaneous: Debangana Bhattacharya is currently pursuing her PhD in Psychology. She has completed her B.A and M.A in Psychology from Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta with specialization in Developmental Psychology. She has experience of working under Indian Council of Medical Research for three years. She has experience in working on a research project under University of Calcutta for 1 year. She is associated in teaching psychology for the last 8 years. She has also experience in behavior modification interventions of children with learning disability and special needs. She has numerous publications in international per review journals.

Research Interests: Developmental Psychology, Personality Development, Positive Psychology, Research Methodology and Statistics.

Faculty Profile
Dr. Sudeshna Roy

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. in the year 2019 from University of Calcutta


Dr. Roy has 6 years of teaching experience and 5 years of research experience. She did her Masters in Applied Psychology with clinical psychology specialisation and later completed Ph.D. in the year 2019 from University of Calcutta. Her research area was the Correlates of Dysfunctional Belief related to OCD. She has had 2 National Publications and has adapted a scale on metacognition in Bengali.

Dr. Sudeshna Roy
Faculty Profile
Ms. Arundhati Biswas

Assistant Professor

PhD (Thesis submitted) University of Calcutta, Mphil, M.Sc, and B.Sc., from University of Calcutta.


Ms. Arundhati Biswas is assistant professor in the Department of Psychology, Sister Nivedita University.  She has submitted her PhD in the year 2022 which she completed from the Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta. She has completed Mphil in Clinical Psychology ( RCI registered), MSc. in Medical Psychology and BSc in Psychology from the University of Calcutta. She was associated with Apollo Multi Speciality Hospitals as a consultant clinical psychologist for more than ten years. She has been associated with multiple universities including The West Bengal State University and  Then Neotia University as visiting faculty. She has ten years of teaching experience in various universities and acted as dissertation supervisor at West Bengal State University and Neotia University. She has published four research papers in UGC acceredated journals. She has been an invited speaker in various seminars and workshops over the last few years. Her interest areas include psychotherapy, counselling, child and adolescent psychopathology, personality disorder, obsessive compulsive and related disorder,  mood disorder, anxiety spectrum disorders, autism spectrum disorder and positive psychology.

Ms. Arundhati Biswas
Faculty Profile
Bipasha Chatterjee

Assistant Professor

Pursuing her PhD from the Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta


Bipasha Chatterjee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India.

Currently Ms. Chatterjee is pursuing her PhD from the Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta. She holds a First Class Master of Science degree in Applied Psychology (specialization in Organizational & Environmental Psychology), University of Calcutta. 18th West Bengal SET - 2014 (conducted by WBCSC) in June 2015. She has a total teaching and research experience of more than 9 years till date. Her area of interest is work life balance, occupational/job stress, communication in organizations, cognition and language, employee assistance program and exploring the emerging research areas in her respective field. She is the editor for two books (“Gender Equality in a Modern Perspective: Moving beyond Diversity”and “Human Resource Management in a Post Pandemic Global Environment: Roles, Strategies, and Implementations”, both published by Apple Academic Press, partnered with CRC Press, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group and the former book is Scopus Indexed). She has also chaired scientific session in national conferences, and has also delivered invited lectures. She has published four research papers out of which two are in Scopus Indexed Journals. She is also the author of three chapters in a book on Industrial Psychology and Social Psychology for undergraduate students and has also written book chapters in other books. She has presented research papers in various international/national conferences and seminars. Her PG Dissertation was published as a book from Lambert Academic Publishing in 2014. She is also, a Life Member of Indian School Psychology Association (InSPA). She is a sincere and committed academician who strives to explore the different aspects of Industrial Psychology and Organizational Behavior.

Bipasha Chatterjee
Faculty Profile
Dr. Sweta Sah

Assistant Professor

PhD in Psychology from the Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta


Dr. Sweta Sah is Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, Sister Nivedita University. She was initially associated with Adamas University as Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology for 2.5 years. She has completed her graduation in Psychology from Bethune College and Post graduation from Department of Applied Psychology in Science College, University of Calcutta. She has finished PG Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology from University of Calcutta. She has finished her PhD in Psychology from the Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta. She scored 7th rank in graduation in the University, scored 5th rank in the post graduation level and stood 1st in the PG Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology. She has acted as Guest faculty in the course of PG Diploma in School Counselling for the last five years. Dr. Sah has clinical experience of the last 10 years where she performed therapy, psychometric testing and diagnosis for adults and children. Her specialization is in the field of  clinical psychology, counselling psychology, developmental psychology, rehabilitation psychology, educational psychology. Her research area interest includes, attachment style, aggression, depression. She has received best paper awards in international conferences for her research paper.  Her journals have also been published in UGC care reputed journals. 

Dr. Sweta Sah
Faculty Profile
Sumita Palit

Assistant Professor

M.Sc in Psychology from the Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta., B.Sc in Psychology from Gokhale Memorial Girls College.


Sumita Palit is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology at Sister Nivedita University.

Presently, Sumita is also a Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta. Her research interests include social cognition, applied social psychology, Socio-affective domain, cognitive psychology, qualitative research, human-computer interaction, organizational behaviour, and user experience research. She has completed her B.Sc in Psychology from Gokhale Memorial Girls College and did her M.Sc in Psychology from the Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta. She qualified for GATE in 2022 with an All-India-Rank of 154. She also qualified for UGC-NET in June 2023. She has an experience of more than 1.5 years of working in academics as a Trainee Teaching Associates at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta and as a guest lecturer at the Department of Psychology, Loreto College Kolkata. She presented her research work as a paper presentation at the 27th Annual Conference of National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) in 2017. Her research was also accepted for poster presentation at the 24th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP 2018), held at the University of Guelph, Canada. She has published in a reputed journal. She loves to read detective novels, books on science fiction and Harry Potter.

Sumita Palit
Faculty Profile
Paramvir Singh Chohan

Assistant Professor

MSc Psychology from Rajabazar Science College, University of Calcutta in 2023, qualified GATE in 2021, WB SET in 2024.


I am Paramvir Singh Chohan, a recent post graduate from Rajabazar Science College, University of Calcutta in MSc Psychology (2021-23). I completed my graduation from Asutosh College, University of Calcutta in BSc Psychology, Hons (2018-21). Completed  my schooling from Abhinav Bharati High School in 2011-2018, Class 12 (Commerce). I have qualified GATE in 2021, WB SET in 2024. Published a paper in 2020 during Covid lockdown due to my interest in covering current events within my research. I also hold a Diploma in Digital Business Management since 2019 and have been engaged in the domain of Social Media and Digital Marketing. I have keen interest to work for social causes for which I have been associated with various NGOs since 2018. Recently I have been certified as an oral historian by the 1947 Partition Archive in 2024. Whereas I also have various certifications from platforms like Coursera and Hubspot for courses related to Psychology, Health, Finance and Marketing. I had also been associated with a start-up based on research as a Researcher. As a Clinical Psychologist Intern at Pavlov Hospital. In the past few years I have worked in various capacities such as Mentor, Freelancer, Researcher, Social Media Manager, Volunteer and interned as a Clinical Psychologist which I pursued along with my Studies. I have keen interest in Qualitative Methodology and worked with Focus Groups and Interviews during my time as a Postgraduate student in University of Calcutta. I have also focused my work on emerging adulthood during my work on my postgraduate dissertation. My other interest areas include but are not limited to Social psychology, Qualitative Methodology, Cognition and Emotion, Coping mechanism, Indian Psychology and Clinical Psychology. My hobbies include writing poems and working with literature which I have tried to showcase on various platforms.

Paramvir Singh Chohan
Faculty Profile
Ms. Ankita Biswas

Assistant Professor

M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology from University of Calcutta and is currently pursuing PhD in Positive Psychology.


Ms. Ankita Biswas, is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist, teacher and researcher with around 8 years of experience in the field of Psychology. She completed her M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology from University of Calcutta and is currently pursuing PhD in Positive Psychology. Her prior work experience includes holding a faculty position at the Institute of Psychiatry Centre of Excellence (IOP-COE), IPGME&R SSKM Hospital, Kolkata, along with part time faculty in Bethune College and University of Calcutta. She also served as Clinical Psychologist in the National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, National Institute for the empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (Divyangyan) Regional Centre-Kolkata, and Directorate of Child Rights and Trafficking, Government of West Bengal, alongwith other private organisations. She has several publications in peer reviewed national and international journals. She also conducts several workshops with children and adults on various relevant topics. She is proficient in dealing with a wide array of psychiatric illness, behavioural disorders and critical life problems. She is proficient in providing Psychotherapy and Counselling for a wide array of Child and Adult psychiatric disorders, emotional and behavioural problems, critical life issues, family & couple problems, Behavioural and academic difficulties. Her treatment expertise lies in the empirical and evidenced based practices in the areas of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Behaviour Therapy & Modification, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Positive Psychotherapy, Grief Therapy, Supportive Therapy, Behavioural Marital Therapy & Gottman method Couple Therapy.

Ms. Ankita Biswas
Faculty Profile
Sravasti De

Visiting Faculty

pursuing Ph.D in Applied Psychology from University of Calcutta


M. Sc in Applied Psychology, Specialization in industrial and organizational behavior, Currently pursuing Ph.D in Applied Psychology from University of Calcutta Total work experience in the field of academy: 10 years

Sravasti De
Faculty Profile
Sudeshna Sarkar

Visiting Faculty

Master of Science in Applied Psychology from Rajabazar Science College.


A passionate, experienced and dedicated professional with an exemplary academic record in industrial psychology and 14 years industry experience.

Actively involved in selection, recruitment, training and assessment activities.

Educational Qualification: Master of Science in Applied Psychology from Rajabazar Science College with specialization in Organizational Development and Human Resource Management. Had finished postgraduation from Calcutta University with First Class.

Sudeshna Sarkar
Faculty Profile
Dr. Moumita Das

Assistant Professor and Head - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics

Ph.D. in Physiology, Calcutta University


  • Ph.D. in Physiology, Calcutta University
  • M.Sc. in Human Physiology (Spl. In Clinical Biochemistry, Nutrition and Dietetics), Calcutta University
  • B.Sc.(H) in Human Physiology, Calcutta University
  • Received Prof. Sacchidananda Banerjee Memorial Young Scientist Award, 2019 on the published paper “Hepatoprotective effects of green Capsicum annum against ethanol induced oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis in rats”.
  • Ranked 1st in Master of Science (M.Sc. in Human Physiology) Examination, 2012.

Dr. Das is interested in research involving the prevalence of lifestyle induced non-communicable diseases in the society, the risk factors associated with it and the role of nutraceuticals in the prevention of these diseases. Community nutrition and public health are the primary focus area.

Study involving green synthesis of nanoparticles and their efficacy in preventing diseases is also one of the fascinating fields of his research. This could lead to new arena of research in nutraceuticals and their efficacy in preventing lifestyle induced several diseases.

  • 5 years of Research Experience
  • 6 years of teaching experience at both under-graduate and post-graduate level
  • 2 Invited Lectures at the Physiological Society of India.
  • System Physiology
  • Food Science
  • Basic Nutrition
  • Nutritional Biochemistry
  • Pathophysiology and Dietetics
  • 6 P.G. Students
  • 4 U.G. Students
  • 15 Original Research Article Publication in reputed National and International Journals
  • 3 Book Chapter
  • 7 National Conference proceedings and 2 International Conference proceedings


Dr. Moumita Das
Faculty Profile
Asmita Bhattacharjee

Assistant Professor - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics

M.Sc in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, PhD scholar at Jadavpur University.


Done my graduation and postgraduation in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics from Gokhale Memorial Girls' College and SNDT University,Mumbai respectively. Worked as an Invited Lecturer at Gokhale Memorial Girls' College for 1.5 years. Pursuing PhD on value added food product development at Jadavpur University, Dept. Of Food Technology and Biochemical Engineering.

Asmita Bhattacharjee
Faculty Profile
DR. Shreyasi Halder

Assistant Professor - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics

M.Sc., BEd., Ph.D.



  • Ph.D. in Food and Nutrition, University of Calcutta (2024)
  • B.Ed. in Food and Nutrition, University of Calcutta (2017)
  • M.Sc. in Food and Nutrition, University of Calcutta (2015)
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) in Food and Nutrition, University of Calcutta (2013)


  • Uma Mukherjee Memorial Scholarship from the University of Calcutta in recognition of securing the highest marks in BSc. (Hons.), 2013 amongst the admitted students & prosecuting P.G. course in Food & Nutrition at the University of Calcutta.
  • Received Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship for University Rank Holder by UGC, 2013
  • Received Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) by UGC, 2016
  • Received 3rd position for presenting a paper in “One Day National Conference on Food & Nutrition Security: Thus Far and Further organized by Nutrition Society of India, Calcutta Chapter”, Jadavpur University in 2018
  • Winner of Lecture Competition Ph.D. scholar in “5th Annual Conference of Society for Nutrition and Dietetics in collaboration with ICN Calcutta Chapter” Jadavpur University in 2019


  • Medicinal plants and herbs
  • Low-cost nutritious food
  • Therapeutic Nutrition
  • Public Health Nutrition
  • Sustainable Nutrition
  • Nutritional Psychiatry


  • 7 years of research experience
  • 3 years of teaching experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels


  • Human Physiology
  • Food Science
  • Nutrition Science
  • Medical Nutrition therapy
  • Nutritional Biochemistry


  • 8 P.G. Students
  • 3 U.G. Students



  • 8 Publications in reputed National and International Journals
  • 1 Book Chapter


Google scholar link:

ResearchGate link:


DR. Shreyasi Halder
Faculty Profile
Falah Ismail

Assistant Professor - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics

M.Sc in Food and Nutrition from J.D. Birla Institute affiliated with Jadavpur University


Falah Ismail is an Assistant Professor at Sister Nivedita University, specializing in Food and Nutrition. She earned her M.Sc in Food and Nutrition from J.D. Birla Institute affiliated with Jadavpur University, focusing on "Development of Food Product from Underutilised Leaves and its Analysis". She has 5 publications including paper and chapter publications in UGC-approved journals. Her research interests include nutritionally rich food product development. At the university, she fosters a collaborative learning environment, engaging students in research and contributing to academic initiatives. Falah is committed to research and new advances in the field of nutrition and supporting the university's mission.

Falah Ismail
Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics

M.Sc., B.Ed. (FOOD & NUTRITION), UGC NET – JRF, Ph.D. (Pursuing), University of Calcutta.



Ms. Das has expertise in protein nutraceutical development utilizing industrial food waste and its therapeutic application against lifestyle disorders. She has also worked on developing food nanoemulsion and its characterization.  Her future research interest is exploring nanotechnology for food product development, and sustainable nutrition through waste utilization.


  • 6 yearsof research experience
  • 5 years of voluntary teaching experience at the undergraduate level


  • Ranked 1st (Gold medalist) in M.Sc. 2015 (University of Calcutta)
  • Ranked 5th in B.Sc. 2013 (University of Calcutta).
  • Secured Third position (poster competition) in the international conference on " Application of oils and fats in FMCG sectors" organized by OTAI, 2024.


  • Food Science
  • Food Chemistry
  • Therapeutic nutrition
  • Food Microbiology
  • Nutritional biochemistry


  • 2 original research articles in peer-reviewed international journals.
  • 1 review article in peer-reviewed Elsevier journal.
Faculty Profile
Dr. Arpita Banerjee

Assistant Professor - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics

M.Sc., Ph.D. from University of Calcutta



  • Ph.D. in Home Science (Food and Nutrition), University of Calcutta
  • Qualified UGC-NET JRF
  • M.Sc. in Food and Nutrition, University of Calcutta
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) in Food and Nutrition, University of Calcutta


  • 2009-2014: Recipient of Annual Scholarship for 5 years (UG+PG) under the Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students,Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, Government of India.
  • 2012: Stood First-Class-Second from University of Calcutta, in
  • Graduation examinations (B.Sc. in Food and Nutrition).
  • 2014: Stood First-Class-Third from University of Calcutta, in Post-Graduation examinations (M.Sc. in Home Science).
  • 2018: Recipient of First Prize for Best Poster Presentation at the International Conference organized by ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition
  • 2024: Recipient of First Prize for Best Oral Presentation at the International Conference organized by the Oil Technologists Association of India (OTAI).



Research Article:

  • Banerjee, A., Ganguly, S., Chatterjee, N., & Dhar, P. (2023). Discerning the proximate composition, anti-oxidative and prebiotic properties of de-oiled meals: Mustard and Rice-bran. Food Chemistry Advances2, 100247.
  • Banerjee, A., Ganguly, S., Chatterjee, N., & Dhar, P. (2022). Evaluating the Nutritional Composition, Anti-oxidative, and Prebiotic Properties of de-oiled Sesame and Linseed Meals.
  • Das, T., Chatterjee, N., Chakraborty, A., Banerjee, A., Haiti, S. B., Datta, S., ... & Dhar, P. (2023). Fabrication of rice bran oil nanoemulsion and conventional emulsion with Mustard Protein Isolate as a novel excipient: Focus on shelf-life stability, lipid digestibility and cellular bioavailability. Food Hydrocolloids for Health4, 100143.


Review article:

  • Arpita Banerjee, and Pubali Dhar. "Amalgamation of polyphenols and probiotics induce health promotion." Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 59, no. 18 (2019): 2903-2926.


Book Chapter:

  • Arpita Banerjee and Dr. Pubali Dhar (December 2022). An Introduction to the Gut Microbes. NUTRIGRAM. Udaynarayanpur Madhabilata Mahavidyalaya. (14-18)ISBN: 978-81-954644-0-1


Newspaper article:



  • Nutraceuticals
  • Functional Foods
  • Bioactivity of indigenous foods
  • Nutrition communication



ORCID ID: 0009-0005-6140-8047, 

SCOPUS ID: 37029589500,

Dr. Arpita Banerjee
Faculty Profile
Beepsa Basu

Lecturer - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics

M.Sc., Registered PhD scholar


Completed my graduation and post-graduation in Food Science and Nutrition from J.D.Birla Institute, Jadavpur University. Worked as an Subject matter expert in a NGO, for a project. Invited as an evaluator in Food Corporation of India for Nutrition month celebration. Currently I'm Pursuing PhD on Food microbiology at Sister Nivedita University.

Beepsa Basu
Faculty Profile
Ranjit Bhowmick

Academic Instructor - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics

M.Sc.(Botany), GATE(Life Science), B.Ed



GATE(Life Science) 2023, CTET 2022, WBTET 2022 qualified. Diploma in Information Technology
and Computer Application.


  • Represented West Bengal State University at National level(Wet Lab Championship in IIT Delhi).
  • Recipient of Smt. Giribala Mondal Smriti Puraskar for scoring highest marks in English subject(HS level) in School.



  • DNA Extraction, Fungi Identification, Laboratory Instrument Handling.
  • I have previous experience in molecular biology (RT-PCR test of COVID-19) field.



  • Plant Pathology, Molecular Virology, Plant Pathogen Interaction.
  • Dissertation topic in M.Sc. - "Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems."
Ranjit Bhowmick
Faculty Profile

LABORATORY ASSISTANT - Applied Nutrition and Dietetics

BTech. in Food Technology from MAKAUT


Academic Qualification


BTech. in Food Technology from MAKAUT


Teaching Experience 


  • Working as Laboratory Assistant in the Department of Applied Nutrition and Dietetics, Sister Nivedita University.


  • Worked as Senior Technical Assistant at the Department of Food Technology, Techno Main, Salt Lake.




  • Organizing training programmes with local entrepreneurs.


  • Handling of Govt. Funded Projects viz. TIFAC CORE, MOFPI through analytic assessment of samples and sophisticated instruments.


  • Preparation of protocols for chemical analysis of food as per standards and FSSAI norms.


  • Teaching Learning Methodologies as per NBA requirements.


  • Evaluation and research on "New Food Product Development".


  • Sampling of product samples in accordance to standard sampling plans and procedures.


  • Calibration of Instruments.





  • ISTE STTP on Environmental Studies – IIT Bombay


  • STTP on Water for Drinking and Impact on Public Health – NITTTR Kolkata


  • STTP on Laboratory Safety Management – NITTTR Kolkata
Faculty Profile


MSc Psychology, B.Ed, pursuing Ph.D


She has completed her B.Sc (Hons.) in Psychology [University Rank 5th] [First Class] from the University of Calcutta and M.Sc Psychology [First Class] from the University of Calcutta, with a specialization in Experimental Psychology. She has interned at the Psychology Research Unit at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D in Psychology and her areas of research interest include Cognitive Psychology, Applied Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Educational Psychology, Positive Psychology, and Biopsychology. She also holds a B.Ed degree from WBUTTEPA and has completed the Psychology Category 1 Diploma Programme (For Developing Leaders in International Education) certified by the International Baccalaureate Organization, USA. She is an experienced faculty of Psychology having worked in reputed educational institutions in Kolkata, for the last 6 years.

She has expertise in working with adolescents and young adults. She has been involved with student awareness programmes and workshops on different social and psychological issues. She has published research articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and has a keen interest in reading, writing, poetry, painting, and public speaking. Her articles have been published in popular newspapers, magazines, and online. She is a life member of the Breakthrough Science Society, Kolkata, and a Full Member of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), India.

Faculty Profile
Dr. Rajat Pal

Assistant Director - Microbiology and Biotechnology

Post-Doc Research, Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Calcutta.


 E D U C A T I O N 

Post-Doc Research, Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Calcutta.

Ph.D. in Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Calcutta.

GATE – 2009 in Life Science

M. Sc. In Microbiology, University of Calcutta

M.Sc. in Bioinformatics, Sikkim Manipal University

Post Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics, DOEACC, Govt. of India. JU Campus

B.Sc. (H) in Microbiology, Calcutta University

R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

The primary focus of Prof. Pal’s research is studying bioremediation of heavy metal toxicity by microorganisms, and elucidating the molecular mechanisms of heavy metal toxicity (e.g. Antimony) resistance in several plant bodies. Specifically, he studies the genetic makeup and molecular pathways involved in heavy metal resistant bacteria by identifying the responsible genes and the genetic evolution of these genes. Alongside, he is investigating the role of selection pressure on the evolution of the heavy metal resistance in bacteria. The goal of this research is to discover the heavy metal toxicity resistant bacteria mediated protective mechanisms of plants and the evolution of these resistant bacteria.

The Pal lab is also analyzing the formulation and application of novel drug-nanoparticle conjugates, and the efficacy of nanocomposites using animal models. He is looking to identify the mechanisms by which nanocomposites impart protective effects against bacterial and cancer cell growth.

Additionally, Prof. Pal uses bioinformatics tools and computational models to solve molecular structures of nanoparticles and nanocomposite material. Through bioinformatics, he aims to understand the genetic alterations in heavy metal resistant bacteria.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Dr. Pal has 14 years of teaching, 12 years of research experience and three years of industry experience.
  • He had been appointed as Examiner for both UG and PG level examinations at many colleges and University.
  • He is member of Indian Science Congress, Indian Mycological Society, Microbiologist society, India.
  • He has eighteen international journal publications and more than thirty national and international conference publications.
  • Recipient of Gold Medal from Department of Botany, Calcutta University.
  • Recipient of seven national level awards


R E S E A R C H   G R O U P

  • Two Ph.D. students
  • Three research trainees
  • Two M.Sc. Project trainees
  • 12 PG research students
  • 24 UG research students



  • 13 Research
  • 5 Review Articles
  • 2 Book chapters
  • 2 Books

T e a c h i n g   A r e a

  • Biochemistry
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Bioinformatics
  • Nanotechnology
Dr. Rajat Pal
Faculty Profile
Dr. Rajat Pal

Assistant Director - Microbiology and Biotechnology

Post-Doc Research, Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Calcutta.


 E D U C A T I O N 

Post-Doc Research, Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Calcutta.

Ph.D. in Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Calcutta.

GATE – 2009 in Life Science

M. Sc. In Microbiology, University of Calcutta

M.Sc. in Bioinformatics, Sikkim Manipal University

Post Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics, DOEACC, Govt. of India. JU Campus

B.Sc. (H) in Microbiology, Calcutta University

R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

The primary focus of Prof. Pal’s research is studying bioremediation of heavy metal toxicity by microorganisms, and elucidating the molecular mechanisms of heavy metal toxicity (e.g. Antimony) resistance in several plant bodies. Specifically, he studies the genetic makeup and molecular pathways involved in heavy metal resistant bacteria by identifying the responsible genes and the genetic evolution of these genes. Alongside, he is investigating the role of selection pressure on the evolution of the heavy metal resistance in bacteria. The goal of this research is to discover the heavy metal toxicity resistant bacteria mediated protective mechanisms of plants and the evolution of these resistant bacteria.

The Pal lab is also analyzing the formulation and application of novel drug-nanoparticle conjugates, and the efficacy of nanocomposites using animal models. He is looking to identify the mechanisms by which nanocomposites impart protective effects against bacterial and cancer cell growth.

Additionally, Prof. Pal uses bioinformatics tools and computational models to solve molecular structures of nanoparticles and nanocomposite material. Through bioinformatics, he aims to understand the genetic alterations in heavy metal resistant bacteria.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Dr. Pal has 14 years of teaching, 12 years of research experience and three years of industry experience.
  • He had been appointed as Examiner for both UG and PG level examinations at many colleges and University.
  • He is member of Indian Science Congress, Indian Mycological Society, Microbiologist society, India.
  • He has eighteen international journal publications and more than thirty national and international conference publications.
  • Recipient of Gold Medal from Department of Botany, Calcutta University.
  • Recipient of seven national level awards


R E S E A R C H   G R O U P

  • Two Ph.D. students
  • Three research trainees
  • Two M.Sc. Project trainees
  • 12 PG research students
  • 24 UG research students



  • 13 Research
  • 5 Review Articles
  • 2 Book chapters
  • 2 Books

T e a c h i n g   A r e a

  • Biochemistry
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Bioinformatics
  • Nanotechnology
Dr. Rajat Pal
Faculty Profile
Prof. A.N. Lahiri Majumder

INSA HONORARY SCIENTIST - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Post-Doctoral Research from National Institutes of Health, USA (1973-1976) as Fogarty International Visiting Fellow/Associate.



DSc in Biochemistry from University of Calcutta, Kolkata.

Post-Doctoral Research from National Institutes of Health, USA (1973-1976) as Fogarty International Visiting Fellow/Associate.

Ph.D. in Botany from University of Calcutta, Kolkata.

M. Sc. in Botany, University of Calcutta, Kolkata.

B.Sc. (H) in Botany, University of Calcutta, Kolkata.

R E S E A R C H   I N T E R ES T

Major research contributions are in the area of inositols and phosphoinositides in relation to the biochemistry & molecular analysis, genetics, and biotechnological application of the pathways for attaining a stress-tolerant phenotype. Briefly these involve:

  • Molecular identification of the key pathway enzyme inositol synthase as an evolutionarily conserved ancient protein & gene across biological kingdom. Further identification of an evolutionarily conserved pentapeptide as the “core component” at it’s active site domain.
  • Identification of salt-tolerant proteins and their genes (PcIno1 & PcIMT1) from wild halophytic rice Oryza coarctata, their indepth molecular studies and generation of homozygous crop plants for attainment of salt-tolerant trait. Studies on the phosphoinositide specific Phospholipase C as a target for stress tolerance.
  • Newer extension pathways of the inositol metabolism in wild rice plants and studies of their regulation under adverse environment. Indepth studies on the promoters and cis elements of the different pathway genes as common key for coordinated regulation of inositol pathways under environmental stress.


P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • He held the positions of a Lecturer, Reader, Professor and Chairman at the Department of Botany, School of Life Sciences, Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan (1977-91).
  • Professor of Botany, Bose Institute, Kolkata (1991-1995) and as Senior Professor & Head, Plant Molecular and Cellular Genetics/Division of Plant Biology Bose Institute between 1995 -2011.
  • He also worked at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA (1979,1980,1982); University of Ohio, USA (sabbatical, 1986-88); University of Arizona, USA (1994,1996,1998,1999); and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA (2000,2002,2005).
  • He was a Raja Ramanna Fellow (2011-2016) and an INSA Senior Scientist (2016-2022).


A W A R D S   &  H O N O U R S

  • Elected Fellow, Indian National Science Academy (FNA), Indian Academy of Science (FASc), National Academy of Sciences (FNASc), National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (FNAAS), West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology (FASc&T)
  • Elected Member, Guha Research Conference 2001)
  • SB Saksena Award from the Indian National Science Academy (2008)
  • Sadakharaswamy Endowment Lecture Award, SBC(I) (1994/1995)
  • Parija Memorial Award, Utkal University (2001)
  • S N Pattnyak Memorial Oration Award, Bhubaneswar University (2017)
  • J C Sengupta Endowment Award, West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology, 2018.
  • Foundation Day Award, Bose Institute (1998).
  • Career Development Award, UGC (1980-83).
  • Fogarty International Center Visiting Fellowship/Associateship, NIH, USA (1973 – 1976)
  • Sir Rashbehari Ghosh Travelling Fellowship, Calcutta University (1982).
  • Rockefeller Biotechnology Career Fellowship (1998-2003)
Prof. A.N. Lahiri Majumder
Faculty Profile
Prof. A.N. Lahiri Majumder

INSA HONORARY SCIENTIST - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Post-Doctoral Research from National Institutes of Health, USA (1973-1976) as Fogarty International Visiting Fellow/Associate.



DSc in Biochemistry from University of Calcutta, Kolkata.

Post-Doctoral Research from National Institutes of Health, USA (1973-1976) as Fogarty International Visiting Fellow/Associate.

Ph.D. in Botany from University of Calcutta, Kolkata.

M. Sc. in Botany, University of Calcutta, Kolkata.

B.Sc. (H) in Botany, University of Calcutta, Kolkata.

R E S E A R C H   I N T E R ES T

Major research contributions are in the area of inositols and phosphoinositides in relation to the biochemistry & molecular analysis, genetics, and biotechnological application of the pathways for attaining a stress-tolerant phenotype. Briefly these involve:

  • Molecular identification of the key pathway enzyme inositol synthase as an evolutionarily conserved ancient protein & gene across biological kingdom. Further identification of an evolutionarily conserved pentapeptide as the “core component” at it’s active site domain.
  • Identification of salt-tolerant proteins and their genes (PcIno1 & PcIMT1) from wild halophytic rice Oryza coarctata, their indepth molecular studies and generation of homozygous crop plants for attainment of salt-tolerant trait. Studies on the phosphoinositide specific Phospholipase C as a target for stress tolerance.
  • Newer extension pathways of the inositol metabolism in wild rice plants and studies of their regulation under adverse environment. Indepth studies on the promoters and cis elements of the different pathway genes as common key for coordinated regulation of inositol pathways under environmental stress.


P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • He held the positions of a Lecturer, Reader, Professor and Chairman at the Department of Botany, School of Life Sciences, Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan (1977-91).
  • Professor of Botany, Bose Institute, Kolkata (1991-1995) and as Senior Professor & Head, Plant Molecular and Cellular Genetics/Division of Plant Biology Bose Institute between 1995 -2011.
  • He also worked at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA (1979,1980,1982); University of Ohio, USA (sabbatical, 1986-88); University of Arizona, USA (1994,1996,1998,1999); and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA (2000,2002,2005).
  • He was a Raja Ramanna Fellow (2011-2016) and an INSA Senior Scientist (2016-2022).


A W A R D S   &  H O N O U R S

  • Elected Fellow, Indian National Science Academy (FNA), Indian Academy of Science (FASc), National Academy of Sciences (FNASc), National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (FNAAS), West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology (FASc&T)
  • Elected Member, Guha Research Conference 2001)
  • SB Saksena Award from the Indian National Science Academy (2008)
  • Sadakharaswamy Endowment Lecture Award, SBC(I) (1994/1995)
  • Parija Memorial Award, Utkal University (2001)
  • S N Pattnyak Memorial Oration Award, Bhubaneswar University (2017)
  • J C Sengupta Endowment Award, West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology, 2018.
  • Foundation Day Award, Bose Institute (1998).
  • Career Development Award, UGC (1980-83).
  • Fogarty International Center Visiting Fellowship/Associateship, NIH, USA (1973 – 1976)
  • Sir Rashbehari Ghosh Travelling Fellowship, Calcutta University (1982).
  • Rockefeller Biotechnology Career Fellowship (1998-2003)
Prof. A.N. Lahiri Majumder
Faculty Profile
Dr. Fatema Calcuttawala


Ph.D in Molecular Microbiology, NICED, Kolkata, Post Doctoral Research, Bose Institute



Post Doctoral Research, Bose Institute

Ph.D in Molecular Microbiology, NICED, Kolkata

GATE – 2010 in Life Science


CSIR-UGC NET 2010 (SPM Fellow)

M.Sc. in Biochemistry Calcutta University (Gold-medalist)

B.Sc. in Microbiology Calcutta University

R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Soil-dwelling actinomycetes are the most relevant class of microorganisms to expand one’s knowledge on antimicrobial substance production. Most clinically important antibiotics originate from them. However, multidrug resistance is threatening the future continual use of antibiotics. Hence there is a need to develop alternative environmentally friendly processes of nanoparticle synthesis which involves utilization of biological systems as nanofactories thereby promising an environmentally clean, nontoxic and economical process. Dr. Calcuttawala’s research interest is directed at sampling the soil actinomycetes of East Kolkata Wetlands (EKWs) and screening them for antimicrobial substances and nanoparticle production against a wide panel of phytopathogens. The EKWs have been designated as "wetland of international importance" under the Ramsar Convention in 2002. Microbial richness of this region is its hidden asset. Soil samples collected from the wetlands are expected to show the presence of various new strains of Actinomycetes which are not only ecologically important but also have commercial value. Furthermore, the nanoparticles synthesized may exhibit a synergistic effect with the antimicrobial substances produced by them and can serve as effective tools in overcoming the roadblock of controlling those phytopathogens which are difficult to eradicate using the conventional agricultural methods.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Prof. Calcuttawala has 2 years of teaching and 8 Years of research experience.
  • She has 4 international journal and several conference publications.



  • Three UG research students
  • One Project Trainee


T E A C H I N G   A R E A

  • Molecular Biology
  • Virology
  • Microbial genetics
  • Recombinant DNA Technology
  • Medical Microbiology and Immunology


R E S E A R C H   A R E A

  • Bacteriology
  • Molecular and Cell Biology
  • Virology
Dr. Fatema Calcuttawala
Faculty Profile
Dr. S. T. Choudhury


Ph.D in Biochemistry, Calcutta University



Ph.D in Biochemistry, Calcutta University

GATE – 2010 in Life Science

M.Sc. in Microbiology Calcutta University

B.Sc. in Microbiology Calcutta University

R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Prof. Thakur Choudhury is involved in research on two major areas. Drug delivery system deals with the delivery of a therapeutic agent to the specific site in our body. The therapeutic agents or drugs have long been used to improve our health, to fight against the diseases and providing us an extended life. But the majority of the therapeutic agents face some major drawbacks like toxicity, resistance and poor bioavailability. In this respect, the drug delivery technology has opened a new avenue to improve the therapeutic efficacy of the drug.

Prof. Thakur Choudhury’s research interest is to explore the drug delivery field specifically liposomal and nanoparticulated drug delivery. Primarily he wants to develop new formulations of conventional drugs to improve their therapeutic efficacy. In future, the prime objective will be to develop target specific delivery of cytotoxic drugs for critical diseases like cancer.

Diagnosis of a disease is very important for proper and timely medication. In recent years a major thrust in the field of research is to develop an easy as well as efficient diagnostic tool for detection of disease. His objective is to develop easy, field adaptable diagnostic kits with higher sensitivity and specificity for the early detection of different infectious diseases as well as for different neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Prof. Thakur Choudhury has 2 years of teaching and 8 Years of Research experience.
  • He has 10 international journal and several conference publications.



  • One Ph.D. student
  • Three UG research students


T E A C H I N G   A R E A

  • Biophysics
  • Cell Biology
  • Drug Designing and Drug Delivery


R E S E A R C H   A R E A

  • Biophysics
  • Cell Biology
  • Cancer Biology
  • Molecular Diagnostic
Dr. S. T. Choudhury
Faculty Profile
Dr. Sudipta Saha

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph. D. from CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Jadavpur University


Dr. Sudipta Saha has 22 years of research (from Ph. D.) including more than 5 years of teaching experience along with a very short stint in industry. He is a Ph.D. from CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He received JRF/SRF/RA fellowships from DST, Lady Tata Memorial Trust, ICMR, CSIR along with CSIR-SRA (Pool Scientist Position). His Post Doctoral research is from Chang Gung University, Taiwan. He received DST-SERB-Startup Research Grant of about Rs. 30 Lakhs during his tenure as Assistant Professor (III) at Amity University, Noida. He had been appointed as External Examiner for both UG and PG level examinations at many Colleges and Universities. He is a Life Member of Indian Science Congress Association, Society of Biological Chemists, India. He is the recipient of “Biotech Idea to Innovation Award 2007” from British Council, New Delhi and “India Innovation Pioneers Challenge Award 2009” from Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, DST-India and Intel. He is also the recipient of two Best Poster Awards in International Conferences like International Congress on Gamete Biology 2006 and Bangalore India Bio 2011. He has international research exposures in Taiwan, USA and UK. He has 14 Journal Publications, 3 Review Articles, 4 Book Chapters, e-Books, 1 Granted Patent and 5 Press Mentions. His research interests are in the area of Reproductive Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Proteomics and Bioinstrumentation.

Dr. Sudipta Saha
Faculty Profile
Dr. Sudipta Saha

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph. D. from CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Jadavpur University


Dr. Sudipta Saha has 22 years of research (from Ph. D.) including more than 5 years of teaching experience along with a very short stint in industry. He is a Ph.D. from CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He received JRF/SRF/RA fellowships from DST, Lady Tata Memorial Trust, ICMR, CSIR along with CSIR-SRA (Pool Scientist Position). His Post Doctoral research is from Chang Gung University, Taiwan. He received DST-SERB-Startup Research Grant of about Rs. 30 Lakhs during his tenure as Assistant Professor (III) at Amity University, Noida. He had been appointed as External Examiner for both UG and PG level examinations at many Colleges and Universities. He is a Life Member of Indian Science Congress Association, Society of Biological Chemists, India. He is the recipient of “Biotech Idea to Innovation Award 2007” from British Council, New Delhi and “India Innovation Pioneers Challenge Award 2009” from Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, DST-India and Intel. He is also the recipient of two Best Poster Awards in International Conferences like International Congress on Gamete Biology 2006 and Bangalore India Bio 2011. He has international research exposures in Taiwan, USA and UK. He has 14 Journal Publications, 3 Review Articles, 4 Book Chapters, e-Books, 1 Granted Patent and 5 Press Mentions. His research interests are in the area of Reproductive Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Proteomics and Bioinstrumentation.

Dr. Sudipta Saha
Faculty Profile
Dr. Atreyi Ghosh

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Post-Doc Research from Yenepoya University, India



Post-Doc Research from Yenepoya University, India

Post-Doc Research from Northeast Hill University, India

Ph.D in Environmental Biotechnology, IIT Guwahati

GATE – 2006 in Life Science

M.Sc. in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Kalyani University

B.Sc. in Botany Calcutta University

R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Atreyi Ghosh is interested in exploring the phenomenon of bioremediation of inorganic pollutants through microbial consortia present in contaminated habitats. She is engaged to understand the mechanism of uptake and transformation of pollutants especially heavy metals by indigenous population of cyanobacteria and anaerobic bacteria. Her research interests also encompass to design cost-effective bioreactor system to treat real wastewater in vivo and in vitro condition. She is keen to analyze the pathways of transformation of the inorganic pollutants to their non-toxic form through those microorganism(s). She has already isolated and reported novel bacterial strains capable of treating multiple inorganic and organic pollutants from real industrial wastewater in batch and continuous systems. In SNU her research team is engaged with microbial synthesis of metal nanoparticle and analysing their antifungal effect. Also the team is involved in finding the potential of isolated cyanobacterial strain for heavy metal removal. Her future research plan includes the formulation of phyto-bioremediation system to contaminated wastewater and also the process of bioleaching of rare earth materials using isolated bacterial strains.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Dr. Ghosh has 10 years of teaching and 10 Years of Research experience.
  • She has 9 international journal and several conference publications.


  • Two PhD Fellow
  • Ten UG research students
  • Seven PG research students


  • 7 Research Papers
  • 1 Review Article
  • 8 Conferences

T E A C H I N G   A R E A

  • Microbial diversity
  • Microbial Metabolism
  • Industrial Microbiology
  • Fermentation Technology


Dr. Atreyi Ghosh
Faculty Profile
Dr. Fatema Calcuttawala

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D in Molecular Microbiology, NICED, Kolkata. Post Doctoral Research, Bose Institute



Post Doctoral Research, Bose Institute

Ph.D in Molecular Microbiology, NICED, Kolkata

GATE – 2010 in Life Science


CSIR-UGC NET 2010 (SPM Fellow)

M.Sc. in Biochemistry Calcutta University (Gold-medalist)

B.Sc. in Microbiology Calcutta University

R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Soil-dwelling actinomycetes are the most relevant class of microorganisms to expand one’s knowledge on antimicrobial substance production. Most clinically important antibiotics originate from them. However, multidrug resistance is threatening the future continual use of antibiotics. Hence there is a need to develop alternative environmentally friendly processes of nanoparticle synthesis which involves utilization of biological systems as nanofactories thereby promising an environmentally clean, nontoxic and economical process. Dr. Calcuttawala’s research interest is directed at sampling the soil actinomycetes of East Kolkata Wetlands (EKWs) and screening them for antimicrobial substances and nanoparticle production against a wide panel of phytopathogens. The EKWs have been designated as "wetland of international importance" under the Ramsar Convention in 2002. Microbial richness of this region is its hidden asset. Soil samples collected from the wetlands are expected to show the presence of various new strains of Actinomycetes which are not only ecologically important but also have commercial value. Furthermore, the nanoparticles synthesized may exhibit a synergistic effect with the antimicrobial substances produced by them and can serve as effective tools in overcoming the roadblock of controlling those phytopathogens which are difficult to eradicate using the conventional agricultural methods.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Prof. Calcuttawala has 2 years of teaching and 8 Years of research experience.
  • She has 4 international journal and several conference publications.



  • Three UG research students
  • One Project Trainee


T E A C H I N G   A R E A

  • Molecular Biology
  • Virology
  • Microbial genetics
  • Recombinant DNA Technology
  • Medical Microbiology and Immunology


R E S E A R C H   A R E A

  • Bacteriology
  • Molecular and Cell Biology
  • Virology
Dr. Fatema Calcuttawala
Faculty Profile
Dr. Anindita Banerjee

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D. in Microbial Technology from Jadavpur University. Post-Doctoral Research from NTNU Trondheim, Norway.


R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Banerjee’s main focus of research is on integrated bioprocess technology for synthesis of bio-fuel with special reference to bio-aviation fuel through microbial aerobic as well as anaerobic fermentation route and understanding the complexity of microbial communities and their metabolic processes for optimisation of downstream product development. Her study also focuses on simultaneous development of strains, bioproduction of value added- metabolites and product purification along with model-based bioprocess automation.

Besides, she also has key interest in wastewater treatment using immobilized microbial biomass and recovery of the adsorbate for cost-effective recycling of the biomaterials for application at industrial scale. Precisely, multiparameter process optimization based on statistical design of experiments (DOE) for maximization of bio-removal process is one of the key attentions of her study.

Dr Banerjee concurrently has keen interest in bioprospecting of novel enzymes required for broad spectrum biotechnological applications, their characterization and expression at molecular level.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Dr. Banerjee has 1 year of teaching and 15 years of research experience.
  • She has mentored B. Tech, M. Tech, M.Sc and Ph.D students in several National Universities.
  • She has ten international journal research publications and more than ten national and international conference publications.
  • Recipient of four national level awards.


R E S E A R C H   G R O U P

  • 2 M.Sc. Project trainees
  • 5 PG research students
  • 10 UG research students


T E A C H I N G  A R E A

  • Environmental Microbiology
  • Biostatistics



  • 10 Research Article
  • 10 Conference Publications
Dr. Anindita Banerjee
Faculty Profile
Dr. Anindita Banerjee

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D. in Microbial Technology from Jadavpur University. Post-Doctoral Research from NTNU Trondheim, Norway.


R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Banerjee’s main focus of research is on integrated bioprocess technology for synthesis of bio-fuel with special reference to bio-aviation fuel through microbial aerobic as well as anaerobic fermentation route and understanding the complexity of microbial communities and their metabolic processes for optimisation of downstream product development. Her study also focuses on simultaneous development of strains, bioproduction of value added- metabolites and product purification along with model-based bioprocess automation.

Besides, she also has key interest in wastewater treatment using immobilized microbial biomass and recovery of the adsorbate for cost-effective recycling of the biomaterials for application at industrial scale. Precisely, multiparameter process optimization based on statistical design of experiments (DOE) for maximization of bio-removal process is one of the key attentions of her study.

Dr Banerjee concurrently has keen interest in bioprospecting of novel enzymes required for broad spectrum biotechnological applications, their characterization and expression at molecular level.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Dr. Banerjee has 1 year of teaching and 15 years of research experience.
  • She has mentored B. Tech, M. Tech, M.Sc and Ph.D students in several National Universities.
  • She has ten international journal research publications and more than ten national and international conference publications.
  • Recipient of four national level awards.


R E S E A R C H   G R O U P

  • 2 M.Sc. Project trainees
  • 5 PG research students
  • 10 UG research students


T E A C H I N G  A R E A

  • Environmental Microbiology
  • Biostatistics



  • 10 Research Article
  • 10 Conference Publications
Dr. Anindita Banerjee
Faculty Profile
Dr. Asis K. Jana

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from National Chemical Laboratory, Pune. Post-Doctoral Research from University of Oklahoma, United States.


R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Jana is involved in research to understand the structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of complex biomolecular systems at atomistic resolution using theory and computational tools.  One of the major focusses is to understand the self-assembly pathways of the intrinsically disordered proteins, which is linked to a variety of "protein aggregation disorders" such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, and the modulation of their aggregation pathways with suitable nanomaterials and ligand binding using computer simulation techniques.

Since last year, Dr. Jana is also investigating SARS-COV-2 induced amyloid formation as a way to explain some of the long-term effects troubling COVID-19 survivors. For instance, symptoms of “Long COVID” and the Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in adults (MIS-A) resemble Serum Amyloid A (SAA) amyloidosis, and SAA overproduction is a symptom of COVID-19. Similarly, it has been shown that SARS-COV-2 infection can trigger Parkinson’s disease which is connected with alpha-Synuclein amyloid formation. We suspect similar relationships with amyloid-beta peptide, implicated in Alzheimer’s disease.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Dr. Jana has 12 years of research experience.
  • He has 15 international journal research publications and two international conference publications.
  • He has mentored in several B. Tech, M. Tech, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in national and international universities.
  • Recipient of two national level fellowships (UGC-NET and GATE).

R E S E A R C H   G R O U P

  • 2 PG research students
  • 5 UG research students

T E A C H I N G  A R E A

  • Mathematics and Biostatistics
  • Computational Biology
  • Chemistry


  • 15 Research Articles
  • 1 Review Article
Dr. Asis K. Jana
Faculty Profile
Dr. Asis K. Jana

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from National Chemical Laboratory, Pune. Post-Doctoral Research from University of Oklahoma, United States.


R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Jana is involved in research to understand the structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of complex biomolecular systems at atomistic resolution using theory and computational tools.  One of the major focusses is to understand the self-assembly pathways of the intrinsically disordered proteins, which is linked to a variety of "protein aggregation disorders" such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, and the modulation of their aggregation pathways with suitable nanomaterials and ligand binding using computer simulation techniques.

Since last year, Dr. Jana is also investigating SARS-COV-2 induced amyloid formation as a way to explain some of the long-term effects troubling COVID-19 survivors. For instance, symptoms of “Long COVID” and the Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in adults (MIS-A) resemble Serum Amyloid A (SAA) amyloidosis, and SAA overproduction is a symptom of COVID-19. Similarly, it has been shown that SARS-COV-2 infection can trigger Parkinson’s disease which is connected with alpha-Synuclein amyloid formation. We suspect similar relationships with amyloid-beta peptide, implicated in Alzheimer’s disease.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Dr. Jana has 12 years of research experience.
  • He has 15 international journal research publications and two international conference publications.
  • He has mentored in several B. Tech, M. Tech, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in national and international universities.
  • Recipient of two national level fellowships (UGC-NET and GATE).

R E S E A R C H   G R O U P

  • 2 PG research students
  • 5 UG research students

T E A C H I N G  A R E A

  • Mathematics and Biostatistics
  • Computational Biology
  • Chemistry


  • 15 Research Articles
  • 1 Review Article
Dr. Asis K. Jana
Faculty Profile
Dr. Surjit Singh

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D. Biotechnology, TIGP-MBAS, Academia Sinica & NCHU, Taiwan. Postdoctoral research, ABRC, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.


R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Surjit Singh’s research mainly focus on the aspect of molecular biology in different model organisms including plants and bacteria. As his Ph.D. and Postdoctoral research in Biotechnology with specialization in Plant Molecular Biology with a prior knowledge in the field of microbiology and environmental geochemistry, where he especially worked with arsenic contamination in the Indian rice field, and later to understand the basic fundamentals of plant genetics in order to cope with nutrient stress, specifically the iron (Fe) deficiency response mechanism in Arabidopsis to elucidate the factors behind the delayed flowering phenomenon through epigenetic modifications provided him numerous valuable skills and also allowed him to pursue inter disciplinary research..

Currently, Dr. Singh’s lab has primarily two independent focuses; First to dissect and analyze the nutrient stress, epigenetic phenomenon and flowering time control in plants which has the agricultural yield and management implications; Second to elucidate the molecular mechanism behind environmental detoxification using microbial system.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Dr. Singh has 9 years of research (including Ph.D. and Postdoc) and 1 year of teaching experience.
  • Recipient of Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Fellowship from Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
  • Recipient of Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) Ph.D. scholarship.
  • Reviewer in scientific journals.
  • Recipient of Silver Medals from VIT University and MAKAUT.
  • Recipient of Eleven international level awards.

R E S E A R C H   G R O U P

  • 3 PG research students
  • 8 UG research students


T E A C H I N G  A R E A

  • Molecular Biology
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Plant Biotechnology



  • 11 Research
  • 2 Review Articles
  • 1 Book chapters
  • 20 conference publications
Dr. Surjit Singh
Faculty Profile
Dr. Surjit Singh

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D. Biotechnology, TIGP-MBAS, Academia Sinica & NCHU, Taiwan. Postdoctoral research, ABRC, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.


R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Surjit Singh’s research mainly focus on the aspect of molecular biology in different model organisms including plants and bacteria. As his Ph.D. and Postdoctoral research in Biotechnology with specialization in Plant Molecular Biology with a prior knowledge in the field of microbiology and environmental geochemistry, where he especially worked with arsenic contamination in the Indian rice field, and later to understand the basic fundamentals of plant genetics in order to cope with nutrient stress, specifically the iron (Fe) deficiency response mechanism in Arabidopsis to elucidate the factors behind the delayed flowering phenomenon through epigenetic modifications provided him numerous valuable skills and also allowed him to pursue inter disciplinary research..

Currently, Dr. Singh’s lab has primarily two independent focuses; First to dissect and analyze the nutrient stress, epigenetic phenomenon and flowering time control in plants which has the agricultural yield and management implications; Second to elucidate the molecular mechanism behind environmental detoxification using microbial system.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Dr. Singh has 9 years of research (including Ph.D. and Postdoc) and 1 year of teaching experience.
  • Recipient of Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Fellowship from Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
  • Recipient of Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) Ph.D. scholarship.
  • Reviewer in scientific journals.
  • Recipient of Silver Medals from VIT University and MAKAUT.
  • Recipient of Eleven international level awards.

R E S E A R C H   G R O U P

  • 3 PG research students
  • 8 UG research students


T E A C H I N G  A R E A

  • Molecular Biology
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Plant Biotechnology



  • 11 Research
  • 2 Review Articles
  • 1 Book chapters
  • 20 conference publications
Dr. Surjit Singh
Faculty Profile
Dr. Rochishnu Dutta

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from University of Exeter, UK. Post-Doctoral Research from IISER Mohali.



  • Post-Doctoral Research from IISER Mohali.
  • Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from University of Exeter, UK.
  • M. Sc. in Forestry, FRI Deemed-to-be University, Dehradun.
  • B.Sc. (H) in Zoology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata.


R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Dutta’s research focus on chemical analysis of naturally occurring lipids using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. This includes extraction of lipids from natural sources, identification of novel chemicals, statistical analysis of the lipids as well as multivariate analysis for group differences in lipid profiles. He is interested in understanding the biochemical pathways and underlying genetic makeup involved in lipid synthesis.

The Evolutionary Ecology lab is also investigating the evolutionary outcomes of bacterial infection in host organism and hosts ability to resist, protect and survive life threatening microbial diseases.

Additionally, Dr. Dutta uses geometric morphometric tools to analyse shapes and forms of micro-organisms and microbial colonies.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Dr. Dutta has 1 year of teaching and 13 years of research experience.
  • He has previously worked in IISc Bangalore, IISER Mohali, NCBS Bangalore, ISI Kolkata as well as Nature Conservation Foundation Mysore.
  • He is member of Society for the Study of Evolution.
  • He has been reviewer for Journal of Biosciences (IAS, Bangalore) and Ethology journal.
  • He has been a volunteer for Worldwide Fund for Nature.


R E S E A R C H   G R O U P

  • 5 PG Research students
  • 10 UG Research students


T E A C H I N G  A R E A

  • Ecology
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Biodiversity and Taxonomy
  • Biostatistics



  • 5 Research Articles
  • 2 Books
Dr. Rochishnu Dutta
Faculty Profile
Dr. Rochishnu Dutta

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from University of Exeter, UK. Post-Doctoral Research from IISER Mohali.



  • Post-Doctoral Research from IISER Mohali.
  • Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from University of Exeter, UK.
  • M. Sc. in Forestry, FRI Deemed-to-be University, Dehradun.
  • B.Sc. (H) in Zoology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata.


R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Dutta’s research focus on chemical analysis of naturally occurring lipids using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. This includes extraction of lipids from natural sources, identification of novel chemicals, statistical analysis of the lipids as well as multivariate analysis for group differences in lipid profiles. He is interested in understanding the biochemical pathways and underlying genetic makeup involved in lipid synthesis.

The Evolutionary Ecology lab is also investigating the evolutionary outcomes of bacterial infection in host organism and hosts ability to resist, protect and survive life threatening microbial diseases.

Additionally, Dr. Dutta uses geometric morphometric tools to analyse shapes and forms of micro-organisms and microbial colonies.

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

  • Dr. Dutta has 1 year of teaching and 13 years of research experience.
  • He has previously worked in IISc Bangalore, IISER Mohali, NCBS Bangalore, ISI Kolkata as well as Nature Conservation Foundation Mysore.
  • He is member of Society for the Study of Evolution.
  • He has been reviewer for Journal of Biosciences (IAS, Bangalore) and Ethology journal.
  • He has been a volunteer for Worldwide Fund for Nature.


R E S E A R C H   G R O U P

  • 5 PG Research students
  • 10 UG Research students


T E A C H I N G  A R E A

  • Ecology
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Biodiversity and Taxonomy
  • Biostatistics



  • 5 Research Articles
  • 2 Books
Dr. Rochishnu Dutta
Faculty Profile
Dr. Amit Sarkar

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D degree from Jadavpur University, Postdoctoral research: Rocky Mountain laboratories National Institute of Health (NIH), Hamilton, MT, USA.



Postdoctoral research: Rocky Mountain laboratories, National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institute of Health (NIH), Hamilton, MT, USA.

Ph.D. Life Sciences (Microbial Genetics), Bose Institute, Kolkata.

MSc. Botany, Visva Bharati University, West Bengal, India

BSc. (H) Life Sciences, Visva Bharati University, West Bengal, India

R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Amit Sarkar’s research programme primarily focuses on molecular genetics of enteric pathogenic bacteria and their interactions with hosts. During doctoral research Dr. Sarkar focused on molecular characterization of Non-Cholera Vibrios to gain better insights towards their genetic differences with their epidemic causing counterparts. His postdoctoral research primarily focused on understanding the host-pathogen interaction and identification of novel virulence genes of Lyme disease causing bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing concern worldwide where rampant use of antibiotic has resulted in the emergence of antibiotic resistant strains. Infections with the enteric pathogen Vibrio cholera remains a concern in some of the South-East Asian countries and has emerged as a notorious drug resistant enteric pathogen over the past few decades. How these bacteria have evolved to acquire this drug resistance property and their survivability within the gut of the host in competition with the normal gut flora is one of the primary questions of Dr. Sarkar’s research. His research also aims at molecular characterization of hospital-acquired Salmonella infection and their antibiotic resistance profile. 

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

2015 - 2022: Assistant Professor and Head, Dept. of Biotechnology The Neotia University, West Bengal

2006 - 2012: Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow, Laboratory of Zoonotic Pathogens, Rocky Mountain Laboratories NIAID, NIH, Hamilton, MT 59849

1999 - 2006: Ph.D, Department of Microbiology, Bose Institute Kolkata, India, 700054

P E E R  R E V I E W E D  P U B L I C A T I O N S

1.    Poulomi Chakraborty, Debabrata Ghosh Dastidar, Payel Paul, Sutirtha Dutta · Debajjyoti Basu, Senjuti Roy Sharma, Shreosi Basu, Ranojit Kumar Sarker, Aparna Sen · Amit Sarkar, Prosun Tribedi (2020). Inhibition of bioflm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by cafeine: a potential approach for sustainable management of bioflm. Archives of Microbiology. Vol 202(3):623-635.
2.    B. M. Hayes, Daniel P. Dulebohn, Amit Sarkar, Kit Tilly, Aaron Bestor, Xavier Beth Ambroggio and Patrici A. Rosa (2014). Regulatory Protein BBD18 of the Lyme Disease Spirochete: Essential Role during Tick Acquisition? mBio. 5(2):e01017-14
3.    Stewart PE, Carroll JA, Dorward DW, Stone HH, Amit Sarkar, Picardeau M, Rosa PA. (2012). Characterization of the Bat proteins in the oxidative stress response of Leptospira biflexa. BMC Microbiol. Vol 13;12:290
4.    Amit Sarkar*, Hayes BM, Dulebohn DP, Rosa PA. (2011). Regulation of the virulence determinant OspC by bbd18 on linear plasmid lp17 of Borrelia burgdorferi. Journal of Bacteriology. Vol. 193 (19), Page. 5365-5373. (corresponding author)
5.    Jewett MW, Jain S, Linowski AK, Amit Sarkar, Rosa PA. (2011). Molecular characterization of the Borrelia burgdorferi in vivo-essential protein PncA. Microbiology. Vol. 157(part10). Page. 2831- 2840.
6.    Aaron Bestor, PhilipE. Stewart, Mollie W. Jewett, Amit Sarkar, Kit Tilly and Patricia A. Rosa. (2010). Use of the Cre-lox recombination system to investigate lp54 gene requirement in the infectious cycle of Borrelia burgdorferi. Infection and Immunity. Vol.78(6), Page.2397-2407.
7.    Amit Sarkar*, Kit Tilly, Philip Stewart, Aaron Bestor, James M. Battisati and Patricia Rosa (2009). Borrelia burgdorferi resistance to a major skin antimicrobial peptide is independent of outer surface lipoprotein content. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Vol. 53(10), Page. 4490-4494. (*corresponding author)
8.    Bisweswar Nandi, Ranjan K. Nandy, Amit Sarkar and Asoke C. Ghose (June 2005). Structural features, properties and regulation of the outer membrane protein W (OmpW) of Vibrio cholerae. Microbiology. Vol. 151(part 9), Page. 2975-2986.
9.    Amit Sarkar, Ranjan K. Nandy, G. Balakrish Nair, and Asoke C. Ghose (August 2002). VibrioPathogenicity Island and Cholera Toxin Genetic Element-Associated Virulence Genes and Their Expression in Non O1 Non-O139 Strains of Vibrio


T E A C H I N G  A R E A

  • Immunology
  • Recombinant DNA technology
  • Biochemistry


R E S E A R C H  A R E A

  • Molecular Genetics
  • Microbiology
  • Immunology


Dr. Amit Sarkar
Faculty Profile
Dr. Amit Sarkar

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D degree from Jadavpur University, Postdoctoral research: Rocky Mountain laboratories National Institute of Health (NIH), Hamilton, MT, USA.



Postdoctoral research: Rocky Mountain laboratories, National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institute of Health (NIH), Hamilton, MT, USA.

Ph.D. Life Sciences (Microbial Genetics), Bose Institute, Kolkata.

MSc. Botany, Visva Bharati University, West Bengal, India

BSc. (H) Life Sciences, Visva Bharati University, West Bengal, India

R E S E A R C H   I N T E R E S T

Dr. Amit Sarkar’s research programme primarily focuses on molecular genetics of enteric pathogenic bacteria and their interactions with hosts. During doctoral research Dr. Sarkar focused on molecular characterization of Non-Cholera Vibrios to gain better insights towards their genetic differences with their epidemic causing counterparts. His postdoctoral research primarily focused on understanding the host-pathogen interaction and identification of novel virulence genes of Lyme disease causing bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing concern worldwide where rampant use of antibiotic has resulted in the emergence of antibiotic resistant strains. Infections with the enteric pathogen Vibrio cholera remains a concern in some of the South-East Asian countries and has emerged as a notorious drug resistant enteric pathogen over the past few decades. How these bacteria have evolved to acquire this drug resistance property and their survivability within the gut of the host in competition with the normal gut flora is one of the primary questions of Dr. Sarkar’s research. His research also aims at molecular characterization of hospital-acquired Salmonella infection and their antibiotic resistance profile. 

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E

2015 - 2022: Assistant Professor and Head, Dept. of Biotechnology The Neotia University, West Bengal

2006 - 2012: Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow, Laboratory of Zoonotic Pathogens, Rocky Mountain Laboratories NIAID, NIH, Hamilton, MT 59849

1999 - 2006: Ph.D, Department of Microbiology, Bose Institute Kolkata, India, 700054

P E E R  R E V I E W E D  P U B L I C A T I O N S

1.    Poulomi Chakraborty, Debabrata Ghosh Dastidar, Payel Paul, Sutirtha Dutta · Debajjyoti Basu, Senjuti Roy Sharma, Shreosi Basu, Ranojit Kumar Sarker, Aparna Sen · Amit Sarkar, Prosun Tribedi (2020). Inhibition of bioflm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by cafeine: a potential approach for sustainable management of bioflm. Archives of Microbiology. Vol 202(3):623-635.
2.    B. M. Hayes, Daniel P. Dulebohn, Amit Sarkar, Kit Tilly, Aaron Bestor, Xavier Beth Ambroggio and Patrici A. Rosa (2014). Regulatory Protein BBD18 of the Lyme Disease Spirochete: Essential Role during Tick Acquisition? mBio. 5(2):e01017-14
3.    Stewart PE, Carroll JA, Dorward DW, Stone HH, Amit Sarkar, Picardeau M, Rosa PA. (2012). Characterization of the Bat proteins in the oxidative stress response of Leptospira biflexa. BMC Microbiol. Vol 13;12:290
4.    Amit Sarkar*, Hayes BM, Dulebohn DP, Rosa PA. (2011). Regulation of the virulence determinant OspC by bbd18 on linear plasmid lp17 of Borrelia burgdorferi. Journal of Bacteriology. Vol. 193 (19), Page. 5365-5373. (corresponding author)
5.    Jewett MW, Jain S, Linowski AK, Amit Sarkar, Rosa PA. (2011). Molecular characterization of the Borrelia burgdorferi in vivo-essential protein PncA. Microbiology. Vol. 157(part10). Page. 2831- 2840.
6.    Aaron Bestor, PhilipE. Stewart, Mollie W. Jewett, Amit Sarkar, Kit Tilly and Patricia A. Rosa. (2010). Use of the Cre-lox recombination system to investigate lp54 gene requirement in the infectious cycle of Borrelia burgdorferi. Infection and Immunity. Vol.78(6), Page.2397-2407.
7.    Amit Sarkar*, Kit Tilly, Philip Stewart, Aaron Bestor, James M. Battisati and Patricia Rosa (2009). Borrelia burgdorferi resistance to a major skin antimicrobial peptide is independent of outer surface lipoprotein content. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Vol. 53(10), Page. 4490-4494. (*corresponding author)
8.    Bisweswar Nandi, Ranjan K. Nandy, Amit Sarkar and Asoke C. Ghose (June 2005). Structural features, properties and regulation of the outer membrane protein W (OmpW) of Vibrio cholerae. Microbiology. Vol. 151(part 9), Page. 2975-2986.
9.    Amit Sarkar, Ranjan K. Nandy, G. Balakrish Nair, and Asoke C. Ghose (August 2002). VibrioPathogenicity Island and Cholera Toxin Genetic Element-Associated Virulence Genes and Their Expression in Non O1 Non-O139 Strains of Vibrio


T E A C H I N G  A R E A

  • Immunology
  • Recombinant DNA technology
  • Biochemistry


R E S E A R C H  A R E A

  • Molecular Genetics
  • Microbiology
  • Immunology


Dr. Amit Sarkar
Faculty Profile
Dr. Souri Roy

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D. in Molecular genetics, Plant genetic engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur



1. Snehasish Sarkar, Souri Roy & Sudip Kumar Ghosh (2021) Development of marker-free transgenic pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) expressing a pod borer insecticidal protein.  Scientific Reports, Nature, 11, 10543.

2. Snehasish Sarkar, Souri Roy, Sudip Kumar Ghosh and Asitava Basu (2019) Application of lateral branching to overcome the recalcitrance of in vitro regeneration of Agrobacterium-infected Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, Springer Nature, 137, pages 23–32.

3. Jagannath Bhattacharyya, Anirban Chakraborty, Souri Roy, Soumitra Kumar Sen (2015) Genetic transformation of cultivated jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) by particle bombardment using apical meristem tissue and development of stable transgenic plant. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 121, pages 311–324.  

4. Souri Roy, Snehasish Sarkar, Sudip Kumar Ghosh Development of a rapid and highly efficient in-vitro somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration of P.  glaucum (L) from shoot apical meristem (Under review)


5. Rajib Roychowdhury, Souri Roy, and Jagatpati Tah (2013) Estimation of heritable components of variation and character selection in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) for mutation breeding programme. Continental J. Biological Sciences 4 (2): 31-36.

Conferrence Proceding

1. 18th European Congress On Biotechnology 1-4 July 2018, Geneva Switzerland

Souri Roy, Snehasish Sarkar and Sudip Kumar Ghosh (2018) Somatic embryogenesis of sweet pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), a rich source of cellulosic biomass, New Biotechnology, Volume 1113, Issue 1-3, Pages 1871-6784, Elsevier,

2. 43rd FEBS Congress 7-12 July 2018, Prague, Czech Republic

 Snehasish Sarkar, Souri Roy, Sudip K.Ghosh (2018) Development of marker-free pod borer resistant Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan). FEBS Open Bio, 8: P.07-022. https://doi:10.1002/2211-5463.12453

Dr. Souri Roy
Faculty Profile
Dr. Souri Roy

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D in Molecular genetics, Plant genetic engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur



1. Snehasish Sarkar, Souri Roy & Sudip Kumar Ghosh (2021) Development of marker-free transgenic pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) expressing a pod borer insecticidal protein.  Scientific Reports, Nature, 11, 10543.

2. Snehasish Sarkar, Souri Roy, Sudip Kumar Ghosh and Asitava Basu (2019) Application of lateral branching to overcome the recalcitrance of in vitro regeneration of Agrobacterium-infected Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, Springer Nature, 137, pages 23–32.

3. Jagannath Bhattacharyya, Anirban Chakraborty, Souri Roy, Soumitra Kumar Sen (2015) Genetic transformation of cultivated jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) by particle bombardment using apical meristem tissue and development of stable transgenic plant. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 121, pages 311–324.  

4. Souri Roy, Snehasish Sarkar, Sudip Kumar Ghosh Development of a rapid and highly efficient in-vitro somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration of P.  glaucum (L) from shoot apical meristem (Under review)


5. Rajib Roychowdhury, Souri Roy, and Jagatpati Tah (2013) Estimation of heritable components of variation and character selection in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) for mutation breeding programme. Continental J. Biological Sciences 4 (2): 31-36.

Conferrence Proceding

1. 18th European Congress On Biotechnology 1-4 July 2018, Geneva Switzerland

Souri Roy, Snehasish Sarkar and Sudip Kumar Ghosh (2018) Somatic embryogenesis of sweet pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), a rich source of cellulosic biomass, New Biotechnology, Volume 1113, Issue 1-3, Pages 1871-6784, Elsevier,

2. 43rd FEBS Congress 7-12 July 2018, Prague, Czech Republic

 Snehasish Sarkar, Souri Roy, Sudip K.Ghosh (2018) Development of marker-free pod borer resistant Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan). FEBS Open Bio, 8: P.07-022. https://doi:10.1002/2211-5463.12453

Dr. Souri Roy
Faculty Profile

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR - Microbiology & Biotechnology

Ph.D. in Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University



Ph.D. in Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University

CSIR JRF NET – 2002 in Life Sciences

M.Sc. in Botany, Banaras Hindu University

B.Sc. (H) in Botany, Ravenshaw University



Dr. Dutta's research endeavors revolve around comprehending the underlying mechanisms driving plant productivity, employing both biochemical and transgenic methodologies. His primary focus resides in dissecting the regulation of chloroplast biogenesis and the intricate process of protein import into chloroplasts. A central aspect of his investigations lies in unraveling the relationship between chloroplast morphology and its functional attributes. Enhancing the operational efficiency of chloroplasts stands as a pivotal objective, particularly within the purview of biotechnologists aiming to augment overall productivity.

Moreover, Dr. Dutta is actively exploring the potential of chloroplasts as an industrial platform, a burgeoning interest in the realm of plant biotechnology. His efforts extend towards the formulation of innovative strategies to bolster growth, development, and resilience to stressors. Serving as a Pool Scientist and research scientist at the Department of Biotechnology, NIT-Durgapur, he has further expanded his scholarly interests to unveil novel pathways of light signaling critical for optimal plant growth and development. Dr. Dutta's engagement extends to the identification of nascent light signaling molecules and pathways pivotal in early phases of plant maturation.

His prolific contributions find publication in esteemed peer-reviewed journals such as Plant Physiology, Journal of Experimental Botany, PLOS ONE, and The Plant Journal, underscoring the rigorous scientific rigor characterizing his work.



2021- 2022 – Faculty (on contract) at Department of Biotechnology, University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

2019- 2021 – Research Scientist at Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology Durgapur.

2016 – 2019: Pool Scientist (Scientist‘s Pool Scheme, CSIR) at Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology Durgapur.

2012 – 2015: Research Associate at Department of Plant Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, United States.

2009 – 2012: Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Biology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada.


  • 12 research
  • 3 reviews
  • 2 Book chapters
  • 1 Conference proceeding
  • 1 Book review


  • Seven UG research students


  • Recombinant DNA Technology
  • Animal and Plant Biotechnology



  • Plant physiology
  • Chloroplast biogenesis
  • Light signaling
  • Crop improvement
Faculty Profile